Employee Profile

Christina G. Leonore Nerstad

Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour


Christina G. L. Nerstad, Ph. D., is a Professor of Organizational Psychology. Her research activities are in the areas of organizational behavior, human resource management, and occupational health psychology, focusing on the motivational determinants of achievement, health, and well-being at work.
She is involved in several national and international research collaboration projects. Her work has been published in international journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

Research Areas
Organizational Behavior (e.g., motivation, work climates, organizational stress, health and well-being, performance, turnover, knowledge sharing/hiding)
Human Resource Management (e.g., performance management, HR-practices)
Sport Psychology (e.g., motivation, well-being, sport management)

Teaching Areas
Organizational Behavior and Leadership
Motivation and Emotion in the Workplace
Organizational Climate
Organizational Stress and Well-being
Research Methods and Design


Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Seljeseth, Ingvild Müller, Richardsen, Astrid Marie, Cooper, Cary L., Dewe, Philip J. & O'Driscoll, Michael P. (2023)

Organizational stress : a review and critique of theory, research, and applications

Sage Publications.

Zhang, Qinyun; Wang, Xiao-Hua, Nerstad, Christina G. L., Ren, Hantao & Gao, Ruoyu (2022)

Motivational climates, work passion, and behavioral consequences

Journal of Organizational Behavior Doi: 10.1002/job.2661 - Full text in research archive

Drawing on achievement goal theory and the dualistic model of passion, this study identifies (1) mastery versus performance climate as the contextual antecedent for harmonious versus obsessive passion, respectively, and (2) proactive versus pro-job unethical behavior as the outcome of harmonious versus obsessive passion, respectively. Results from two studies—a survey study with 259 leader–subordinate dyads and an experimental study with 174 part-time master's-level students—largely supported our theoretical model. First, employees develop harmonious passion when they perceive the presence of a mastery climate, but develop obsessive passion when they perceive the presence of a performance climate. Second, harmonious passion mediates the positive effect of mastery climate on employees' proactive work behavior, whereas obsessive passion mediates the positive effect of performance climate on employees' pro-job unethical behavior. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are also discussed.

Kopperud, Karoline; Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Buch, Robert (2022)

Engaging the age-diverse workforce: the interplay between personal and contextual resources

Personnel Review, 52(5), s. 1499- 1524. Doi: 10.1108/PR-06-2021-0463

Zhang, Qinyun; Wang, Xiao-Hua, Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Hantao, Ren (2021)

Influences of Perceived Motivational Climate on Employee Work Passion and Subsequent Work Behaviour

Academy of Management Proceedings Doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2021.10256abstract

Steindórsdóttir, Bryndís Dögg; Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Magnusdottir, Katrin Thyri (2020)

What makes employees stay? Mastery climate, psychological need satisfaction and on-the-job embeddedness

Nordic Psychology Doi: 10.1080/19012276.2020.1817770 - Full text in research archive

Job embeddedness was developed as a new perspective to explain employee retention, and recent research has demonstrated its predictive power of voluntary turnover. However, little is known about factors that might influence job embeddedness. The aim of this study was to examine if a perceived mastery climate at work predicts job embeddedness (i.e., links, fit and sacrifice) and whether satisfaction of the needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence would mediate this relationship. In a survey of 430 employees from six organizations in Iceland and one in Norway, we found that the needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness mediated the relationship between a perceived mastery climate and the links, fit, and sacrifice dimensions of on-the-job embeddedness. We discuss theoretical and practical implications as well as directions for future research.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Caniëlis, Marjolein, Roberts, Glyn & Richardsen, Astrid Marie (2020)

Perceived Motivational Climates and Employee Energy: The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs

Frontiers in Psychology Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01509 - Full text in research archive

This study draws on achievement goal theory and self-determination theory to examine the associations among two motivational climates (i.e., mastery and performance) and two indicators of energy at work (i.e., vigor and emotional exhaustion), as well as the mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction (i.e., autonomy, relatedness, and competence). A two-wave longitudinal study was conducted collecting data from 1,081 engineers and technologists. We applied previously validated instruments to assess the variables of interest. Structural equation modeling analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses. Our findings show that mastery climate is positively and significantly related to each of the three basic needs, whereas a performance climate is negatively and significantly related to each of the three basic needs. Further, the results indicate that the basic needs are significantly associated with both measures of energy, negatively with emotional exhaustion and positively with vigor. This pattern of results suggests that basic psychological need satisfaction mediates the relationship between motivational climates and energy at work.

