Faculty and research

Department of Data Science and Analytics

The Department of Data Science and Analytics is the ninth department at BI Norwegian Business School and was established in 2020. Our faculty have a background in statistics, machine learning, statistical learning, and/or artificial intelligence.

BI Norwegian Business School registers our scientific publications in the national database Cristin (Current Research Information System In Norway).

Below is a list of the most recent publications. Follow this link to Cristin to make an advanced search.


  • Christensen, Dennis; Stoltenberg, Emil Aas & Hjort, Nils Lid (2024)
    Theory for adaptive designs in regression
  • Moss, Jonas (2024)
    Measures of Agreement with Multiple Raters: Fréchet Variances and Inference
    Psychometrika, 89(2), p. 517-541. Doi: 10.1007/s11336-023-09945-2
  • Lee, Adam & Mesters, Geert (2024)
    Locally robust inference for non-Gaussian linear simultaneous equations models
    Journal of Econometrics, 240(1). Doi: 10.1016/j.jeconom.2023.105647
  • Foldnes, Njål; Moss, Jonas & Grønneberg, Steffen (2024)
    Improved Goodness of Fit Procedures for Structural Equation Models
    Structural Equation Modeling. Doi: 10.1080/10705511.2024.2372028
  • Hoesch, Lukas; Lee, Adam & Mesters, Geert (2024)
    Locally Robust Inference for Non-Gaussian SVAR models
    Quantitative Economics, 15(2), p. 523-570. Doi: 10.3982/QE2274
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