Emergency plan
All students and employees at BI should be aware of and familiar with the emergency plan and the fire instructions.
All students and employees at BI should be aware of and familiar with the emergency plan and the fire instructions.
If someone is in need of medical assistance, the following things need to be done (not necessarily in this order):
Call medical/ambulance (113), try to stay calm, and describe as much as you can:
Follow the instructions you are given and stay on the line if possible.
Provide life-saving first aid until the emergency services arrive.
Read a more detailed instruction at sikresiden.no.
There are 4 defibrillators at campus Oslo:
There is 1 defibrillator at campus Bergen:
There are 2 defibrillators at campus Trondheim:
There is 1 defibrillator at campus Stavanger:
If you need to give paramedics with a stretcher access to campus Oslo you have two options:
Our security guard and front desk personnel are familiar with the procedure, but it is important that you are able to do this on your own.
The stretcher only fits in the glass elevator.