Annual reports

Annual report 2023

In 2023, BI Norwegian Business School celebrated its 80th anniversary since it was established by Finn Ă˜ien on 1 June 1943. For eight decades, BI has been actively contributing to the development of society through teaching and research.

A word from the president

In 2023, we continued our work as a business school that provides individuals with opportunities and tools to achieve their dreams and contribute to the development of society.

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BI's strategy for 2025 is our roadmap for shaping people and business for an international, digital and sustainable future.

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At BI, digital technology is used to contribute to an enhanced learning experience for students.

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Board of trustees report

In 2023, BI celebrated its 80th anniversary, the first class began the school's new program in law and Artificial Intelligence made a significant impact in the education sector.

Study programmes and students

BI is committed to creating an environment that takes care of our students both academically and socially.

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Partnership, society and business

Through systematic work, BI is closely connected to the business community and society.

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