Nerstad, Christina; Buch, Robert, Dysvik, Anders & Säfvenbom, Reidar (2020)

Stability of Individuals’ Definitions of Success and the Influence of Perceived Motivational Climate: A Longitudinal Perspective

Frontiers in Psychology, 11, s. 1- 13. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01326 - Full text in research archive

In the present study, we investigated the stability and malleability of cadets’ definitions of success (mastery and performance goal orientations) contextualized within a certain motivational climate (mastery and performance climates). Based on data from three military academies, the results revealed that cadets’ goal orientations and their perceptions of the motivational climate remained relatively stable throughout the 2 years of study across three time-points. We also found that a mastery climate predicted individual mastery orientation, and that a performance climate predicted individual performance orientation. These findings contribute to achievement goal theory by clarifying the importance of considering goal orientation contextualized within a certain motivational climate over time. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

Kopperud, Karoline; Nerstad, Christina & Dysvik, Anders (2020)

Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Role of Motivational Climate and Work–Home Spillover for Turnover Intentions

Frontiers in Psychology, 11 Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01107 - Full text in research archive

Emerging trends in the workforce point to the necessity of facilitating work lives that foster constructive and balanced relationships between professional and private spheres in order to retain employees. Drawing on the conservation of resources theory, we propose that motivational climate influences turnover intention through the facilitation of work–home spillover. Specifically, we argue that employees working in a perceived mastery climate are less likely to consider voluntarily leaving their employer because of increased positive–and reduced negative—work–home spillover experiences. We further argue that employees working in a perceived performance climate are more likely to consider voluntarily leaving their employer because of reduced positive—and increased negative—work–home spillover experiences. In a cross—lagged survey of 1074 employees in a Norwegian financial-sector organization, we found that work–home spillover partly mediates the relationship between a perceived motivational climate and turnover intention. Specifically, mastery climates seem to facilitate positive—and reduce negative—spillover between the professional and private spheres, which in turn decreases employees’ turnover intention. Contrary to our expectations, a perceived performance climate slightly increased both positive and negative work-home spillover, however increasing employees’ turnover intention. We discuss implications for practice and future research.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Buch, Robert & Säfvenbom, Reidar (2019)

Goal Orientation and Perceived Motivational Climate: A Longitudinal Perspective

Academy of Management Proceedings Doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2019.3

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Wong, Sut I & Richardsen, Astrid Marie (2019)

Can engagement go awry and lead to burnout? The moderating role of the perceived motivational climate

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH), 16(11), s. 1- 21. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph16111979 - Full text in research archive

In this study, we propose that when employees become too engaged, they may become burnt out due to resource depletion. We further suggest that this negative outcome is contingent upon the perceived motivational psychological climate (mastery and performance climates) at work. A two-wave field study of 1081 employees revealed an inverted U-shaped relationship between work engagement and burnout. This finding suggests that employees with too much work engagement may be exposed to a higher risk of burnout. Further, a performance climate, with its emphasis on social comparison, may enhance—and a mastery climate, which focuses on growth, cooperation and effort, may mitigate the likelihood that employees become cynical towards work—an important dimension of burnout.

Vandewalle, Don; Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Dysvik, Anders (2019)

Goal orientation: A review of the miles traveled and the miles to go

Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, s. 115- 144. Doi: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-041015-062547 - Full text in research archive

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Roberts, Glyn (2018)

Who are the high achievers at work? Perceived motivational climate, goal orientation profiles, and work performance

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 59(6), s. 661- 667. Doi: 10.1111/sjop.12490

The purpose of this study was to respond to the call for research on goal orientation (mastery and performance orientation) profiles in work contexts. Among 8,282 engineers and technologists, Latent profile analyses indicated that four different goal orientation profiles existed – primarily mastery oriented, indifferent, moderate multiple goals, and success oriented. Both success oriented employees and employees who are primarily mastery oriented indicated the highest individual work performance. Further, mastery and performance climates were found to be relevant antecedents of employees’ goal orientation profiles. Supplementary analyses suggested that a primarily mastery oriented profile seems to be more beneficial for the facilitation of employee well‐being. The practical implications of these findings and directions for future research are presented.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Dysvik, Anders, Kuvaas, Bård & Buch, Robert (2018)

