Business and Alumni

Corporate Partner

Do you want to strengthen your company's relationship with BI's students and academic forces? Our partner programme builds a bridge between BI and the business community.

The purpose of the partner program is to build long-term and value-creating relationships between business and BI: 

  • Contribute to companies and organisations getting resourceful, knowledgeable and relevant candidates from BI after completing their studies.
  • Add value to companies and organisations by offering the best of innovative, research-based knowledge and to help companies and organisations take a stronger role in the development of a knowledge-based and sustainable Norway.
  • Make companies and organisations visible to the students at BI so that they make safe and good choices regarding future employers and career.

"Through our long-term collaboration with BI Norwegian Business School, we aim to promote and emphasise the incredible value the maritime industry creates for society. We are proud supporters of the BI Center for Ocean Business. We believe that the expertise we have through 160 years of business, combined with the scientific capacity at BI, contributes to progress in the maritime industry and the great value this creates."

Thomas Wilhelmsen

Chair, Tom Wilhelmsen's Foundation

We build partnerships through

  • Research-based, relevant and interdisciplinary knowledge and competence development
  • Project-based research collaboration
  • Collaboration in various arenas and events at and outside BI

Your company can foster knowledge exchange, innovation and development through research collaborations, internships, guest lectures, and workshops. By participating in research projects, you can provide valuable insights, resources and data to BI's researchers.

Similarly, offering internships to BI students enables them to gain invaluable work experience and contacts, while your company benefits from newly-graduated and highly motivated talent.

Offering guest lectures or workshops is also a great way to share knowledge and experience, as well as providing an opportunity for knowledge transfer and inspiration to the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs. This type of collaboration will not only contribute to educational and research initiatives, but also develop your own competence and ability to innovate.

What can the collaboration consist of?



Useful resource for your company - relevant experience for the students

Guest lectures for the students
Guest lectures for the students

Guest lectures for the students

Make the company professionally visible to the students.

Career days at campus Oslo
Career days at campus Oslo

Career days

Meet the students during the career days. Perhaps you will find exactly the candidate you are looking for.

BI International Case Competition
BI International Case Competition

BI International Case Competition

Student groups from 12 international business schools solve cases your company wants solutions to prepared by the best business students from the participating schools.

Master Merit Society
Master Merit Society

Master Merit Society

Meet and network with our best master's students.

Alumni Advisory board
Alumni Advisory board

Advisory Councils

Contribute relevant and up-to-date knowledge to courses and programmes.

Apply for Scholarship
Apply for Scholarship


Give support to the best students and get the company's name profiled.

Types of cooperation agreements 

  • Corporate partnership - Gjensidige
  • Research partner - Tom Wilhelmsen Foundation, companies in the construction industry
  • Knowledge partner - Oslo Busines Forum, Abelia
  • "DEIB" partner - Oslo Pride
  • Media partner - Dagens Næringsliv (DN)

Contact us

As a partner, your company is assigned a dedicated contact person at BI, who follows up on all inquiries and at the same time ensures that the company always receives an optimal benefit from the collaboration.