BI Research Centre

Centre for Asset Pricing Research (CAPR)

The Centre for Asset Pricing Research (CAPR) serves as a bridge between academia and the financial industry.

What we do

Established at the end of 2011, CAPR is a nexus of people and projects devoted to furthering the understanding of investor behavior and of how asset price dynamics are determined.

The Centre supports faculty research groups, industry seminars, workshops and conferences - including the annual BI-SHoF conference, which is a collaboration between the Centre and The Swedish House of Finance.

The Centre's mandate encompasses broad themes in empirical and theoretical asset pricing, investor behavior and portfolio choice. The Centre has built up an internationally visible research group, whose aim is to continue providing high quality research.

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Image of Paul Ehling

Paul Ehling

Professor Department of Finance +4746410505


BI Norwegian Business School
Nydalsveien 37
N-0442 Oslo

Anne Wdowiak

News from CAPR