Centre for Asset Pricing Research (CAPR)
The Centre for Asset Pricing Research (CAPR) serves as a bridge between academia and the financial industry.
Ragnar Enger Juelsrud and Ella Getz Wold
The Importance of Unemployment Risk for Individual Savings
Management Science. Doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2023.00987.
Paolo Giordani
SMARTboost Learning for Tabular Data
Journal of Financial Econometrics, p. 1-29. Doi: 10.1093/jjfinec/nbae028
Tetiana Davydiuk, Tatyana Marchuk and Samuel Rosen
Direct Lenders in the U.S. Middle Market
Journal of Financial Economics, 162. Doi: 10.1016/j.jfineco.2024.103946
Thomas F. Cooley, Espen Henriksen & Charlie Nusbaum
Demographic obstacles to European growth
European Economic Review, 169, p. 1-29. Doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2024.104829
Andreas Fagereng, Helene Onshuus and Kjersti N. Torstensen
The consumption expenditure response to unemployment: Evidence from Norwegian households.
Journal of Monetary Economics. March 2024. Journal of Monetary Economics, p. 1-20. Doi : 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2024.103578
Matti Keloharju, Samuli Knüpfer, Dagmar Müller & Joacim Tåg
PhD studies hurt mental health, but less than previously feared
Research Policy, 53(8). Doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2024.105078
Spencer Andrews, Riccardo Colacito, Mariano M. Croce & Federico Gavazzoni
Concealed carry
Journal of Financial Economics, 159. Doi: 10.1016/j.jfineco.2024.103874
Sebastien Betermier, Laurent Calvet, Samuli Knüpfer & Jens Sørlie Kværner
Investor Factors
Journal of Finance. Forthcoming. Doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3795690
Costas Xiouros and Fernando Zapatero
Disagreement, information quality and asset prices
Journal of Financial Economics. Doi: 10.1016/j.jfineco.2023.103774
Gauti B Eggertsson, Ragnar E. Juelsrud, Lawrence H. Summers and Ella Getz Wold
Negative Nominal Interest Rates and the Bank Lending Channel
Review of Economic Studies. Doi: 10.1093/restud/rdad085
Paul Ehling & Costas Xiouros
Cyclical β
Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4558796
Tetiana Davydiuk, Tatyana Marchuk and Samuel Rosen
Market Discipline in the Direct Lending Space
Review of Financial Studies. Doi: 10.1093/rfs/hhad081
Iván Alfaro, Nick Bloom, and Xiaoji Lin
The Finance Uncertainty Multiplier
Journal of Political Economy, 132(2), p. 577-615. Doi: 10.1086/726230
Alain Chaboud, Dagfinn Rime & Vladyslav Sushko
The foreign exchange market
Research Handbook of Financial Markets, chap. 12, p. 252-275. Doi: 10.4337/9781800375321.00020
Sven Klingler and Suresh Sundaresan
Diminishing treasury convenience premiums: Effects of dealers’ excess demand and balance sheet constraints
Journal of Monetary Economics. Doi: 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2023.01.002
Richard Priestley and Stig Møller
The Role of the Discount Rate in Investment and Employment Decisions
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Doi: 10.1017/S0022109021000715
Ivan Alfaro, Nicholas Bloom and Xiaoji Lin
The Finance Uncertainty Multiplier
Journal of Political Economy. Doi: 10.1086/726230
Mariano Massimiliano Croce, Tatyana Marchuk and Christian Schlag
The Leading Premium
The Review of financial studies. Doi: 10.1093/rfs/hhad009
Ilan Cooper, Andrea Mitrache and Richard Priestley
A Global Macroeconomic Risk Model for Value, Momentum, and Other Asset Classes
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
Samuli Knüpfer, Elias Rantapuska and Matti Sarvimäki
Social Interaction in the Family: Evidence from Investors’ Security Holdings
Review of Finance. Doi: 10.1093/rof/rfac060 (2022)
Sven Klingler
High Funding Risk and Low Hedge Fund Returns
Critical Finance Review, 11(3-4), p. 505-539. Doi: 10.1561/104.00000119
Dagfinn Rime, Andreas Schrimpf and Olav Syrstad
Covered Interest Parity Arbitrage
Review of Financial Studies. Volume 35, Issue 11, November 2022, Pages 5185–5227). Doi: 10.1093/rfs/hhac026
Nicole Branger, Patrick Konermann, Christoph Meinerding and Christian Schlag
Equilibrium Asset Pricing in Directed Networks
Review of Finance, Volume 25, Issue 3, May 2021, Pages 777-818.
