
14th Organisational Behaviour in Health Care Conference

General OBHC-oriented papers or conference-theme focused papers are invited. Themes include but are not limited to:

  • New technologies, AI, and algorithmic technologies in healthcare contexts: How are AI technologies understood and used across healthcare contexts? What kind of ambitions and expectations accompany AI technology in healthcare systems?
  • Collaboration around new technologies: What are the consequences of implementing new technology for collaboration and coordination within and across organizations?
  • New technologies – new power dynamics? How do new technologies impact relations of power between e.g. patients, relatives, healthcare professionals and managers?
  • Emotions such as trust, doubt, excitement, or worry in using new technologies in healthcare contexts for e.g. decision-making, assessments, evaluations, or prioritizations.
  • Workarounds, articulation work and functionally invisible work in implementing new technologies: Who practices this work? When and under which circumstances? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of making such work more visible and recognized?
  • Expertise and innovation: How do emergent technologies and/or organizational innovations relate to existing infrastructures of knowledge and expertise?
  • Division of labour and boundary work: How do healthcare organizations and systems respond to emerging personnel crises, innovations, and changes in governance modes? 

Oral presentations

Conceptual and empirical full papers (up to 6000 words excl. references and tables) or development papers (3000 words) are invited. Submissions will undergo double-blind peer review. We aim to publish selected papers in an edited book and a special issue of Journal of Health Organization and Management.


Proposals (up to 1500 words excl. references and tables) for 90 minutes sessions are invited:

  • Panels
  • Interactive workshops

All proposals undergo peer review.

Submission deadline: Monday 20 November 2023 at 12:00