Welcome to Orientation Week 2024
Orientation Week is one of the annual highlights at BI, and with an academic and social programme, we will make sure that get you off to a great start here at BI!
Social integration is a focus of ours, and together with Fadderullan, we will work on facilitating arenas where you can get to know your fellow students better.
Orientation Week begins Monday 12 August. Classes begin Monday 19 August. For more info about International Student Orientation Day please read below. We look forward to welcoming you to campus!
The programme for Orientation Week will be released in early August.
If you should have any questions regarding Orientation Week, please send us an email at info@bi.no.
In early August you will also be sent assorted information to help you prepare for your time at BI. Preparatory Courses will begin in early August.
International Student Orientation Day - 9 August
A separate International Student Orientation Day will take place before Orientation Week. International students will be provided with the necessary tools and information to facilitate a smooth transition into life as a student in Norway, including sessions on practical matters and cultural adaptation.
Stay updated with the student portal
The student portal is BI's website for students where you will find everything about your courses and exams, grades, schedule, activity calendar, tips, guidance, and other things involving your studies.
You can log in to the student portal at the top of this page on the right-hand side by entering your username and password. Your username is your S-number + @bi.no, e.g. s1234567@bi.no.
- A detailed schedule with specific times and locations for your study programme for the Buddy Week will be published on the student portal in early August.