Negative and Positive Synergies: On Employee Development Practices, Motivational Climate, and Employee Outcomes

Human Resource Management, 57(5), s. 1285- 1302. Doi: 10.1002/hrm.21904 - Full text in research archive

While previous studies have increased our knowledge of how employees’ perceptions of devel-opment practices influence employee outcomes, the role of potential contingencies in this rela-tionship remains relatively unexplored. In the present study, we set out to contribute to thisresearch by exploring whether congruence or lack of congruence between perceived employeedevelopment practices and the perceived motivational climate at work influence employee per-formance and turnover intention. A field study among 169 employees from a Norwegian finan-cial organization revealed that lack of congruence may be detrimental in terms of workperformance and turnover intention. Implications for practice and future research arediscussed.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Rosalind, Searle, Černe, Matej, Dysvik, Anders, Škerlavaj, Miha & Scherer, Ronny (2018)

Perceived Mastery Climate, Felt Trust, and Knowledge Sharing

Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(4), s. 429- 447. Doi: 10.1002/job.2241 - Full text in research archive

Interpersonal trust is associated with a range of adaptive outcomes, including knowledge sharing. However, to date, our knowledge of antecedents and consequences of employees feeling trusted by supervisors in organizations remains limited. On the basis of a multisource, multiwave field study among 956 employees from 5 Norwegian organizations, we examined the predictive roles of perceived mastery climate and employee felt trust for employees' knowledge sharing. Drawing on the achievement goal theory, we develop and test a model to demonstrate that when employees perceive a mastery climate, they are more likely to feel trusted by their supervisors at both the individual and group levels. Moreover, the relationship between employees' perceptions of a mastery climate and supervisor‐rated knowledge sharing is mediated by perceptions of being trusted by the supervisor. Theoretical contributions and practical implications of our findings are discussed.

Škerlavaj, Miha; Černe, Matej, Dysvik, Anders, Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Su, Chunke (2017)

Riding two horses at once: The combined roles of mastery and performance climates in implementing creative ideas

European Management Review, 16(2), s. 285- 302. Doi: 10.1111/emre.12151 - Full text in research archive

Kuvaas, Bård; Buch, Robert, Weibel, Antoinette, Dysvik, Anders & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2017)

Do intrinsic and extrinsic motivation relate differently to employee outcomes?

Journal of Economic Psychology, 61, s. 244- 258. Doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2017.05.004

Buch, Robert; Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Säfvenbom, Reidar (2017)

The interactive roles of mastery climate and performance climate in predicting intrinsic motivation

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 27(2), s. 245- 253. Doi: 10.1111/sms.12634

This study examined the interplay between perceived mastery and performance climates in predicting increased intrinsic motivation. The results of a two-wave longitudinal study comprising of 141 individuals from three military academies revealed a positive relationship between a perceived mastery climate and increased intrinsic motivation only for individuals who perceived a low performance climate. This finding suggests a positive relationship between a perceived mastery climate and increased intrinsic motivation only when combined with low perceptions of a performance climate. Hence, introducing a performance climate in addition to a mastery climate can be an undermining motivational strategy, as it attenuates the positive relationship between a mastery climate and increased intrinsic motivation. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2016)

Motiverende arbeidsklima

Buch, Robert; Dysvik, Anders & Kuvaas, Bård (red.). Produktiv motivasjon i arbeidslivet

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Richardsen, Astrid Marie (2016)

Motivasjon og velvære i arbeidslivet

Buch, Robert; Dysvik, Anders & Kuvaas, Bård (red.). Produktiv motivasjon i arbeidslivet

Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2016)

Social-contextual forces and innovative work: a motivational climate perspective

Škerlavaj, Miha; Černe, Matej, Dysvik, Anders & Carlsen, Arne (red.). Capitalizing on creativity at work: Fostering the implementation of creative ideas in organizations

Birkeland, Ide Katrine & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2016)

Incivility Is (Not) the Very Essence of Love: Passion for Work and Incivility Instigation

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21(1), s. 77- 90. Doi: 10.1037/a0039389

Buch, Robert; Nerstad, Christina G. L., Aandstad, Anders & Säfvenbom, Reidar (2016)

