Being an international business school is visible across the organization. For example, as much as 30% of our faculty are international! We surround ourselves with the best people from all over the world. Norway's business, politics, innovation and other important areas of society are not isolated from the rest of the world. We want to offer an education that looks beyond national borders and that can create good cooperation and synergies. To be relevant internationally, it is essential that we are international. This also applies to you as a student. By taking your degree BI, you get the international profile you need to be able to succeed in large international companies.
International students
It is important for us to attract and surround us with international students. It is positive for BIs learning environment, the network, and the relevance of what we do. They raise the quality of our teaching by helping us to approach and see things from a different perspective. Be a part of our international student body and get to know people from other countries and cultures and expand your network and enhance your student experience.