
The Connected Care Conference

Monday to Wednesday 05 - 07 June
  • Starts:18:00, 5 June 2023
  • Ends:15:00, 7 June 2023
  • Location:BI - campus Oslo
  • Price:3125,- NOK (excl. hotel)
  • Enrolment deadline:29.05.2023
  • Contact:Per Ingvar Olsen (per.i.olsen@bi.no)

The Connected Care Conference will bring together researchers, practitioners and decision makers to learn about recent research on healthcare innovation and explore the future of healthcare.

The conference will address innovation in digital healthcare, and highlight the possibilities, progress and challenges in the field. Through engaging talks and interactive workshops you will see how you can contribute to design, procure and scale innovations for people-centered care.

The plenary sessions will be held in English, while some of the parallel tracks and workshops will be held in Norwegian. See program for more information.

Organizer: Center for Connected Care (C3), Oslo Universitetssykehus



Read more about the partners by visiting The Centre for Connected Care (C3) website