Exploring the interplay between the motivational climate and goal orientation in predicting maximal oxygen uptake

Journal of Sports Sciences, 34(3), s. 267- 277. Doi: 10.1080/02640414.2015.1048522

Drawing upon achievement goal theory, this study explored the interplay between the perceived motivational climate, achievement goals and objective measurements of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). The results of a study of 123 individuals from three Norwegian military academies revealed that under the condition of a high-performance orientation there is a stronger positive relationship between performance climate and VO2max for individuals reporting a low (rather than high)-mastery orientation. Furthermore, we found that for individuals with a high-mastery orientation there is a stronger positive relationship between mastery climate and VO2max for individuals reporting a low (rather than high)-performance orientation. These findings contribute to achievement goal theory by providing support for an interactionist person–environment fit perspective. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

Buch, Robert; Dysvik, Anders, Kuvaas, Bård & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2015)

It takes three to tango—Exploring the interplay between training intensity, job autonomy, and supervisor support in predicting knowledge sharing

Human Resource Management, 54(4), s. 623- 635. Doi: 10.1002/hrm.21635

Humborstad, Sut I Wong; Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Dysvik, Anders (2014)

Empowering leadership, employee goal orientations and work performance: A competing hypothesis approach

Personnel Review, 43(2), s. 246- 271. Doi: 10.1108/PR-01-2012-0008

Černe, Matej; Nerstad, Christina G. L., Dysvik, Anders & Škerlavaj, Miha (2014)

What goes around comes around: Knowledge hiding, perceived motivational climate, and creativity

Academy of Management Journal, 57(1), s. 172- 192. Doi: 10.5465/amj.2012.0122

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Roberts, Glyn & Richardsen, Astrid Marie (2013)

Person–Situation Dynamics and Well-Being at Work: An Achievement Goal Theory Perspective

Burke, Ronald J & Cooper, Cary L (red.). The Fulfilling Workplace: The Organization's Role in Achieving Individual and Organizational Health

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Roberts, Glyn & Richardsen, Astrid Marie (2013)

Achieving success at work: The development and validation of the motivational climate at work questionnaire (MCWQ)

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(11), s. 2231- 2250. Doi: 10.1111/jasp.12174

Nerstad, Christina G. Leonore; Richardsen, Astrid M. & Martinussen, Monica (2010)

Factorial validity of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) across occupational groups in Norway

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51(4), s. 326- 333. Doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2009.00770.x

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Nijjer, Harpreet Kaur (2023)

Her er røddagene for 2024 og tips til hva du bør tenke på

NRK [Internett]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Skjær Brugrand, Camilla (2022)

Sommerpraten: Dette lytter norske toppledere til i ferien

Dagens perspektiv [Avis]

Kvalnes, Øyvind & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2021)


Ytringsklima (podkast) [Internett]

Dybdahl, Linn & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2021)

Hvor god er du på å ta deg fri?

Forskning.no [Internett]

Dybdahl, Linn & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2021)

Hvor god er du på å ta deg fri?

BI Business Review [Internett]

Thonhaugen, Markus; Andersen, Barbro & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2021)

Ingen «gratis» fridager i jula: – Kjipt

NRK [Internett]

Rønne, Knut Petter & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2021)

Se opp for tegn på utbrenthet

Dagens Perspektiv [Avis]

Graatrud, Gabrielle & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2021)

Ikke alt stress er negativt. Slik finner du balansen mellom sunt og usunt stress

Teknisk Ukeblad (TU) [Fagblad]

Graatrud, Gabrielle & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2021)

Rivalisering blant kolleger kan føre til utbrenthet. Slik skaper du et bedre arbeidsmiljø

Teknisk Ukeblad (TU) [Fagblad]

Rønnevig Andersen, Elise & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2021)

Hilde (31) kollapset på hjemmekontoret. Her er seks tegn på at du begynner å bli utbrent.

