Master of Science in Business

Major in Leadership and Change

Customise your Master of Science in Business degree by choosing a major in Leadership and Change.

What will you learn?

Get the skills you need to lead change, innovation, and development efforts in organisations. It has relevance for a broad range of future roles, including those who lead change from below. The major combines an orientation in organisational excellence with psychology, fostering a dual attention to growing business and people at the same time.

This major provides you with state-of-the-art integration of theory and rigorous research with stimulating cases and practical application. You will gain an up-to-date knowledge base in leadership and change research. This includes both classical themes of the psychology of communication, motivation and influence, as well as new themes in leadership research from practice-based studies, positive organisational scholarship, and design thinking. 

Popular courses covered in this programme

Josefine Børufsen Sustainability Consultant CEMAsys Helping companies make green choices
Maren Grønås Birkeland IT Consultant Itelligence Making employees believe in change

Faculty perspective

Professor and Coordinator of the Master of Science in Business major in Leadership and Change, Arne Carlsen, explains how his time at SINTEF, Stanford University, and the University of Michigan influenced him, and how he is trying to incorporate it into the major.

Faculty perspective

Industry perspective

Digital transformation at Telenor: BI Alumnus and Senior VP, Anne Flagstad, talks about Telenor's path to become a leader in digital transformation, and the importance of leadership and change in this process.

Industry perspective


Programme Structure

The academic year at BI is divided into two semester, one in the autumn and one in spring. There are exams at the end of each semester. This programme structure provides an overview of which courses you will be taking and when you will be taking them.

Please be aware that the study plan and courses can be subject to change.