Centre for Sustainability and Energy
BI Center for Sustainability and Energy promotes sustainable development through research, teaching and active cooperation with other academic institutions, the business community, governmental bodies and NGOs.
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Langfeldt, Sverre Faafeng; Bråthen, Tore Kristian, Viken, Monica & Minde, Stine Winger (2024)
Lov og rett for næringslivet
Textbook. Fagbokforlaget.
Bråthen, Tore Kristian & Minde, Stine Winger
To What Extent Must, and Can, the Boards of Norwegian Limited Liability Companies and Public Limited Liability Companies Consider Sustainability?
Oslo Law Review, 10(2) Doi: 10.18261/olr.10.2.8
Caroline D. Ditlev-Simonsen
Strategi for bærekraftig forretningsdrift
Midttun, Atle; Hagfors, Sara B.
Towards hybridization: The Norwegian Model Under Deregulation and Market Pressure
Report from the AFINO project October 2023.
Nygaard, Arne Nygaard & Silkoset, Ragnhild
Sustainable development and greenwashing: How blockchain technology information can empower green consumers
Volume32, Issue 6, September 2023, Pages 3801-3813
Midttun, Atle
Corporate responsibility under democratic and autocratic rivalry
Paper for the 23rd International Joint Conference: Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment, 18–19 May 2023, Prague.
Bråthen, Tore & Minde, Stine Winger
Styrets arbeid med bærekraft
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, s. 50- 74. - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
Caroline Dale Ditlev-Simonsen
A Guide to Sustainable Corporate Responsibility – From Theory to Action
The book offers practical guidelines on how to effectively manage the transition to a more responsible sustainable, company
Atle Midttun
Governance and Business Models for Sustainable Capitalism
Governance and Business Models for Sustainable Capitalism touches upon many of the central themes of today’s debate on business and society. In particular, it brings attention to a recurrent tension between efficiency, innovation, and productivity on the one hand, and fairness, equity, and sustainability on the other.
Willingness to Pay for Crowdfunding Local Agricultural Climate Solutions
This study explores the driving factors behind the public’s willingness to pay for crowdfunded climate mitigation projects at the farm level. It identifies four mitigation options from the perspective of farmers: solar panels on the barn roof, biogas from animal manure, drag hoses for improved manure dispersal, and the addition of biochar to soils, and investigates the optimal characteristics of crowdfunding campaigns to finance such mitigation measures.
Plausible futures for the Norwegian Offshore Energy Sector: Business as Usual, Harvest or Rebuild?
We explore three investment scenarios for the Norwegian offshore energy sector from 2020 to 2070
1) Business as usual, 2) Increasing cash-flow by harvesting existing petroleum fields and cutting investments (Harvest-and-Exit), or 3) Rebuilding with green offshore energy investments. In a new economic model, developed in the SmartPaths project, a joint research project with Statistics Norway, we compare impacts on key macro- and sector- economic variables such as employment, value creation, oil fund and emissions. The model is downloadable from the link below.
Interested readers / modelers can download the model from here and run it with their own assumptions from the dashboard tab, named “dbPES" and study the results on the tab “Comparisons”. The model has been developed in EXCEL® 2019 on a Windows 10 machine. Especially for the dashboard we make extensive use of Macros in VBA and we noticed that, for example, VBA for the Mac on using Microsoft 365 has small differences to the version we used for development. As much as possible, we took care of these idiosyncrasies, but we cannot guarantee that we have fixed all of them. Thus, we encourage anyone to experiment with a copy of the model. Finally, set recalculation in EXCEL to automatic.
To open the model: Choose 'Enable macros' + 'Dont update’. Otherwise the model will not work.
Atle Midttun, in collaboration with Marina Khanieva, Magne Lia and Eivind Wenner
The Greening of the European Petroleum Industry: Is it for Real and Does it Make Sense?
In 2020 European petroleum companies flocked behind a promise to undertake a fundamental green transition to net zero carbon emissions by 2050, running parallel with the EU’s politically proclaimed “Green Deal”. But is it too good to be true?
