Department of Marketing - Research

Top Academic Publications

Over the years, BI's Department of Marketing has published many research articles, some of which have become classics in their field.

(BI researchers in bold)
J. Arndt
Role of Product-Related Conversations in the Diffusion of a New Product

1967 Journal of Marketing Research 4* FT / UTD 2295 385
J. Arndt
Toward a concept of domesticated markets

1979 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 908 167
L.W. Stern & T. Reve
Distribution channels as political economies: a framework for comparative analysis

1980 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 1174 313
W.J. Bilkey & E. Nes
Country-of-origin effects on product evaluations

1982 Journal of International Business Studies 4* FT / UTD 2264 347
G. John & T. Reve
The reliability and validity of key informant data from dyadic relationships in marketing channels

1982 Journal of Marketing Research 4* FT / UTD 691 227
R.S. Achrol, T. Reve & L.W. Stern
The environment of marketing channel dyads: a framework for comparative analysis

1983 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 759 162
F. Selnes
An examination of the effect of product performance on brand reputation, satisfaction and loyalty

1993 Journal of Product & Brand Management 1   1506  
J.C. Anderson, H. Håkansson & J. Johanson
Dyadic business relationships within a business network context

1994 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 2700 597
F. Selnes
Antecedents and consequences of trust and satisfaction in buyer-seller relationships

1998 European Journal of Marketing 3   1238  
R. Dahlstrom & A. Nygaard
An Empirical Investigation of Ex Post Transaction Costs in Franchised Distribution Channels

1999 Journal of Marketing Research  4* FT / UTD 357 99
K.H. Wathne & J.B.Heide

Opportunism in interfirm relationships: Forms, outcomes, and solutions

2000 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 1126 371
Olson, Erik L. & Geir Bakke Implementing the lead user method in a high technology firm: a longitudinal study of intentions versus actions 2001 Journal of Product Innovation Management 4   290 77
M.D. Johnson, A. Gustafsson, T.W. Andreassen, L. Lervik & J. Chae
The evolution and future of national customer satisfaction index models

2001 Journal of Economic Psychology 2   1033 206
K.H. Wathne, H. Biong J.B. Heide

Choice of supplier in embedded markets: relationship and marketing program effects

2001 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 500 132
H. Håkansson & D. Ford 
How should companies interact in business networks?

2002 Journal of Business Research 3   1383 365
A. Nygaard & R. Dahlstrom
Role Stress and Effectiveness in Horizontal Alliances

2002 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 127 42
L.E. Bolton, L. Warlop & J.W. Alba
Consumer perceptions of price (un) fairness

2003 Journal of Consumer Research 4* FT / UTD 748 179
F. Selnes & J. Sallis
Promoting relationship learning

2003 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 674 210
L. Lervik Olsen & M.D. Johnson
Service equity, satisfaction, and loyalty: from transaction-specific to cumulative evaluations

2003 Journal of Service Research 4   453  
A.I. Rokkan, J.B. Heide & K.H. Wathne
Specific Investments in Marketing Relationships: Expropriation and Bonding Effects

2003 Journal of Marketing Research 4* FT / UTD 434 161
M.D. Johnson & F. Selnes
Customer portfolio management: toward a dynamic theory of exchange relationships

2004 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 511 142
K.H. Wathne & J.B.Heide
Relationship governance in a supply chain network

2004 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 502 171
M.D. Johnson & F. Selnes
Diversifying Your Customer Portfolio

2005 Sloan Management Review  3 FT 63 13
H. Håkansson & I. Snehota
No business is an island: The network concept of business strategy

2006 Scandinavian Journal of Management 2   1773  
J.B.Heide & K.H. Wathne

Friends, Businesspeople, and Relationship Roles: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda

2006 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 208 83
T.L. Keiningheim, B. Cooil, T.W. Andreassen & L. Aksoy
A Longitudinal Examination of Net Promoter on Firm Revenue Growth

2007 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 257 59
J.B.Heide, K.H. Wathne & A.I Rokkan
Interfirm monitoring, social contracts, and relationship outcomes

2007 Journal of Marketing Research 4* FT / UTD 231 106
R.E. Kidwell, A. Nygaard 
and R. Silkoset

Antecedents and Effects of Free Riding in the Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship

