Please familiarise yourself with the following:
Evacuation routes/fire escapes
The closest manual fire alarm
The closest fire extinguisher/fire hose
In the event of fire:
- Call the fire department on tel. number 110
Start evacuation
Press the manual fire alarm
Try to extuingish the fire if possible
Shut doors and windows
In the event of a fire alarm
- Start evacuation, use the nearest fire escape
Shut doors and windows
Mustering points
- Campus Oslo - On the sidewalk on the other side of Sandakerveien (more information about fire instructions, pdf)
- Campus Trondheim - Outside BI's main entrance, entrance II, Havnegata 9
- Campus Stavanger - On the pier by Byfjordparken 15
- Campus Bergen - On the other side of the bay, towards Thormøhlens Gate