Silkoset, Ragnhild; Nygaard, Arne
Smarte kontrakter er veien til grønnere og mer lønnsomme forsyningskjeder
BI Business Review 18.03.2021
Nygaard, Arne; Silkoset, Ragnhild
Smarte kontrakter er veien til grønnere og mer lønnsomme forsyningskjeder
Dagens Næringsliv 18.03.2021
Master on Demand! Sammendrag
Sammendrag av masteroppgave om klimarisiko i banksektoren i programmet Regnskap og Revisjon ved Handelshøyskolen BI, 01.09.2020. Sammendraget er utviklet som del av Master on Demand! initiativet ved BI Senter for samfunnsansvar/ Centre for Sustainability and Energy.
Stoknes, P. E.
Growth in the 21st Century
Chelsea Green Publishers, (first version manuscript delivered for consideration).
Goldthau, Andreas; Sitter, Nick
How the EU wields regulatory authority in external energy relations: Investigating the blurred line between Regulatory and Market Power
prepared for a special issue of Journal of European Integration on energy and climate policy, submitted June 2019, under review. [SDG 7, 17].
Goldthau, Andreas; Sitter, Nick
Governing the Global Energy Regime: Why we need both IPE and Global Public Policy
prepared for a special issue of Policy and Society on IPE, submitted June 2019, under review. [SDG 7, 13, 17].
Collste, D., Randers, J., Goluke, U., Stoknes, P. E., Cornell, S., & Rockström, J.
The Empirical Bases for the Earth3 Model: Technical Notes on the Sustainable Development Goals and Planetary Boundaries
In progress, https://doi.org/10.31223/osf.io/ephsf
Randers, J., Rockström, J., Stoknes, P. E., Goluke, U., Collste, D., & Cornell, S.
Achieving the 17 sustainable development goals within 9 planetary boundaries
In progress, https://doi.org/10.31223/osf.io/xwevb
Sitter, Nick; Bakke, Elisabeth
Democratic Backsliding in the European Union
in The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics (Oxford University Press, 2019). [SDG 16]
Midttun, A., Næss K. M. & Piccini P. B.
Biofuel Policy and Industrial Transition - A Nordic Perspective
Energies, July 2019
Midttun, Atle; Enger, Elling; Lind, Arne; Lia, Magne; Meyer, Julien; Storaas, Margrethe Voll; Lereim, Jon; Nygaard, Pål
Carbon capture – from waste to energy: a stylized case from a pioneering initiative at Klemetsrud, Oslo.
Report to the CLIMIT – demo project 618215: Potential for financing and pricing Carbon Capture in Waste-to Energy Installations in cities (2019).
Silkoset, Ragnhild
Hvordan kan blokkjedeteknologi gi bedrifter økt verdiskapning?
BI Business Review 26.09.2019
Andersen, Svein S; Sitter, Nick
The EU’s Strategy towards External Gas Suppliers and their Responses: Norway, Russia, Algeria and LNG
in J. Godzimirski (ed.) New Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Power to Project, Power to Adapt (Palgrave 2019) [SDG 7, 9, 17].
Stoknes, P. E.
How to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within planetary boundaries by 2050
Real-World Economics Review, (issue no. 87).
Kissane, Bill; Sitter, Nick
National Identity and Constitutions in Europe
in H. Lerner and D. Landau (eds) Comparative Constitution-Making (E. Elgar 2019, Research Handbooks in Comparative Constitutional Law series) [SDG 16].
Goldthau, Andreas; Sitter, Nick
Regulatory or Market Power Europe? EU Leadership Models for International Energy Governance
in J. Godzimirski (ed.) New Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Power to Project, Power to Adapt (Palgrave 2019) [SDG 7, 13, 16, 17].
Midttun, A.& Witoszek N.
The Competitive Advantage of Collaboration – Throwing New Light on The Nordic Model
New Political Economy
Randers, J.
Grønn vekst i Norge mot 2050
Magma: 5/2019 (17-24). Redaksjonelt vurdert.
Gerard, B
ESG and Socially Responsible Investment: A Critical Review
Gerard, Bruno (2019). ESG and Socially Responsible Investment: A Critical Review. Beta, 33(1), s. 61- 83. Doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-3134-2019-01-05 - Full text in research archive
Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline
Lønnsomt samfunnsansvar
Magma 6/2018 (07.11.2017), s. 22
Jørgen Randers, Johan Rockström, Per Espen Stoknes, Ulrich Golüke, David Collste and Sarah Cornell
Transformation is feasible (2018)
How to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within Planetary Boundaries A report to the Club of Rome, for its 50 years anniversary 17 October 2018
Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline
Kapitalforvaltning i stiftelser: Styrets oppfatninger av forsvarlig forvaltning
Magma 6/2018 (25.09.2018), s. 72-81.
