BI Norwegian Business School

BI Alumni

BI Alumni is your global community with more than 245 000 alumni. We give you the opportunity to stay connected, stay informed and advance your career.

Meet our Alumni

  • Suddenly, I saw the potential in understanding how diversity can create value.

    Sumeet Singh Patpatia has always enjoyed his work, but he longed for something he could truly be passionate about. That's when Schibsted brought him on board as the Head of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

    Read more about Sumeet

  • Passion for green energy

    He was part of the problem, but now Tor Arnesen wants to be part of the solution. The former CEO of Norske Shell believes the green transition will happen faster with BI on board.

    Read more about Tor

  • The Shooting Star in New York

    Just six months after completing his master's degree at BI, Fredrik Våland Fusdahl is now working as an analyst in Manhattan, on a team managing staggering sums for the Oil Fund.

    Read more about Fredrik

  • Natural talent

    When IKEA Slependen wanted to further invest in sustainability, they hired newly graduated economist Christina. She had been preparing for this since she was ten.

    Read more about Christina

Candidate Nomination Campaign

BI Alumni Awards 2024

The Alumni Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of our alumni, and their strong contribution to the society. Read more and nominate a candidate!

Upcoming activities

Recruit from BI

BI Career Portal image
BI Career Portal image

BI’s Career Portal gives you the opportunity to post vacant positions and promote career events in your company/organisation.

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Master Merit Society image

The Master Merit Society is an initiative to strengthen the relations between master's students, research, business and alumni. Deloitte and Gjensidige are on the team, and the collaboration will provide mutual benefits.

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BI Internship image

By offering internship positions you can team up with competent students that wish to use what they have learned at school in a real world context.

Company marketing image
Company marketing image

We give you the opportunity to market yourself and create valuable bonds with students through the BI Student Organisation.

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Not yet one of our alumni?

You have the opportunity to become one - see an overview of our programmes and courses!