Sustainability and Energy

Education Exchange Project: BI - Pardubice

A Joint project between the University of Pardubice and BI Norwegian Business School.

Innovation of Education Methods and Skills at the University of Pardubice - INEMSUP

Financed by EEA grants.

The nature of the project is to get acquainted with the process and methods of teaching in partner institutions by peer learning activities, as well as share knowledge and best practices in the field of environmental and social responsibility, innovation management and sustainability issues at the highest world level.

The expected objectives of the project are: 

  • Improved educational skills of lecturers of UPa and partners institutions.
  • Innovated courses/subjects related with Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Innovation, Social and Environmental Responsibility.
  • Promoted education of students/graduates in citizenship, environmental and social responsibilityissues.
  • Promoted collaboration and sharing of pedagogical methodology, knowledge and skills among partners institutions.

The project outputs are mainly:

  • Innovated courses’ curricula: Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Production and Consumption in the Chemical Industry, Innovation and Investment Management for Sustainable.
  • Development, New Trends in Business and Management, Social Communication, Environmental Economics, Project Management of Innovations, Innovation and Investment Management.
  • Created study materials and case studies.
  • Organized dissemination workshop summarizing the acquired pedagogical knowledge, skills and benefits.