Stoknes, P. E., & Rockström, J.
Redefining green growth within planetary boundaries
Energy Research & Social Science, 44, 41–49.
Randers, J., Rockström, J., Stoknes, P. E., Goluke, U., Collste, D., & Cornell, S.
Transformation is Feasible—How to Achieve the 17 SDGs within planetary boundaries
Retrieved from BI. Stockholm Resilience Center website
Stoknes, Per Espen; Rockström, Johan
Redefining green growth within planetary boundaries
Redefining green growth within planetary boundaries. Energy Research & Social Science, 44, 41–49. (2018)
Sitter, Nick; Goldthau, Andreas
Regulatory or Market Power Europe? EU Leadership Models for International Energy Governance
in J. Godzimirski (ed.) New Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Power to Project, Power to Adapt (Palgrave 2018)
Sitter, Nick; Goldthau, Andreas
Conceptualizing the Energy Nexus of Global Public Policy and International Political Economy
in A. Goldthau, M. F. Keating and C. Kuzemko (eds) Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy and Natural Resources (E. Elgar 2018)
Midttun A.
Staging Pathways Towards Ecomodernity
in Alberto Martinelli and Chuanqui He (eds) Global Modernization Review. Science Press Beijing.
Jahre, M., Kembro, J., Adjahossou, A., & Altay, N.
Perspectives on design of refugee camps – An empirical study in Kenya, Ethiopia, Greece and Turkey
Journal of Humanitarian logistics and Supply Chain Management
Goldthau, Andreas; Sitter, Nick
Conceptualizing the Energy Nexus of Global Public Policy and International Political Economy
in A. Goldthau, M. F. Keating and C. Kuzemko (eds) Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy and Natural Resources (E. Elgar 2018) [SDG 7, 17]
Flygansvær, Bente Merete; Dahlstrøm, Robert; Nygaard, Arne
Exploring the Pursuit of Sustainability in Reverse Supply Chains for Electronics
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.189. p. 472-484.
Witoszek, N. & Midttun, A.
Sustainable Modernity: The Nordic Model and Beyond
Routledge (2018)
Sitter, Nick; Andresen, Svein S
The EU’s Strategy towards External Gas Suppliers and their Responses: Norway, Russia, Algeria and LNG
in J. Godzimirski (ed.) New Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Power to Project, Power to Adapt (Palgrave 2018)
Sharifyazdi, M., Navangul, K.A., Gharehgozli, A. and Jahre, M.
On- and Off-Shore Prepositioning and Delivery Mechanism for Humanitarian Relief Operations
International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 56, No.18, 6164-6182.
Turchin, T.; Witoszek, N.; Thurner, S.; Garcia, D.; Griffin, R.; Hoyer, D.; Midttun, A.; Bennett, J.; Næss, K. N.; Gavrilets, S.
A History of Possible Futures: Multipath Forecasting of Social Breakdown, Recovery, and Resilience
Cliodynamics 9,2
Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline
Dulting - endring i bærekraftig retning med god endringsledelse
Magma 7/2017 (07.11.2017), s. 61-69.
Sitter, Nick; Batory, Agnes; Krizsan, Andrea; Zentai, Viola
Backsliding in area of constitutional safeguards and independent institutions, corruption control, and general equality and minorities
Horizon 2020 TransCrisis Report 6.2, (LSE, 2017) [SDG 5, 10, 16].
Andersen, Svein S; Goldthau, Andreas; Sitter, Nick
An Odd Pro-Market Trio: Germany, the UK and Norway
in S. S. Andersen, A. Goldthau and Nick Sitter, Energy Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism? (Palgrave, 2017) [SDG 7, 8, 9].
Nygaard, Arne; Biong, Harald; Silkoset, Ragnhild; Eidvell, K., Roland
Leading by Example: Values-Based Strategy to Instill Ethical Conduct
Journal of Business Ethics, vol 145, p 133-139 (2017)
Midttun, A. & Piccini, P. B.
