BI Research Centre

Centre for Corporate Governance Research

The CCGR aims to produce high-quality research on how ownership and governance of firms impact value-creation and the welfare of firms’ stakeholders.

Data Description

The CCGR data consists of seven tables:

  1. Account_Data: Accounting data from 1994 to 2019.
  2. Consolidated_Account_Data: Consolidated accounting data for 1994 to 2019.
  3. Industry_Code: NACE industry codes for the companies from 1998 to 2019. A company can be member of more than one industry.
  4. Ownership_Control: Governance data from 2000 to 2018.
  5. Misc_1994: Misc. data from 1994 to 2019.
  6. Misc_2000: Misc. data from 2000 to 2019.
  7. Misc_2009: Misc. data from 2009 to 2019.

Contract Types

The use and storage of data is regulated by law and contract. There are three types of contracts; two for BI employees and one for BI students.

BI Employees

If the data owner agrees that your project is within CCGR's scope, you are entitled to get data. You will get the firm IDs unless you ask for data related to the owners' family, the board members' family or the CEO's family. You can ask for accounting variables and up to 20 corporate governance variables (ownership structure, board composition, CEO). Please make sure you only ask for variables that are needed in your project.
Please use this contract: BI employee_CCGR project

Please contact Ivar Otto Ekker for data requests.

BI Students

You will get the firm IDs unless you ask for the data related to the owners' family, the board members' family or the CEO's family .You can ask for accounting variables and up to 15 corporate governance variables (ownership structure, board composition, CEO). Please make sure you only ask for variables that are needed for your thesis. You should contact your supervisor for data requests.
Please use this contract: BI Student project