BI Norwegian Business School

Business and Alumni

BI aims to strengthen the quality of interaction with the business society and to structure a beneficial collaboration between attractive national and international businesses.



A network for former students with a degree from BI.


Do you want to strengthen your company`s relationship with BI`s students and academic forces?

Well-dressed people in meeting talking together
Well-dressed people in meeting talking together

BI has established several advisory boards and councils, all of which have an advisory function in various areas that are important to BI.

Exteriour of Campus Oslo
Exteriour of Campus Oslo

BI Norwegian Business School is an independent, not-for-profit foundation and the main provider of research based knowledge on business and management disciplines in Norway.

Exteriour of Campus Oslo with BI logo in focus
Exteriour of Campus Oslo with BI logo in focus

Are you interested in learning more about how BI can help your business?

Please contact us at e-mail: externalrelations@bi.no

A cup of tea next to a computer with an online meeting
A cup of tea next to a computer with an online meeting

Upcoming and previous webinars / seminars from BI are digitally available here.

Woman smiling in a job interview
Woman smiling in a job interview

BI has a broad range of options for you as a company, whether you are looking for recent graduates or you are interested in marketing your company to BI students.