Facing the Climate and Digital Challenge: European Energy Industry from Boom to Crisis and Transformation
Energy Policy
Hauge, Å. L., Almås, A.-J., Flyen, C., Stoknes, P. E., & Lohne, J.
User guides for the climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure in Norway – Characteristics and impact
Climate Services, 6, 23–33.
Andersen, Svein S; Goldthau, Andreas; Sitter, Nick
From Low to High Politics? The EU’s Regulatory and Economic Power
in S. S. Andersen, A. Goldthau and Nick Sitter, Energy Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism? (Palgrave, 2017) [SDG 7, 17].
Stoknes, P. E.
Det vi tenker på når vi prøver å ikke tenke på global oppvarming
(J. S. Nilsen, Trans.). Oslo: Tiden.
Sitter, Nick
Terrorismens Historie: Attentat og Terrorbekjempelse fra Bakunin til IS
[The History of Terrorism], Dreyer, 2017. (Anmeldt, rapportert og/eller omtalt i kronikk/intervju i Aftenposten, Morgenbladet, NRK URIX, NRK Verdibørsen, Dagbladet, Stavanger Aftenblad, Klassekampen, Bergens Tidene og Vårt Land) [SDG 16]
Midttun, Atle; Piccini, Proadpran Boonprasurd
Facing the climate and digital challenge: European energy industry from boom to crisis and transformation
Energy Policy 108 (2017): 330-343.
Sitter, Nick; Andersen, Svein S; Goldthau, Andreas
Energy Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism?
Palgrave Macmillan 2017 (ISBN 978-1-137-59105-0) 274 p.
Biong, Harald; Silkoset, Ragnhild
Buying CSR with employees’ pensions? The effect of social responsible investments on Norwegian SMEs’ choice of pension fund management: A conjoint survey
International Journal of Bank Marketing (06.02.2017)
Jahre, M.
Supply Chain Strategies in Humanitarian Logistics: A Review of how Actors Mitigate Supply Chain Risks
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, 82-101.
Fæhn, T., & Stoknes, P. E.
Significant and plausible futures: Global surroundings of Norway’s climate strategies
(No. Reports 2018/02). Statistics Norway and CREE WP 10/2017.
Sitter, Nick; van Hulten, Michiel
Something for Everyone: Political Fragmentation and Policy Accommodation in the European Parliament
in S. S. Andersen, A. Goldthau and N. Sitter, Energy Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism? (Palgrave, 2017) [SDG 7, 8, 13].
Sitter, Nick; Goldthau, Andreas
From Low to High Politics? The EU’s Regulatory and Economic Power
in S. S. Andersen, A. Goldthau and Nick Sitter, Energy Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism? (Palgrave, 2017)
Sitter, Nick; van Hulten, Michiel
Something for Everyone: Political Fragmentation and Policy Accommodation in the European Parliament
in S. S. Andersen, A. Goldthau and N. Sitter, Energy Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism? (Palgrave, 2017)
Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline
Beyond sponsorship - exploring the impact of cooperation between corporations and NGOs
International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibillity (2017) 2:6, DOI 10.1186/s40991-017-0017-9
Andersen, Svein S; Goldthau, Andreas; Sitter, Nick
Energy Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism?
Palgrave, 2017 [SDG 7, 8, 9, 13]
Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline
Hvem kjenner til de etiske retningslinjene (code of conduct)?
SIRK nr. 2 2017, s. 14-15.
Finon, Dominique; Midttun, Atle
Reshaping of European Electricity and Gas Industry: Regulation, Markets and Business Strategies
Amsterdam: Elsevier 2004 (ISBN 0080445500) 398 p.
Sjøvaag, M.
From The Limits to Growth to 2052
Brauch, Hans Günter; Oswald Spring, Úrsula; Grin, John.
Randers, J., Golüke, U., Wenstøp, F., & Wenstøp, S.
A user-friendly earth system model of low complexity: The ESCIMO system dynamics model of global warming towards 2100
Earth System Dynamics, 7(4), 831–850.
Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline
Krav til ikke-finansiell rapportering I styrets beretning – hvordan følge opp dette i praksis?
[Requirements for non-financial reporting in the directors' report - how to follow up this work in practice?] Kapittel i boken "Moderne forretningsjus III" (2016), ed. Harald B Anderssen og Tore Bråthen, s. 85-98
Andersen, Svein S; Sitter, Nick
Projecting the Regulatory State beyond the EU: Gas Markets and Energy Security
in Peters (ed.) The European Union’s Foreign Policy in a Comparative Perspective, London: Routledge, 2016 [SDG 7, 16].