Andreas Fagereng, Magne Mogstad and Marte Rønning
Why do Wealthy Parents have Wealthy Children?
Journal of Political Economy, 129 (3) pp. 703-756, 2021.
Martin B. Holm, Andreas Fagereng and Gisle J. Natvik
MPC Heterogeneity and Household Balance Sheets
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 13 (3) pp. 1-54, 2021.
Sven Klingler and Olav Syrstad
Life After LIBOR
Journal of Financial Economics, 141(2), s. 783- 801.
Gauti Eggertsson, Jacob Robbins and Ella Getz Wold
Kaldor and Piketty's facts: The rise of monopoly power in the United States
Journal of Monetary Economics.
Andreas Fagereng, Luigi Guiso, Davide Malacrino and Luigi Pistaferri
Heterogeneity and Persistence in Returns to Wealth
Econometrica, 88(1), s. 115- 170.
Federico Gavazzoni and Ana Maria Santacreu
International R&D Spillovers and Asset Prices
Journal of Financial Economics, 136(2).
Martin Blomhoff Holm, Andreas Fagereng and Kjersti Næss Thorstensen
Housing Wealth in Norway, 1993-2015
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 45 (1) pp. 65-81, 2020.
Victoria Atanasov, Stig Møller and RIchard Priestley
Consumption Fluctuations and Expected Returns
Journal of Finance, s. 1- 37.
Gisle James Natvik, Dagfinn Rime and Olav Syrstad
Does publication of interest rate paths provide guidance?
Journal of International Money and Finance, 103(May), s. 1- 22.
Frank J. Fabozzi, Sven Klingler, Pia Mølgaard and Mads Stenbo Nielsen
Active Loan Trading
Journal of Financial Intermediation, Volume 46 (2021), article 100868
Ragnar Enger Juelsrud and Ella Getz Wold
Risk-weighted capital requirements and portfolio rebalancing
Journal of Financial Intermediation.
Zanhui Chen, Ilan Cooper, Paul Ehling and Costas Xiouros
Risk Aversion Sensitive Real Business Cycle
Management Science
Geir Høidal Bjønnes, Carol L. Osler and Dagfinn Rime
Price Discovery in Two-Tier Markets
International Journal of Finance and Economics.
Victoria Anastov, Stig Muller and Richard Priestley
Consumption Fluctuations and Expected Returns
Journal of Finance, s. 1- 37, 2020.
Andreas Fagereng, Luigi Guiso, Davide Malacrino and Luigi Pistaferri
Heterogeneity and Persistence in Returns to Wealth
Econometrica, Vol. 88, No.1, 115–170, 2020.
Martin D. D. Evans and Dagfinn Rime
Microstructure of Foreign Exchange Markets
Hamilton, Jonathan H. (red.). Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Economics and Finance.
Nicole Branger, Patrick Konermann and Christian Schlag
Optimists and Pessimists in (In)complete Markets
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2019.
Federico Gavazzoni, Riccardo Colacito, Mariano Massimiliano Croce and Robert Ready
Currency Risk Factors in a Recursive Multi-Country Economy
Journal of Finance, 73(6), 2018
Luigi Guiso, Andreas Fagereng and Luigi Pistaferri
Portfolio Choices, Firm Shocks and Uninsurable Wage Risk
Review of Economic Studies, 85 (1) pp.437-474, 2018.
Ilan Cooper, Panayiotis Andreou, Ignacio Garcia de Olalla Lopez and Christodoulos Louca
Managerial Overconfidence and the Buyback Anomaly
Journal of Empirical Finance, 49, s. 142- 156.
Renee B. Adams, Matti Keloharju and Samuli Knüpfer
Are CEOs Born Leaders? Lessons from Traits of a Million Individuals
Journal of Financial Economics. Volume 130(2), 392-408, 2018.
