Recent papers:
- Bernard Dumas, Karen Lewis and Emilio Osambela. Differences of Opinion and International Equity Markets. Forthcoming in Review of Financial Studies.
- Martin D.D. Evans and Dagfinn Rime. Order flow information and spot rate dynamics. Forthcoming in Journal of International Money and Finance.
- Adrian Bussa, Bernard Dumas, Raman Uppal, and Grigory Vilkov. The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Financial-Market Regulations:A General Equilibrium Analysis. Forthcoming in Journal of Monetary Economics.
- Samuli Knüpfer, Elias Henrikki Rantapuska and Matti Sarvimäki. Formative Experiences and Portfolio Choice: Evidence from the Finnish Great Depression. Forthcoming in Journal of Finance.
- Juan-Pedro Gomez, Richard Priestley, Fernando Zapatero. Labor Income, Relative Wealth Concerns, and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. vol51(4), pp. 1111-1133, Aug 2016.
- Paul Ehling and Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen. Correlations. Forthcoming in Management Science.
- Mark Grinblatt, Seppo Ikäheimo, Matti Keloharju and Samuli Knüpfer. IQ and Mutual Fund Choice. Management Science, vol 62(4), 945-963, April 2016.
- Markku Kaustia, Samuli Knüpfer and Sami Torstila. Stock Ownership and Political Behavior: Evidence from Demutualizations. Management Science, vol 62(4), 945-963, April 2016.
- Charlotte Ostergaard, Ibolya Schindele and Bent Vale. Social Capital and the Viability of Stakeholder-Oriented Firms: Evidence from Norwegian Savings Banks. Review of Finance. vol 20(5), 1673-1718, 2016.
- Ilan Cooper and Richard Priestley. The Expected Returns and Valuations of Private and Public Firms. Journal of Financial Economics. vol 120(1), pp 41-57. April 2016.
- Congrats! FIBE Best paper award to Bogdan Stacescu
- Øyvind Norli awarded best lecturer award in the Executive MBA program