
The 26th Annual Congress of the European Business History Association 2023

SEHR Fast Track

The Scandinavian Economic History Review is offering the possibility for participants at the EBHA conference to submit their papers for fast track consideration for publication. All contributions should be based on original research and will be subject to the normal peer-review process.

SEHR publishes articles and reviews in the fields of economic, business and social history with a particular focus on the Nordic countries and the Baltic region. The journal also publishes contributions from closely related fields, such as demographic and labour history, as well as articles dealing with theoretical and methodological issues.

If you want to be considered for the fast track, please send your abstract to the SEHR editorial team (sehr@ehff.se ) as soon as possible and no later than June 15. A screening will be made, based on the submitted abstract. If your abstract is accepted for the fast track, you will be required to submit a full version of the paper through the SEHR online submission platform (https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/sehr20) two weeks before the conference at the latest.

Accepted papers will be invited to a separate “fast track workshop”, to be held on Thursday 24, august. SEHR editors will be present and provide feedback on your work. The authors of the very best submissions will be invited to revise their papers based on these comments within three weeks, and the resubmissions will then be subject to the usual peer review process, with an initial decision made by the end of December 2023. Please note, that the fast track does not in any way preclude other papers from being submitted to the Review. Please also note that papers accepted to the fast track should also be presented in the regular conferences sessions.