BI Centre for Construction Industry

The 10th Megaproject ‘Theory Meets Practice’ Workshop

5-6 September 2024, BI Norwegian Business School

Friday 6 September 09:00-14:00

Room: A2-Blue 3

Day 2 of the workshop is dedicated research, and we start with a round-table session with presentations and discussions of papers on topics relevant for the workshop.

Papers can be work-in-progress or more developed, including papers targeting the SI on Program management of Major Infrastructure Projects in IJPM, with deadline 30 October 2024.

The day ends with a discussion on how to publish, where we will get insights from editors in the field. 

Those that plan to present a paper, are kindly asked to submit an extended abstract (ca 500 words) to the organizers (megaprojectsworkshop24@bi.no) before 1 August. The abstracts will be distributed to the participants on beforehand. 


  • Time
  • Title
  • Paper Round Table Session

  • Coffee Break

  • Paper Session Continues

  • How to Publish?

    Meet editors of key journals in the field.

  • Closing Remarks and Lunch to go