Ilan Cooper and Paolo Maio
New Evidence on Conditional Factor Models
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2018.
Sven Kingler and David Lando
Safe Haven CDS Premiums
The Review of financial studies, 31(5), s. 1856- 1895, 2018.
Espen Henriksen and Thomas Cooley
The Demographic Deficit
Journal of Monetary Economics, 93, s. 45- 62, 2018.
Ilan Cooper and Paolo Maio
Asset Growth, Profitability and Investment Opportunities
Management Science, 65(9), s. 3988- 4010, 2018.
Sven Kingler and Suresh Sundaresan
An Explanation of Negative Swap Spreads: Demand for Duration from Underfunded Pension Plans
Journal of Finance, 74(2), s. 675- 710, 2018.
Paul Ehling, Alessandro Graniero and Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen
Asset Prices and Portfolio Choice with Learning from Experience
The Review of Economic Studies, 85(3), s. 1752- 1780, 2018.
Paul Ehling, Michael F. Gallmeyer, Sanjay Srivastava and Chunyu Yang
Portfolio Tax Trading with Carry-Over Losses
Management Science, 64(9), s. 4157- 4176, 2018.
Paul Ehling, Michael F. Gallmeyer, Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen and Philipp Illeditsch
Disagreement about Inflation and the Yield Curve
Journal of Financial Economics, 127(3), s. 459- 484, 2018.
Andreas Fagereng and Elin Halvorsen
Imputing consumption from Norwegian income and wealth registry data
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 42 (1) pp.67-100, 2017.
Andreas Fagereng, Charles Gottlieb and Luigi Guiso
Asset Market Participation and Portfolio Choice over the Life-Cycle
Journal of Finance, 72 (2) pp.705-750, 2017.
Luigi Guiso, Andreas Fagereng and Luigi Pistaferri
Firm-Related Risk and Precautionary Saving Response
American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 107 (5) pp.393-397, 2017.
Samuli Knüpfer, Elias Henrikki Rantapuska and Matti Sarvimäki
Formative Experiences and Portfolio Choice: Evidence from the Finnish Great Depression
Journal of Finance. Volume 72(1), pp. 133-166. 2017.
Paul Ehling and Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen
Management Science. Volume 63, pp. 1919-1937, 2017.
Andreas Fagereng, Cristoph Basten and Kjetil Telle
Saving and Portfolio Allocation Before and After Job Loss
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 48 (2-3) pp.293-324, 2016.
Andreas Fagereng, Luigi Guiso, Davide Malacrino and Luigi Pistaferri
Heterogeneity in Returns to Wealth and the Measurement of Wealth Inequality
American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 106 (5) pp.651-655, 2016.
Dagfinn Rime and Martin D.D. Evans
Order flow information and spot rate dynamics
Journal of International Money and Finance, 69(Dec.), s. 45- 68.
Ilan Cooper and Richard Priestley
The Expected Returns and Valuations of Private and Public Firms
Journal of Financial Economics. Volume 120(1) pp. 41-57, 2016.
Juan-Pedro Gomez, Richard Priestley and Fernando Zapatero
Labor Income, Relative Wealth Concerns, and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Volume 51(4) pp. 1111-1133, 2016.
Mark Grinblatt, Seppo Ikäheimo, Matti Keloharju and Samuli Knüpfer
IQ and Mutual Fund Choice
Management Science. Volume 62(4), pp. 924-944. 2016.
Markku Kaustia, Samuli Knüpfer and Sami Torstila
Stock Ownership and Political Behavior: Evidence from Demutualizations
Management Science. Volume 62(4), pp. 945-963. 2016.
Francis Breedon, Dagfinn Rime and Paolo Vitale
Carry Trades, Order Flow and the Forward Bias Puzzle
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 48(6), s. 1113- 1134, 2016.
Paul Ehling and Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen
Complete and Incomplete Financial Markets in Mult-Good Economies
Journal of Economic Theory, 160, s. 438- 462, 2015.