Maxton, G. P., Randers, J., & Suzuki, D. T.
Reinventing prosperity: Managing economic growth to reduce unemployment, inequality, and climate change: a report to the Club of Rome
Vancouver, British Columbia ; Berkeley: Greystone Books.
Parker, Tom; Sitter, Nick
The Four Horsemen of Terrorism – It’s not Waves, it’s Strains
Terrorism and Political Violence, 28:2 (2016), 197-216. [SDG 16].
Ditlev-Simonsen, C. & Wenstøp, F.
Public support for ethical pension funds in Norway?
Beta Scandinavian Journal of Business Research 2/2016 vol. 30, pp. 100-118, DOI 10.18261/issn.1504-3134-2016-02-01.
Randers, Jørgen; Golüke, Ulrich; Wenstøp, Fred; Wenstøp, Søren
Self-reinforcing mechanisms in climate system (2013-16) – “It’s getting slowly worse, but without a bang”
A system dynamics model of the seven potentially self-reinforcing mechanisms in climate system ("The Earth System") created by Jørgen Randers and Ulrich Golüke in collaboration with Fred Wenstøp and Søren Wenstøp.
Winger Minde, Stine
Bedriftsdemokrati i stiftelser - finnes det?
Bedriftsdemokrati i stiftelser - finnes det? - Herunder om skillet mellom alminnelige og næringsdrivende stiftelser, vil bli trykket i Benestad Anderssen/Bråthen (red.): Moderne forretningsjus III (Bergen 2016) (Stine Winger Minde)
Bråthen, Tore
Styrehonorar i stiftelser
Styrehonorar i stiftelser, trykket i Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret (NTS) 2016:1 (Tore Bråthen)
Andersen, Svein S; Goldthau, Andreas; Sitter, Nick
The EU Regulatory State, Commission Leadership and External Energy Governance
in J. Godzimirski (ed.) EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance: Global and Local Challenges and Responses, Palgrave 2016 [SDG 7, 16].
Randers, Jørgen; Golüke, Ulrich; Wenstøp, Fred; Wenstøp, Søren
A user-friendly earth system model of low complexity: the ESCIMO system dynamics model of global warming towards 2100
Earth System Dynamics, 2016, Volume 7.(4) p. 831-850
Midttun, A & Witoszek N.
Perspectives on Ecomodernity: Energy and Transport in Green Transition
Routledge (2016)
Jahre, M., Kembro, J., Rezvanian, T., Ergun, O., Håpnes, S. J., & Berling P.
Integrating Supply Chains for Emergencies and Ongoing Operations in UNHCR
Journal of Operations Management, Vol.45, 57-72.
Solkoset, Ragnhild
Buying corporate social responsibility with staff pensions
BI Bunisess Review (2016)
Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline
From idealism to profitability
Chapter in book "L'impresa di domani" (2016), pp. 37-40, Caroline D. Ditlev-Simonsen.
Randers, J.
How Fast Will China Grow Towards 2030
World Economics, 17(2), 63–78.
Midttun, Atle; Witoszek, Nina
Energy and Transport in Green Transition: Perspectives on Ecomodernity
Routledge 2016 (ISBN 978-1-138-79343-9) 198 p.
Sitter, Nick; Andresen, Svein S.
The EU Regulatory State, Commission Leadership and External Energy Governance
in J. Godzimirski (ed.) EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance: Global and Local Challenges and Responses, Palgrave 2016
Sitter, Nick; Andresen, Svein S.
Projecting the Regulatory State beyond the EU: Gas Markets and Energy Security
in Peters (ed.) The European Union’s Foreign Policy in a Comparative Perspective, London: Routledge, 2016
Randers, Jørgen; Maxton, Graeme
Ein prozent ist genug. Mit wenig wachstum soziale ungleichheit, arbeitslosigkeit und klimawandel bekämpfen
Oekom verlag 2016 (ISBN 9783865818102) 272 p.
Noreng, Øystein
The Oil Industry and Government Strategy in the North Sea
Routledge 2016 (ISBN 978-1315-62241-5) 268 p.
