
BI-JAMS Thought Leaders` Conference 2018

BI Norwegian Business School welcomes you to the BI-JAMS Thought Leaders’ Conference on Generalizations in Marketing: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses in Oslo, Norway, from June 3-5, 2018.

Registration to the conference is closed. 

- Thanks to the large number of high-quality submissions to the conference, all presentation slots have already been filled. We are thus unable to accept further submissions to the conference.

Please note, this conference has limited seating capacity.

Researchers who have confirmed their attendance by email with the conference organizers will receive an invitation to register online for the conference.

Please do only register when you have confirmed your attendance by email.

Registration fees: Price in EUR (incl. 25% VAT):

  • Faculty conference fee, EUR 280.00
  • PhD conference fee, EUR 210.00
  • Faculty conference fee, including dinner ticket for Spouse on June 4, EUR 400.00

Registration fees will not be refunded.