Marcel Fratzscher, Dagfinn Rime, Lucio Sarno, and Gabriele Zinna
The Scapegoat Theory of Exchange Rates: The First Tests
Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 70, March 2015, Pages 1–21
David Backus, Thomas Cooley and Espen Henriksen
Demography and Low-Frequency Capital Flow
Journal of International Economics 92:1 (2014).
Andreas Fagereng, Christoph Basten and Kjetil Telle
Cash-on-Hand and the Duration of Job Search: Quasi-experimental evidence from Norway
Economic Journal, 124 (576) pp.540-568, 2014.
Geir Høidal Bjønnes, Steinar Holden, Dagfinn Rime and Haakon O. Aa Solheim
'Large' vs. 'Small' Players: A Closer Look at the Dynamics of Speculative Attacks
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Volume 116.(2) p. 506-538, 2014.
Yin-Wong Cheung and Dagfinn Rime
The Offshore Renminbi Exchange Rate: Microstructure and Links to the Onshore Market.
Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 49, Part A, Pages 170-189, 2014.
Tompaidis and Chunyu (Ben) Yang
Pricing American-style options by Monte Carlo simulation: Alternatives to ordinary least squares
Journal of Computational Finance, Volume 18(1) p.1-23, 2014.
Patrick Konermann, Christoph Meinerding and Olga Sedova
Asset Allocation in Markets with Contagion: The Interplay between Volatilities, Jump Intensities, and Correlations
Review of Financial Economics, 2013, 22(1), 36-46.
Michael R. King, Carol L. Osler and Dagfinn Rime
The market micorstructure approach to foreign exchange: Looking back and looking forward
Journal of International Money and Finance, 38, s. 95- 119.
Espen Henriksen, Finn Kydland and Roman Šustek
Globally Correlated Nominal Fluctuations
Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 60(6), pp. 613-631, 2013.
Herve Roche, Stathis Tompaidis and Chunyu (Ben) Yang
Why does Junior put all his eggs in one basket? A potential rational explanation for holding concentrated portfolios
Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 109, Issue 3, September 2013, Pages 775-796.
Ilan Cooper and Richard Priestley
The World Business Cycle and Expected Returns
Review of Finance, Volume 17, No. 3, July 2013, Pages 1029-1064.
Dagfinn Rime, Lucio Sarno and Elvira Sojli
Exchange rate forecasting, order flow and macroeconomic information
Journal of International Economics, 80(1), s. 72- 88.
Matti Keloharju, Samuli Knüpfer and Juhani T. Linnainmaa
Do Investors Buy What They Know? Product Market Choices and Investment Decisions
Review of Financial Studies, 2012.
Espen Henriksen and Steve Spear
Endogenous market incompleteness without market frictions: Dynamic suboptimality of competitive equilibrium in multiperiod OLG economies
Journal of Economic Theory 147:2 (2012)
Samuli Knüpfer and Markku Kaustia
Peer performance and stock market entry
Journal of Financial Economics, 2012.
Dagfinn Rime, Hans Jørgen Tranvåg
Flows of the Pacific: Asian foreign exchange markets through tranquility and turbulence
Pacific Economic Review, 17(3), s. 434- 466.
Ilan Cooper and Richard Priestley
The World Business Cycle and Expected Returns
Review of Finance, 17(3), s. 1029- 1064.
Ian Garrett and Richard Priestley
Dividend Growth, Cash Flow and Discount Rate News
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Volume 47, No. 05, 2012, Page 1003-1028.
Vikas Agarwal, Juan-Pedro Gomez and Richard Priestley
Management Compensation and Market Timing Under Portfolio Constraints
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 36, Issue 10, October 2012, Pages 1600-1625.
Long Chen, Zhi Da, and Richard Priestley
Dividend Predictability and Dividend Smoothing
Management Science, Volume 58, No. 10, October 2012.
Ilan Cooper and Richard Priestley
Real Investment and Risk Dynamics
Journal of Financial Economics, 2011.
Espen Henriksen and Finn E. Kydland
Endogenous Money, Inflation and Welfare
Review of Economic Dynamics 13:2 (2010)
David K. Backus, Federico Gavazzoni, Christopher Telmer and Stanley E. Zin
Monetary Policy and the Uncovered Interest Rate Parity Puzzle
Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
Pål Boug and Andreas Fagereng
Exchange rate volatility and export performance: A cointegrated VAR approach
Applied Economics, 42 (7) pp.851-864, 2010.
