
The right of appeal

BI Norwegian Business School is subject to the Public Administration Act in procedural matters. Individual decisions may be appealed in accordance with Section 28 of the Public Administration Act.

The right of appeal

An individual decision is a decision that applies to the rights and obligations of one or more specific persons. Examples of individual decisions can be decisions related to admission, exemption from examination, special examination arrangements and leave of absence.

  • Decisions relating to admissions
  • Decisions relating to special examinations arrangements
  • Decisions relating to academic recognition
  • Decisions relating to leave of absence
  • Decisions on annulment of examination

All individual decisions made by BI Norwegian Business School may be appealed. 

NB! For appeal about grades, special rules for appeal apply, cf. BI's Academic Regulations Section 5-13, and information at the Student portal (for students, log-in required).

About the right to appeal and deadline for appeals

  • The deadline for lodging an appeal is three weeks from the date on which notification of the administrative decision has reached the party concerned, for instance placed in your mailbox or sent by e-mail.
  • The appeal must be sent on e-mail to info@bi.no
    Should you have additional information about any new circumstances that may be of importance to the appeals process, please include this. 

What happens to the appeal?

The unit that made the decision, will first reconsider/review the case/ it once again. Should they choose to uphold the appeal and subsequently take a new decision, the case will normally stop there. 

Should they not uphold the appeal, the case is sent to the Appeals committee for a final decision. You will receive a copy of the referral letter. The decision of the Appeals committee is final and cannot be appealed. 


Any questions about the appeals procedure can be directed to the relevant person at the administrative unit that has made the decision (the sender of the letter in which the decision is communicated), or on e-mail to info@bi.no.

Are you still unsure if you will appeal or how to appeal; contact the Ombud for students

Appeals committee

BI's Appeals committee is the appellate body for individual decisions at BI. There is a separate Committee for appeals relating to decisions for the annulment of grades or exclusion due to cheating. Such decisions will be accompanied by relevant information.

Composition of the committee & term of office

The committee shall have 5 members with personal deputies, cf. Section 14-1 of the Universities and University Colleges Act.

The chair and deputy member of the chair shall meet the statutory requirements for "lagdommere", and shall not be employed by the institution. Two of the members must be registered students at BI Norwegian Business School.

The student representatives are appointed with a term of office of two years. The other members are appointed for a term of four years.
The Chair and deputy member of the chair can be reappointed once. Members with a deputy member will remain until a new member is appointed, even if the term of office has expired.

The members of the Appeals committee are appointed by the Board.