Recruit from BI

Promote your company

Increase your visibility at one of the largest career fairs in the Nordics, and tap into our pool of talent.

BI Career Fair

The career days are organised every autumn. The event will enable you to form valuable bonds with students.

As a company, you will be able to recruit from a broad range of knowledgeable and skilled students. Companies who wish to participate in the career days can contact us. 

The career days at BI is a project that is run by students at the BI Norwegian Business School through Næringslivsutvalget. The career days at BI are among the Nordic region’s largest career days.

For more information, contact the Business Manager in Næringslivsutvalget at karrieredagene.oslo@biso.no.

Company Presentations

We invite your company to introduce itself to the students at BI - campus Oslo.

A company presentation at BI will allow you to establish direct contact with top talent from BI. Meeting the students on their own turf will give your company a unique opportunity to influence their choice of future employer.

The students’ Næringslivsutvalg (NU) is responsible for booking and questions regarding company presentations and Career Days at BI in Oslo. 

The income goes to BISO`s work to support and further develop BI students academically and socially. 

For more information, contact the Business Manager in Næringslivsutvalget at business.nu.oslo@biso.no

Questions about the Career Portal can be adressed to karriereportalen@bi.no.

Market Yourself as an Employer

Employers have the opportunity to make vacant positions available or give career related information directed at BI students via our own Career Portal.

Employers are given free access to our career portal and can communicate job advertisements, profile corporate career opportunities and book corporate presentations and career days.

Contact Næringslivsutvalget for the following marketing opportunities and channels:

  • Placards
  • Screen Display
  • Marketing packages
  • Other requests

Head for information: business.nu.oslo@biso.no