VG [Avis]

Bugge, Mette & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2020)

Treneren til Norges beste lag står overfor et brutalt dilemma: – Vanskelig situasjon

Aftenposten [Avis]

Balci, Sonja & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2020)

Disse arbeidstakerne har risiko for å bli utbrent

Forskning.no [Internett]

Fanghol, Tor Arne & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2020)

Ledere med empati vinner hos ansatte på hjemmekontor

Khrono [Fagblad]

Balci, Sonja & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2020)

Slik holder du motivasjonen oppe på hjemmekontoret

Forskning.no [Internett]

Mon, Su Thet & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2020)

Så mange ekstra fridager kan du få i 2021

NRK [Internett]

Kaspersen, Line & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2019)

Derfor lykkes arbeidstagere som Mari (30) best på jobben

DN+ [Avis]

Carlsen, Helge & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2019)

Disse fridagene blir du «snytt» for i 2020

NRK [Internett]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Myklemyr, Anita (2019)

Mindre stresset etter ferien

Dagens Perspektiv [Avis]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Groth, Annette (2019)


NRK P1 Ferievikarene [Radio]

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Alvik, Ole & Balci, Sonja (2018)

Unngå rivalisering på arbeidsplassen

Personal og Ledelse [Tidsskrift]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Kaspersen, Line (2018)

Kutter kjernetiden og lar de ansatte velge hvor og hvordan de vil jobbe: - Vi kan ikke henge igjen med bena i 1990

Dagens Næringsliv [Avis]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Tsolkas, Helene (2017)

Hva motiverer oss på jobb?

viten + praksis [Tidsskrift]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Kaspersen, Line (2017)

Denne lederstilen får ansatte til å prestere best

Dagens Næringsliv [Avis]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Balci, Sonja (2017)

Hva motiverer oss til å prestere på jobb?

viten + praksis [Fagblad]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Storbråten Gjendem, Cecilie (2016)

Slik får storbankene ansatte til å jobbe døgnet rundt

E24 [Avis]

Moe, Sigrid* & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2014)

Ny forskning: Økt arbeidsglede når ansatte overvåkes

e24 [Internett]

Wolden Fredriksen, Andreas & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2014)

Mener ansatte lider etter Lego-suksess

e24 [Internett]

Stranden, Anne Lise & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2014)

Slik roser du barn riktig

Forskning.no [Internett]

Stranden, Anne Lise & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2014)

Prestasjonsklima på arbeidsplassen svekker arbeidsinnsatsen

Forskning.no [Internett]

Černe, Matej; Nerstad, Christina G. L., Dysvik, Anders & Škerlavaj, Miha (2014)

Hide knowledge from co-workers? It just doesn't pay, study finds

Academy of management press release [Internett]

Černe, Matej; Nerstad, Christina G. L., Dysvik, Anders & Škerlavaj, Miha (2014)

Knowledge-hoarding is a no-win proposition

Management issues [Internett]

Černe, Matej; Nerstad, Christina G. L., Dysvik, Anders & Škerlavaj, Miha (2014)

Hoarding Ideas at Work? Why You Should Stop

Business News Daily, Fox Business News [Internett]

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Dysvik, Anders & Solem, Lars Kristian (2013)

Skjuler kunnskap for kollegaer

Dagens Næringsliv [Avis]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Karlsen, Tor Kise (2012)

Slår alarm om frafallet


Danielsen, Dag Inge & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2012)

Hva er nøkkelen til de gode prestasjonene?

Ernst & Young Magasinet [Fagblad]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2012)

Hva er nøkkelen til de gode prestasjonene?

Ernst & Young magasinet [Avis]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2012)

Slår alarm om frafallet

Dagsavisen [Avis]

Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2012)

Vinnerkultur skaper tapere

Dagens Næringsliv (DN) [Avis]

Nerstad, Christina; Seljeseth, Ingvild Müller, Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Cary L., Cooper (2023)

What organizational stress is and why it matters

[Popular scientific article]. BI Business Review

Seljeseth, Ingvild Müller; Nerstad, Christina G. L., Sørlie, Henrik, Kopperud, Karoline, Kost, Dominique & Vandewalle, Don (2023)

A Sense of Social Status: Antecedents and Relationship to Academic Performance

[Academic lecture]. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Runge, Malte; Kopperud, Karoline & Nerstad, Christina (2023)

To agree or disagree: Motivational climate strength in remote work

[Academic lecture]. SIOP Annual Conference.

Kost, Dominique; Runge, Malte, Kopperud, Karoline & Nerstad, Christina (2023)

To agree or disagree: Motivational climates in remote work.

[Academic lecture]. SIOP Annual Conference.