2007 Journal of Business Venturing  4 FT 160 55
T.L. Keiningheim, L. Aksoy, B. Cooil & T.W. Andreassen
Net Promoter, Recommendations, and Business Performance: A Clarification on Morgan and Rego

2008 Marketing Science 4* FT / UTD 16 2
C. Goukens, S. Dewitte & L. Warlop

Me, myself, and my choices: The influence of private self-awareness on choice

2009 Journal of Marketing Research 4* FT / UTD 45 14
Olson, Erik L. and Hans Mathias Thjømøe Sponsorship Effect Metric: Assessing the Financial Value of Sponsorship by Comparisons to Television Advertising. 2009 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 4 FT 85 29
W.D. Hoyer, R. Chandy, M. Dorotic, M. Krafft & SS Singh
Consumer cocreation in new product development

2010 Journal of Service Research 4   582 161
H. Biong, A. Nygaard & R.Silkoset
The Influence of Retail Management's Use of Social Power on Corporate Ethical Values, Employee Commitment, and Performance

2010 Journal of Business Ethics 3 FT 27 8
R.D. Van Oest, H.J. van Heerde & M.G. Dekimpe
Return on Roller Coasters: A Model to Guide Investments in Theme Park Attractions

2010 Marketing Science  4* FT / UTD 7 4
A. Kumar, J.B. Heide & K.H. Wathne
Performance Implications of Mismatched Governance Regimes across External and Internal Relationships

2011 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 39 19
R. Kidwell & Arne Nygaard
A Strategic Deviance Perspective on the Franchise Form of Organizing

2011 Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice 4 FT 22 9
B. Van den Bergh, J. Schmitt & L. Warlop 

Embodied Myopia

2011 Journal of Marketing Research 4* FT / UTD 22 5
F. Selnes, M.T. Billett, C.O. Tarasi, R.N. Bolton, M.D. Hutt 
& B.A. Walker

Commentaries and Rejoinder to “Balancing Risk and Return in a Customer Portfolio”

2011 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 5 2
A. Faraji-Rad, M. Moeini-Jazani & L. Warlop
Women seek more variety in rewards when closer to ovulation

2013 Journal of Consumer Psychology 4* FT 6 2
Olson, Erik L. Perspective: The Green Innovation Value Chain: A Tool for Evaluating the Diffusion Prospects of Green Products. 2013 Journal of Product Innovation Management 4   14 5
Olson, Erik L. It’s Not Easy Being Green: The Effects of Attribute Tradeoffs on Green Product Preference and Choice. 2013 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 4 FT 90 30
H. Risselada, P.C. Verhoef & T.H.A. Bijmolt
Dynamic Effects of Social Influence and Direct Marketing on the Adoption of High-Technology Products

2014 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 45 13
J.B. Heide, A. Kumar & K.H. Wathne

Concurrent Sourcing, Governance Mechanisms, and Performance Outcomes in Industrial Value Chains

2014 Strategic Management Journal 4* FT / UTD 26 5
R.D. van Oest and G. Knox
Customer Complaints and Recovery Effectiveness: A Customer Base Approach

2014 Journal of Marketing 4* FT / UTD 18 7
G. Watson, S. Worm, R. Palmatier & S. Ganesan
The Evolution of Marketing Channels: Trends and Research Directions

2015 Journal of Retailing 4   9 3
A. Hunneman, P.C. Verhoef & L. Sloot
The Impact of Consumer Confidence on Store Satisfaction and Share of Wallet Formation

2015 Journal of Retailing 4   8  
J.B. Sande & S.A. Haugland

Strategic performance effects of misaligned formal contracting: The mediating role of relational contracting

2015 International Journal of Research in Marketing 4   2 2
A. Faraji-Rad, B.M. Samuelsen & L. Warlop
On the Persuasiveness of Similar Others: The Role of Mentalizing and the Feeling of Certainty

2015 Journal of Consumer Research 4* FT / UTD 1  
A. Nygaard, H. Biong, R. Silkoset & R.E. Kidwell
Leading by example: values-based strategy to instill ethical conduct

2015 Journal of Business Ethics 3 FT    
K.M. Knoeferle, P. Knoeferle, C. Velasco & C. Spence

Multisensory brand search: How the meaning of sounds guides consumers’ visual attention

2016 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 4