
Department of Communication and Culture

We develop and disseminate knowledge based on communication and cultural challenges of the sustainable future where digitalization is central. We do this through engaging with students, dialog, and collaborations with partners.

Seminar series

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Fall 2024

Date Time Speaker Title
16 October 10:30-11:30 Nathan Warren Trickster Consumption: Applying the Trickster Lens to Understand Unbridled Consumption
6 November 10:30-11:30 Suzanne van Gils Defending your own or trolling the haters? A configurational approach to incivility in online communities
13 November 10:30-11:30 Carlos Eduardo, Caldas de Souza How many genders are out there? Shifts in Gender Norms and Gendered Consumption.
4 December 10:30-11:30 Katja Wirenius, Olli Kupaiainen TBD

Previous seminars