Kost, Dominique; Nerstad, Christina & Kopperud, Karoline (2022)

Emotions and relationships in the digital workplace: A diary study

[Academic lecture]. Work Family Researchers Network (WFRN) Biannual conference.

Carlsen, Arne; Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Dysvik, Anders (2022)

Radical career transitions revisited: From self-achievement to desires of the other

[Academic lecture]. 13th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, Theme: Organizing on the Precipice: Process Studies in Extreme Contexts.

Kost, Dominique; Kopperud, Karoline Hofslett & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2022)

Sweet and Sour? Relationship Quality in the Digital Workplace

[Academic lecture]. 2022 Work and Family Researchers Network conference.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Simensen, Emma Sofie & Ramberg, Aud (2022)

“Participating in work life gives so much health”― A qualitative study

[Academic lecture]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) conference.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Seljeseth, Ingvild Müller, Kopperud, Karoline Hofslett, Vandewalle, Don & Kost, Dominique (2022)

The Effect of Small Social-Psychological Interventions on Engagement and Completion Intention

[Academic lecture]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) conference.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Ingvild, Seljeseth, Kopperud, Karoline, Vandewalle, Don & Kost, Dominique (2022)

The Effect of Small Social-Psychological Interventions on Engagement and Completion Intention

[Academic lecture]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psycology Congress.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Caniëls, Marjolein, Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Roberts, Glyn Caerwyn (2021)

When winning is everything – The maladaptive motivational process toward reduced professional efficacy

[Academic lecture]. British Academy of Management Conference.

Zhang, Qinyun; Wang, Xiao-Hua, Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Hantao, Ren (2021)

Influences of Perceived Motivational Climate on Employee Work Passion and Subsequent Work Behaviour

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2021)

6 tips til å skape energi på jobb

[Popular scientific article]. BI Leadership Magazine

Kopperud, Karoline; Nerstad, Christina G. L., Buch, Robert & Kost, Dominique (2020)

Engaging the age-diverse workforce: The interplay between personal and contextual resources

[Academic lecture]. Accepted at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver..

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Buch, Robert & Säfvenbom, Reidar (2019)

Goal Orientation and Perceived Motivational Climate: A Longitudinal Perspective

[Academic lecture]. The annual meeting of the Academy of Management.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Kopperud, Karoline & Buch, Robert (2019)

Leader burnout and follower engagement: The moderating role of follower psychological flexibility

[Academic lecture]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psycology Congress.

Andersen, Ingvild; Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Backe Drange, Karoline (2018)

Leader Goal Orientation Profiles, Motivational Climate and Employee Turnover Intention

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Dysvik, Anders (2018)

Rivalisering eller samarbeid i jakten på suksess

[Popular scientific article]. Kommunerevisoren, 3, s. 17- 18.

Kopperud, Karoline & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2017)

Work engagement and age diversity. The role of goal orientation, work-family spillover, and competence mobilization across age groups

[Academic lecture]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress (EAWOP).

Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Kuvaas, Bård (2017)

Motivasjon og prestasjon

Einarsen, Ståle; Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Skogstad, Anders (red.). Organisasjon og ledelse

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Glasø, Lars, Dysvik, Anders & Scherer, Ronny (2016)

The mechanism to protest at work: A multilevel study

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Kasta, Martine, Rustan, Martine & Glasø, Lars (2016)

Should I stay or should I go? Positive stress, work engagement, and perceived supervisor support in a business travel context.

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Richardsen, Astrid M. & Humborstad, Sut I Wong (2015)

Is work engagement always a good thing? The role of the motivational climate

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2015.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Glasø, Lars & Dysvik, Anders (2015)

Abusive Leadership, Mastery Climate, and Counterproductive Work Behavior.

[Academic lecture]. EAWOP.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Dysvik, Anders, Černe, Matej & Škerlavaj, Miha (2015)

Mastery Climate, Mastery Goal Orientation and Knowledge Sharing

[Academic lecture]. EAWOP 2015.

Škerlavaj, Miha; Černe, Matej, Dysvik, Anders, Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Su, Chunke (2013)

Different, different but same : the combined roles of mastery and performance climates in implementing creative ideas in China and Slovenia

[Academic lecture]. 1st China-Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Conference on Cross-Cultural Dialogue, Education & Business.

