Centres, groups and other initiatives

Centre for Ocean Business

OBZ is a hub for the Ocean Business Ecosystem located at BI Norwegian Business School.

  • Colman, H.L., & Grøgaard, B.

    Paper presentation at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference in Istanbul, Turkey

    Legitimizing the implementation of an energy transition strategy; a sensemaking perspective.

  • Bu, M., Ciravegna, L., Grogaard, B., Hutzschenreuter, T., Lunnan, R., & Vo, T.

    Panel session at the Academy of International Business Annual Conference in Seoul South Korea, July 2024 in collaboration with scholars from China, Norway, Germany, and Costa Rica.

    The energy transition: “Some progress, must try harder”.

  • Vo, T., Grøgaard, B, & Colman, H.L.

    Paper presentation at the Academy of International Business Annual Conference in Seoul South Korea

    It Takes Two to Tango: MNE Recombination in the Energy Transition.

  • Monday, December 4, 2023 - BI Engelskspråklige standardkontrakter med norsk lovvalgsklausul. Diskusjon om de tolkningsspørsmål som oppstår.

    Handelshøyskolen BI, ved Institutt for rettsvitenskap og styring og Ocean Business Center inviterer til åpent seminar mandag 4. desember for å diskutere de tolkningsspørsmål som oppstår, med utgangspunkt i rettspraksis og teori knyttet til certepartier og andre typer shippingrelaterte standardkontrakter. En mye omtalt voldgiftsdom inntatt i ND 1983.309 («Arica») vil bli diskutert som et eksempel.

  • Thursday, November 23, 2023 - BI ETS and Sustainable Shipping: What's Ahead of Us?

    2024 is around the corner, and so is a “cap and trade” system to reduce emissions from shipping – the EU emission trading system (ETS). To comply with the upcoming regulatory changes business-as-usual will certainly need to adjust and adapt in order to combat climate change risks in a sustainable way.

  • Thursday, October 12, 2023 - BI Sjøslag 2023

    Delta på Sjøslaget 12. oktober der vi tar et dypdykk i den nye sjølovskommentaren publisert av Karnov på lovdata.

  • Thursday, June 8, 2023 - SDG Resource Center Jostein Tvedt and Tor Wergeland's article is featured in World Oceans Day 2023: Planet Ocean - Tides are Changing

    Jostein Tvedt and Tor Wergeland's article "Tax regimes, investment subsidies and the green transformation of the maritime industry" is featured in World Oceans Day 2023.

    Read more

    Abstract: Maritime nations aim at establishing an environmentally sustainable shipping industry by 2050. We use insight from real options theory to target tax reforms that may facilitate the industry’s transformation to sustainability. We demonstrate that a zero-cost tax package, which includes subsidies on green investments and a return to a regular income tax regime, can reduce investment thresholds. “Flags of convenience” and tonnage tax systems do not contribute to the sharing of risk between shipowners and governments. From a shipowner’s perspective a higher degree of risk sharing reduces the value of waiting to invest, which may shift an individual investment decision towards a sustainable optimum level.

    Read the article here. 

  • Bass, E., Bu, M., Grogaard, B., Marano, V., Milosevic, I., Putra, M., Van Tulder, R., & Verbeke, A.

    Panel session at the Academy of Mangement Annual Conference, 2023 in collaboration with scholars from Canada, China, Netherlands, Norway, and the USA.

    Climate Change, Multinationals, and the Energy Transition: Insights into this Global Grand Challenge. Academy of Management Proceedings. Volume 2023, Issue 101 Jan 2023.

  • Tuesday, November 29, 2022 - BI Business Review Kraften i bærekraft øker gjennom partnerskap

    Bærekraftige løsninger må ofte utvikles i samarbeid mellom mange partnere fra ulike bransjer og med forskjellige virksomhetsmål. Hvordan få til slike partnerskap?

  • Sunday, June 5, 2022 - Research grant awarded Alessandra Luzzi and Randi Lunnan for exploring the link between digitalization and sustainability in Ocean Business

    Digitalization and sustainability are two key issues in Ocean business, and the grant will be used to generate insights into ways that types of digitalization among sets of actors in ecosystems can promote sustainable solutions

  • Wednesday, June 1, 2022 - Market analysis project presentation for Brim Tech.

    Three students have worked on how to analyze an emerging market analysis and presented their analysis for BrimTech

  • Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - Consultancy project under the supervision of Randi Lunnan presents a market analysis for the ship design industry

    Five MSc students presented their analysis of the ship design industry in Norway and Europe, presenting the actors, their developments as well as challenges and opportunities for the industry.

  • Thursday, April 21, 2022 - OIFO Randi Lunnan continues as a member of the board of Ocean Industry Forum Oslofjord

    Randi Lunnan is appointed two more years as a board member of Ocean Industry Forum Oslofjord

  • Thursday, April 7, 2022 - BI BI leverer nytt lederprogram til Maritime Bergen (Norwegian)

    BI skal i samarbeid med Høgskulen på Vestlandet levere et nytt lederprogram skreddersydd til Maritime Bergens medlemsbedrifter.

  • Thursday, March 10, 2022 - BI Podcast: Stay Ahead: Randi Lunnan interview with Thomas Wilhelmsen

    How does a global maritime giant move towards the same goal across its many lines of business?

    Read more

    Stay Ahead S1E4

  • Workshop with Marintek and Ulstein in Ulsteinvik discussing the future of shipbuilding in Norway

    Workshop Marintech.jpg


  • Magnus Stokke and Kristoffer Kupen are hired as research assistants in the Dreams project.

    Magnus Stokke og Kristoffer Kupen.jpg

    Magnus Stokke and Kristoffer Kupen

  • Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - Strategic Management Journal New article: How does a partner's acquisition affect the value of the firm's alliance with that partner?

    How does an acquisition initiated by a firm's alliance partner affect the value that the firm can create and capture from its alliance with that partner?

  • Bass, E., Colman, H.L., Grogaard, B., Inkpen, A., Lunnan, R., Nippa, M., Pimentel, J.A., Taussig, M., & Vo, T. (2022)

    Panel session at the Academy of Mangement Annual Conference, 2022 in collaboration with scholars from Italy, Norway, and the USA.

    The Role of Multinationals in the Energy Transition. Academy of Management Proceedings. Volume 2022, Issue 101 Jan 2022.

  • Friday, April 12, 2019 - BI BI etablerer Centre for Ocean Business (OBZ)

    Handelshøyskolen BI har etablert et nytt forskningssenter for å fremme forretningsutvikling og bærekraftig drift av havnæringene.

  • Saturday, April 6, 2019 - BI Styrker forskning på havnæringene

    Onsdag 5. juni signerte Wilhelm Wilhelmsen, styreformann i Skipsreder Tom Wilhelmsens stiftelse, en avtale med Handelshøyskolen BI om et gaveprofessorat som skal styrke forskning og kunnskapsutvikling innenfor havnæringene og utvikle BI Centre for Ocean Industries.