
Department of Communication and Culture

We develop and disseminate knowledge based on communication and cultural challenges of the sustainable future where digitalization is central. We do this through engaging with students, dialog, and collaborations with partners.

BI Norwegian Business School registers our scientific publications in the national database Cristin (Current Research Information System In Norway).

Below is a list of the most recent publications. Follow this link to Cristin to make an advanced search.



  • Xiao, Yunhao & Lutz, Christoph (2024)
    Wayfarers in Cyberspace: A Temporal Investigation of Digital Nomads Based on Liquid Modernity Theory
    Journal of Travel Research. Doi: 10.1177/00472875231224242
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  • Bao, Wuxia; Hudders, Liselot, Yu, Shubin & Beuckels, Emma (2024)
    Virtual luxury in the metaverse: NFT-enabled value recreation in luxury brands
    International Journal of Research in Marketing. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2024.01.002
  • Huse, Morten (2024)
    Women in Boards
  • Černe, Matej; Bunjak, Aldijana, Wong, Sut I, Aleksic, Darija & Bozic, Katerina (2024)
    (Techno)stress and subsequent burnout: How job autonomy enables working professionals to regulate demands with control [Accepted]
    International Journal of Electronic Business.
  • Xiao, Yi; Zhou, Enhui & Yu, Shubin (2024)
    Unraveling the anchoring effect of crisis communication in cyberattack spillover crises
    Public Relations Review, 50(2). Doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2024.102449
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