Škerlavaj, Miha; Černe, Matej, Dysvik, Anders, Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Su, Chunke (2013)

The combined roles of mastery and performance climates in implementing creative ideas

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Humborstad, Sut I Wong (2013)


[Academic lecture]. Work; Health and Stress Conference.

Buch, Robert; Dysvik, Anders, Kuvaas, Bård & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2013)

Perceived training intensity, job autonomy and supervisor support as predictors of knowledge sharing

[Academic lecture]. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Černe, Matej; Nerstad, Christina G. L., Dysvik, Anders & Škerlavaj, Miha (2013)

Kar seješ, to žanješ

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. MQ Revija Združenja Manager, s. 26- 27.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Humborstad, Sut I Wong (2013)

The ”dark side” of engagement and the motivational climate at work

[Academic lecture]. Work, Stress and Health Conference (WSH).

Humborstad, Sut I Wong; Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Dysvik, Anders (2012)

Empowering Leadership and Subordinate Performance: The Moderating Role of Individual Goal Orientation

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Černe, Matej; Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Skerlavaj, Miha (2012)

Don’t come around here no more: Knowledge hiding, perceived motivational climate, and creativity

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Roberts, Glyn C. (2012)

Who are the high achievers at work? The perceived motivational climate, goal orientation profiles, and work performance

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Humborstad, Sut I Wong & Nerstad, Christina G. Leonore (2012)

Empowering leadership and employee performance: The moderating role of individual goal orientation

[Academic lecture]. the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Nerstad, Christina G. Leonore; Roberts, Glyn C., Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Dysvik, Anders (2011)

Antecedents of the Motivational Climate at Work: The Role of Commitment-Based Human Resource Management and Perceived Supervisor Support Climates

[Academic lecture]. the Deutch HRM Network Confrence.

Nerstad, Christina G. Leonore; Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Roberts, Glyn C. (2011)

Interaction between goal orientations and perceived motivational climate: Relevance for work related well-being and ill health

[Academic lecture]. the Work, Stress, and Health Conference (WESH).

Nerstad, Christina G. Leonore; Richardsen, Astrid M. & Roberts, Glyn C. (2011)

The person-situation interaction revisited: An achievement goal theory perspective

[Academic lecture]. the Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Nerstad, Christina G. Leonore; Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Roberts, Glyn (2011)

Person-situation dynamics, work engagement and burnout: An achievement goal theory perspective

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management.

Nerstad, Christina G. Leonore; Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Roberts, Glyn (2011)

Interaction between the motivational climate and goal orientations: Relevance for work related well-being and ill-health

[Academic lecture]. Work, Stress and Health.

Nerstad, Christina G. Leonore; Roberts, Glyn, Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Dysvik, Anders (2011)

Commitment-based HRM- and supervisor support climates as predictors of the motivational climate at work: Relevance for the optimization of knowledge sharing

[Academic lecture]. Deutch HRM Network Conference.

Richardsen, Astrid Marie; Nerstad, Christina G. Leonore & Roberts, Glyn (2010)

The influence of the motivational climate on motivational regulation, work performance, and turnover intention

[Academic lecture]. Fourth International Conference on Self-Determination Theory.

Richardsen, Astrid Marie; Nerstad, Christina G. Leonore & Roberts, Glyn (2010)

The development and validation of the motivational climate at work questionnaire (MCWQ)

[Academic lecture]. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Nerstad, Christina G. Leonore (2009)

The Development and Validation of the Perceived Motivational Climate at Work Questionnaire (PMCWQ)

[Academic lecture]. The 3rd Positive Occupational Health Psychology Seminar.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2012 BI Norwegian Business School Ph.D.
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2021 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor of Organizational Psychology
2018 - 2021 Oslo Metropolitan University Professor of Organization and Leadership
2017 - 2018 Oslo Metropolitan University Associate Professor of Organizational Psychology
2015 - 2016 BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor of Organizational Psychology
2012 - 2015 BI Norwegian Business School Postdoctoral Fellow
2012 - 2012 BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor of Organizational Psychology
2011 - 2011 BI Norwegian Business School Lecturer
2006 - 2011 BI Norwegian Business School Ph.D. Candidate
2004 - 2006 University of Sport and Physical Education Research Assistant
1999 - 2000 Svendstuen Skole Assistant teacher