Centres, groups and other initiatives
Centre for Sustainability and Energy
BI Center for Sustainability and Energy promotes sustainable development through research, teaching and active cooperation with other academic institutions, the business community, governmental bodies and NGOs.
Upcoming events
Past events
- 12 October: Den europeiske stiftelsesdagen 2023
- 11 October: Hva er effekten av åpenhetsloven så langt? - Erfaringsdeling
- 20 September: The Future We Choose
- 22 August: Transforming Leadership and Communication through Principles of Nature
- 1 June: How to Develop Sustainability Teaching through Student Feedback
- 4 May: Green Bag Lunch: How to Integrate Sustainability in Curriculum
- 2 March: Green Bag Lunch: On teaching sustainability that business needs
- 2 February: Green Bag Lunch: Training the future leaders society needs
- 8 October: Den Europeiske Stiftelsesdagen
- 25 September: Rethinking Accounting
- 24 September: Oslo Innovation Week: Disruptive Food Tech.
- 19 March: Offshore renewable energy production: Conditions for generating a new export industry
- 18-19 October: International Conference of Business and Management in Emerging Markets - ICBMEM
- 12-14 June: Supply Chains and Sustainable Development of Societies
- 23 May: Urban Green Growth
- 10 April: A Trans-Atlantic Perspective
- 29 March: How to manage and integrate CSR and Sustainability in a company (Fudan, Shanghai)
- 28 February: Grønn Logistikk & Supply Chain Management (Persson Seminar 2019 - BI campus Oslo). In collaboration with LOGMA.
- 1 February: Lederens Verktøykasse: Hvordan lede og integrere samfunnsansvar og bærekraft i en bedrift (BI campus Trondheim)
- 31 January: Seminarkurs for styremedlemmer og daglig ledere i stiftelser
- 17 October: Launch of the UN report: "Transformation is Feasible"
- 16 October: Rådsmøte 2018: Utdanning for fremtidens energileder
- 12-13 October: 7th International Conference on Social Responsibility - Ethics and Sustainable Business
- 6-8 September: Closed loop supply chain workshop: Technology Forward! Behavior Backwards? In collaboration with Penn State University.
- 30 May: The 21st Century Economist
- 24 May: TEDx How to approach corporate social responsibility in a sustainable manner - step by step
- 16 May: Breakfast seminar in partnership with Business for Peace: The Competitive Advantage of Collaboration
- 14 February: Workshop on Graphene Batteries in the Electricity System
- 13 February: Collapse of the World Order - Will China Save Us?
- 1 February: Seminarkurs for styremedlemmer og daglig leder i små og mellomstore stiftelser 2018
- 15 January: Nye aktører og forretningsmodeller i petroleum og el: utfordringer og muligheter
- 9 November: Frokostmøte om lønnsomt samfunnsansvar i praksis
- 6 November: Developing Sustainable Business in Africa: Specific Focus on Tanzania
- 31 October: Business & Human Rights, Guest lecture by Professor Karin Buhmann, CBS.
- 19 October: Seminar om kapitalfortvaltning
- 6-7 July: Global Commons Narrative Workshop at the IUCN, Switzerland.
- 12-13 June: SmartPaths research workshop (SSB)
- 11 May: Green Growth Innovation 2017
- 11 May: Inaugural Meeting Centre for Energy
- 9 February: Norges Forskningsråd: Omstilt 2017 - tenke det, ønske det, ville det
- 2 February: Seminarkurs for styremedlemmer og daglig leder i stiftelser