Value Driven Service Innovation
Value Driven Service Innovation (VDSI) is an international research project in collaboration between BI Norwegian Business School, Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford and the University of California at Berkeley.
Peder Inge Furseth and Richard Cuthbertson
Innovation in an advanced consumer society: value-driven service innovation
Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016
Steven DeMello and Peder Inge Furseth
Innovation and culture in public services; the case of independent living
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2016
Richard Cuthbertson, Peder Inge Furseth and Stephen J. Ezell
Innovating in a service-driven economy: insights, application, and practice
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2015
Steven DeMello, Peder Inge Furseth and Richard Cuthbertson
Value Driven Service Innovation and Societal Impact: The Case of Independent Living
Edward Elgar 2015
The third book draws upon the first book, Innovation in a Consumer Society, and extends the Value Driven Service Innovation approach and the Service Innovation Triangle into the field of healthcare and public organizations. This book presents a study on how technology may contribute to ease the challenges of an ever increasing number of elderly globally. The book is based on interviews with persons who turn 70 in year 2033 in the US, UK, Norway and Japan.
Richard Cuthbertson, Peder Inge Furseth and Stephen Ezell
Value Driven Service Innovation: Insights, Tools and Evidences
Palgrave Macmillan 2015
The second book is aimed at business professionals and this is based on several conversations with the leading thinkers and practitioners within the field of service innovation. All of the conversations are video recorded and text scripted. The reason for doing so is that the authors want to draw upon academic literature and models (from the first book) and connect it to the realistic and practical problems working professionals may encounter (in the second book). This is done in order to balance the spectrum of academic thinking and theory with the realities of organizations, institutions and individual personalities. Creating a book that presents the theory and practice of service innovation together in a coherent form so that the understanding of the phenomenon may be developed further.
In short, the book focuses on how to apply the Service Innovation Triangle for commercial enterprises. A number of comparative cases are presented, like Apple vs. Nokia, Facebook vs MySpace, Amazon vs Borders and Kodak vs Xerox.
Peder Inge Furseth and Richard Cuthbertson
Innovation in a Consumer Society
Oxford University Press 2015
The first book focuses on the importance of innovation in a consumer society, where consumer choice, digital channels, and the heterogeneity of the service experience combine to create a challenging environment. In such economies, the conventional view is that services represent an increasing proportion of value creation. This book argues that all firms, including manufacturers, are service firms and all managers have to deal with change, whether externally imposed or internally driven.
The book outlines the Value Driven Service Innovation approach, and presents a comprehensive model of the firm in a consumer society, the Service Innovation Triangle. This is derived from existing literature, survey material, case studies, and interviews with leading thinkers and practitioners in the field.
Peder Inge Furseth and Richard Cuthbertson
The Service Innovation Triangle Booklet
The Service Innovation Triangle (SIT) booklet is an introduction to why the outcome of any innovation is dependent of the value created, for all three major actors involved: the firm, its customers, and its suppliers. This booklet presents this message in few words and with helpful illustrations. Please download a free copy of the SIT booklet.