
The Connected Care Conference


  • Time
  • Title
  • Registration

    Registration at BI main reception area.
    Coffee and pastries.

  • Conference Opening and Welcoming Speeches

    Room: A1-030

    By Karen Spens, President of BI Norwegian Business School

    By Petter Andreas Ringen, Leader of Division of Mental Health and addiction, Oslo University Hospital

    By Anne Kjersti Fahlvik, Executive Director, Research Council of Norway

    By Kari Kværner, Director of Center for Connected Care, Oslo University Hospital

  • Keynote Presentation: "Digital Healthcare in Practice and Theory: Perspectives on the Future of Digital Care"

    By Lorna Ross, Chief Innovation Officer, VHI Health & Wellbeing, Ireland

    Read about the speaker below. 

  • Break

  • Panel Discussion: “Challenges and Strategies for Digital Innovation in Healthcare at Home”

    Moderator: Josina Vink, Associate Professor, Oslo School of Architecture and Design

    Participants: Lena Nymo Helli, Norway Health Tech, Jens Espeland, Sarpsborg Municipality, Petter Andreas, Olso University Hospital and Line Linstad, National Centre for E-Health Research

    Read about the participants here. 

  • Lunch

    Lunch outside of the auditorium, 1st floor

  • Parallel Sessions*

    * Please see details below.
    There will be smaller breaks throughout the sessions.

  • Conference Dinner

    BI Rooftop restaurant at 7th floor

13:00-17:00: Parallel sessions

Moderator: Josina Vink, Associate Professor, AHO


  • Shivani Prakash, Designer, DesignIt
  • Zhipeng Duan, PhD Fellow, Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)
  • Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)
  • Tomas Edman, Founder and Coordinator at Experio Lab

Moderator: Linn Støme, Andreas Moan og Thomas Hoholm


  • Kari Kværner, Senterdirektør C3 OUS og professor i helseinnovasjon ved Handelshøyskolen BI
  • Linn Støme, Post Doc Fellow, Oslo universitetssykehus
  • Nils Otto Ørjasæter, Førstelektor ved Handelshøyskolen BI
  • Eline Rognli, Oslo universitetssykehus
  • Tone Vaksvik, Ph.D, Oslo universitetssykehus
  • Andreas Moan, Prosjektdirektør RHF Helse Sør-Øst
  • Marit Muri Holmen, Overlege, Brystdiagnostisk senter, Oslo universitetssykehus
  • Petter Risøe, Chief Operating Officer, Diffia AS
  • Just Ebbesen, prosjektdirektør Nye OUS

  • Christian Skattum, innovasjonsleder OUS

  • Espen Arnvik, seksjonsleder Rusforsk OUS

  • Kristin Kornelia Utne, Leder Yngre legers forening (YLF)
  • Kine Jordbakke, kommuneoverlege Seljord og student Topplederprogrammet, Handelshøyskolen BI
  • Birgit Pedersen Larvik, avdelingsleder Larvik kommune og student Ledelse av tjenesteutvikling, Handelshøyskolen BI
  • Anette Borge Erlandsen, leder psykisk helse og avhengighet Tønsberg kommune og student Ledelse av tjenesteutvikling, Handelshøyskolen BI

Moderator: Jon Bingen Sande, Associate Professor, BI Norwegian Business School


  • Jesper Ravn, Senior Advisor, Technology and E-Health, AHUS
  • Meetali Kakad, Chief Medical Officer, Dignio
  • Morten H. Abrahamsen, Associate professor, BI Norwegian Business School
  • Henrik Jensen, Ph.D, Special Consultant, Oslo kommune
  • Anna Stepanova, Ph.D student, BI Norwegian Business School
  • Nis Johannsen, Helse Sør-Øst
  • Arild Kristensen, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster
  • Kjell Arne Grøtting, Spesialrådgiver leverandørsamarbeid, Sykehuspartner
  • Bjørn Ove Caspersen, Avdelingsleder, divisjon sør-øst, Anskaffelser, IKT og Bygg prosjekt, Sykehusinnkjøp
  • Riche Vestby, Innovasjonspådriver helse, Leverandørutviklingsprogrammet

Moderator: Per Ingvar Olsen, Professor, BI Norwegian Business School


  • Harald Sundt-Ohlsen, Oslo kommune
  • Lars Hauge, Country Manager Digital, Siemens Healthineers
  • Bendik Bygstad, Professor, Institutt for Informatikk, Universitetet i Oslo
  • Andreas Moan, Prosjektdirektør, RHF Helse Sør-Øst
  • Kristin Dahlen, Seniorrådgiver, avdeling for finansiering, Helsedirektoratet
  • Jon Helge Andersen, Direktør forretningsutvikling, Aidn

Keynote speaker

Lorna Ross is an internationally recognised leader in the area of design-led innovation. Her career spans 30 years of professional experience leading strategic design activity across a range of industry sectors from healthcare to government services. Her work at The Mayo Clinic established the first and largest activity of design in an academic medical institution and became recognised internationally as the benchmark in patient centric healthcare transformation.

In 2018, while at Accenture's Global Innovation Center, The Dock, she founded the Human Insights Lab, in partnership with Trinity College School of Humanities, exploring the ethical and philosophical implications of disruptive emerging technologies. As part of her role on the RTE/ Science Foundation Ireland documentary, Big Life Fix, Lorna became a nationally recognized spokesperson for Irish Design in innovation and an advocate for design acting at a human scale on social issues.


His research focuses on inter-organisational relations, B2B marketing and public procurement. The topics often revolve around contracts, relationships, interaction, problem solving and innovation.

His research focuses on innovation, business strategy and industrial development in industries of key importance to the Norwegian economy and business, with emphasis on innovation in coupled and interdependent relationships and systems, such as the health sector.