Costas Xiouros and Fernando Zapatero
The Representative Agent of an Economy with External Habit-Formation and Heterogeneous Risk-Aversion
Review of Financial Studies, 2010.
Richard Priestley and Ilan Cooper
Time-Varying Risk Premiums and the Output Gap
The Review of financial studies, 22(7), s. 2801- 2833.
Farooq Q. Akram, Dagfinn Rime and Lucio Sarno
Does the law of one price hold in international financial markets? Evidence from tick data
Journal of Banking & Finance, 33(10), s. 1741- 1754.
Juan-Pedro Gómez, Richard Priestley and Fernando Zapatero
Implications of Keeping-Up-with-the-Joneses Behavior for the Equilibrium Cross Section of Stock Returns: International Evidence
Journal of Finance 2009. Vol, 64.(6) p. 2703-2730.
Samuli Knüpfer and Elias Rantapuska
Which investors leave money on the table? Evidence from rights issues
Review of Finance, 2008.
Dave Backus, Kjetil Storesletten and Espen Henriksen
Taxes and the Global Allocation of Capital
Journal of Monetary Economics 55:1 (2008)
Matti Keloharju, Samuli Knüpfer and Sami Torstila
Do retail incentives work in privatizations?
Review of Financial Studies, 2008.
Markku Kaustia and Samuli Knüpfer
Do investors overweight personal experience? Evidence from IPO subscriptions
Journal of Finance, 2008.
Genaro Sucarrat, Luc Bauwens and Dagfinn Rime
Exchange Rate Volatility and the Mixture of Distribution Hypothesis
Bauwenns, Luc; Pohlmeier, Winfried & Veredas, David (red.). High-Frequency Financial Econometrics.
Farooq Q. Akram, Dagfinn Rime and Lucio Sarno
Arbitrage in the Foreign Exchange Market: Turning on the Microscope
Journal of International Economics, 76, s. 237- 253.
Daniel Aunon-Nerin and Paul Ehling
Why firms purchase property insurance
Journal of Financial Economics 2008. Vol, 90.(3) p. 298-312.
David K. Backus, Espen Henriksen and Kjetil Storesletten
Taxes and the global allocation of capital
Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 55(1), pp. 48-61, 2008.
David Saunders, Costas Xiouros and Stavros Zenios
Credit Risk Optimization Using Factor Models
Annals of Operations Research, 152(1), s. 49- 77.
Luc Bauwens, Dagfinn Rime and Genaro Sucarrat
Exchange Rate Volatility and the Mixture of Distribution Hypothesis
Empirical Economics, 30, s. 889- 911, 2006.
Marios Neroupposm, David Saunders, Costas Xiouros and Stavros Zenios
Risk Management in Emerging Markets: Practical Methodologies and Empirical Tests
Multinational Finance Journal, 10(3), s. 179- 221.
Ilan Cooper
Asset pricing implications of nonconvex adjustment costs and irreversibility of investment
Journal of Finance 2006. Vol, 61.(1) p. 139-170.
G.A. Hardouvelis, D. Malliaropulos and Richard Priestley
EMU and European stock market integration
Journal of Business 2006. Vol, 79.(1) p. 365-392.
Geir Høidal Bjønnes, Dagfinn Rime and Haakon Solheim
Liquidity provision in the overnight foreign exchange market
Journal of International Money and Finance, 24(2), s. 175- 196.
Geir Høidal Bjønnes and Dagfinn Rime
Dealer behavior and trading systems in foreign exchange markets
Journal of Financial Economics 2005. Vol, 75.(3) p. 571-605.
Charles Goodhart, Ryan Love, Richard Payne and Dagfinn Rime
Analysis of spreads in the Dollar/Euro and Deutsche Mark/Dollar foreign exchange markets
Economic Policy, 17, s. 536- 552.
I. Garrett and Richard Priestley
Dividend Behaviour and Dividend Signaling
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 2000. Vol, 35.(2) p.