
Department of Finance

The Department of Finance has a strong international orientation, with faculty from leading schools in finance and economics. Our research is published in top journals and covers all areas of finance.

Seminar Series

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Fall 2024

Date Time Speaker Affiliation
28.08.2024 10:30-11:45 Yupana Wiwattanakantang National University of Singapore Business School
04.09.2024 10:30-11:45 Lars Lochstoer UCLA Anderson School of Management
11.09.2024 10:30-11:45 Spyridon Lagaras University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
18.09.2024 10:30-11:45 Karamfil Todorov Bank for International Settlements
25.09.2024 10:30-11:45 Martijn Boons Nova School of Business and Economics
02.10.2024 10:30-11:45 Daniel Andrei McGill University
09.10.2024 10:30-11:45 Oliver Spalt University of Mannheim
16.10.2024 10:30-11:45 Frans de Roon Tilburg University
23.10.2024 10:30-11:45 Sebastian Ebert Heidelberg University
30.10.2024 10:30-11:45 Alessandro Previtero Indiana University
06.11.2024 10:30-11:45 Ole Wilms University of Hamburg
20.11.2024 10:30-11:45 Itzhak Ben-David Ohio State University
27.11.2024 10:30-11:45 Jan Starmans Stockholm School of Economics