
BI Recognized for Excellence in Sustainability Reporting

26 June 2023

Among over 880 business schools worldwide, BI is acknowledged by UN for its sustainability reporting.

At the PRME Excellence in Reporting Award in New York earlier this June, BI was recognized for its Sustainability and responsible management report 2022

This annual award is organized by Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), an initiative supported by the United Nations. This is a network of international business schools, that works for high-level integration of sustainability and responsible management in educational institutions worldwide. BI is one of the members together with INSEAD, HEC, University of St. Gallen, IESE, HAAS Berkeley, and Cornell among others.

Sustainability reporting – a valuable tool

Sustainability reporting is one of the PRME-pillars, considered being a tool for internal and external accountability, a resource for impactful storytelling, and a strategic document for schools in their accreditation processes.

“The PRME reporting helps us reflect upon our achievements and areas for improvement. The report also serves as a catalyst for involving the organization in setting ambitious sustainability goals for the next two years”, Karen Spens, President of BI states.

The schools part of the community are encouraged to report based on the six PRME principles - Purpose, Values, Method, Research, Partnership, and Dialogue. These principles reflect the importance of integrating sustainability and responsible management in the entire organization and in all the schools’ activities.

The prize  BI received for excellence in sustainability reporting 2023.

Continuous recognition

Two years ago, BI also received a prize of excellence for its most recent Sustainability and responsible management report 2020. While for 2023, BI was awarded “Honorable mention” for the category Excellence in reporting - emerging which considers the schools that have reported 2-4 times.

"BI is committed to shaping people and business for a sustainable future. This continuous recognition of our reporting encourages us to keep up our goal to become a front-runner, deeply integrating sustainability in both our teaching, research, governance, and operations", says Spens. 

The recognition by PRME is a testament to BI´s commitment to responsible management education and contribution to establish a high standard of responsible and transparent reporting. But since the demand for sustainability is rapidly increasing, BI must continuously raise the bar in all the school’s endeavors. 


About PRME

More than 880 business schools are part of the PRME community. Through PRME, the schools are encouraged to engage with a variety of platforms and projects that allow them to scale up their commitment to transforming business and management education and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals.


About the PRME award

  • The Excellence in Reporting Award was created to recognize the time put into compiling what PRME calls The Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) reports and to honor the efforts in transparency from the community.
  • PRME annually recognizes outstanding reports considered by a committee of peer-reviewers.
  • The evaluation of the reporting focuses on the quality of the progress report, rather than the school’s various sustainability initiatives outlined within it.  


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