Jahre, M., Pazirandeh, A. & Van Wassenhove, L. N.
Defining logistics preparedness: a framework and research agenda
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Vol. 6, No.3, 372-398.
Sitter, Nick; Batory, Agnes; Krizsan, Andrea; Zentai, Viola
Mapping Backsliding in the European Union
Horizon 2020 TransCrisis Policy Brief 6.1, (LSE, 2016) [SDG 5, 10, 16].
Sitter, Nick; Andresen, Svein S.
Managing Heterogeneity in the EU: Using Gas Market Liberalisation to Explore the Changing Mechanisms of Intergovernmental Governance
Journal of European Integration, 37:3 (2015), 319-334.
Randers, Jørgen
Quantitative backbone for Shanghai’s 2050 plan (2015) – “Towards the global civilisation city”
Contribution by JR to Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, based on the structure of the 2052 book, used in Shanghai's development from 1980 till 2050.
Stoknes, P. E.
What we think about when we try not to think about global warming: Toward a new psychology of climate action
White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing. Også i norsk revidert versjon (2017).
Sitter, Nick
What does EU Energy Policy Mean for the Climate?
in Kjell A. Eliassen and Per Espen Stoknes (eds), Science-Based Activism: Festschrift for Jørgen Randers, Gyldendal Akademiske, 2015
Sitter, Nick; Goldthau, Andreas
Soft Power with a Hard Edge: EU Policy Tools and Energy Security
Review of International Political Economy, 22:5 (2015), 941-965.
Midttun, Atle; Coulter, Paddy; Gadzekpo, Audrey; Wang, Jin
Comparing media framings of climate change in developed, rapid growth and developing countries: Findings from Norway, China and Ghana
Energy and Environment 2015 ;Volume 26.(8) p. 1271-1292
Sitter, Nick; Goldthau, Andreas
A Liberal Actor in A Realist World: The EU Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy
Oxford University Press, 2015.
Noreng, Øystein
Oil and gas in the capitals: The crimea crisis, Russian gas and Norway
World oil 2014 ;Volume 235.(4) p. 25
Sitter, Nick; Goldthau, Andreas
A Liberal Actor in a Realist World? The Commission and the External Dimension of the Single Market for Energy
Journal of European Public Policy, 21:10 (2014), 1452-1472.
Midttun, Atle; Toporowska, Elzbieta
Sequencing Lead Markets for Photovoltaics
Chapter in Im Hürdenlauf zur Energiewende: Von Transformationen, Reformen und Innovationen. Springer 2014 ISBN 978-3-658-06787-8. p. 165-186
Lereim, Jon
Kvalitetsledelse i prosjekter: en erfaringsbasert tilnærming
Akademika: Oslo 2013 ISBN9788232100859
Thue, Lars; Sekne, Ivar
De temmet vannet. Statkrafts tekniske kulturhistorie.
Universitetsforlaget 2011 (ISBN 9788215018775) 280 p.
Randers, Jørgen
Meny 5 - en vedtakbar klima- og energiplan for Norge til 2020
Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse 2011 ;Volume 14.(2) p. 21-34
Noreng, Øystein
Brazil and Norway—Offshore Petroleum Experiences and Lessons
Journal of Energy and Development 2011 ;Volume 35.(1) p. 79-99
Noreng, Øystein
Norway and Russia - From Cold War to Warm Peace
Oil, Gas and Energy Law 2011 (6) p. 1-24
Biong, Harald; Nygaard, Arne; Silkoset, Ragnhild
The Influence of Retail Management’s Use of Social Power on Corporate Ethical Values, Employee Commitment, and Performance
Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 97, p 341-363, (2010)
Lereim, Jon
Prosjekt: Strategi, organisering, ledelse og gjennomføring
Universitetsforlaget: Oslo 2009 ISBN9788215014241
Gundersen, Mari Hegg; Koefoed, Anne Louise; Midttun, Atle
Greening of European Electricity Industry: The Challenges of Policy Integration Across Cognitive and Administrative Specialisation
Published in Green Power Markets: Support Schemes, Case Studies and Perspectives, Lutz Mez (ed). Multi-Science Publishing 2007
Karlsen, Jan; Lereim, Jon
Management of Project Contingency and Allowance
Published in Cost Engineering 2005 Vol 47(9), pp. 24-29.