Centre for Creative Industries (BI:CCI)
The Centre for Creative Industries is a research group dedicated to strengthening and promoting research on the creative industries in a Norwegian and international context.
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- Journal Publications
- Research Reports
Eidsvold-Tøien, I.
"Remunerating authors and performers: Are statutory fair compensation provisions sufficient?,"
Eidsvold-Tøien, I. (2023). "Remunerating authors and performers: Are statutory fair compensation provisions sufficient?," Chapters, in: Jens Schovsbo (ed.), The Exploitation of Intellectual Property Rights, chapter 8, pages 187-215, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Furseth, Peder Inge
Innovasjonsevne og digital transformasjon i norske bedrifter.
Furseth, Peder Inge (2023). Innovasjonsevne og digital transformasjon i norske bedrifter. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Kristensen, L. B., & Lüders, M.
Convenient and worth the price? Identifying early users and predicting future use of book streaming services
Kristensen, L. B., & Lüders, M. (2023). Convenient and worth the price? Identifying early users and predicting future use of book streaming services. Convergence, 29(1), 183-200.
Renza, V.
AI generated art
Renza, V. (2023). AI generated art. Morals & Machines, 2(2), 32-39.
De Molli, F., Vecco, M., & Pizzetti, M.
Space for seduction: the redefining of auction houses’ role in the art market
De Molli, F., Vecco, M., & Pizzetti, M. (2023). Space for seduction: the redefining of auction houses’ role in the art market. Consumption Markets & Culture, 26(1), 47-63.
Eidsvold-Tøien, I., & Stenvik, A.
Copyright for performers—an obligation under international law.
Eidsvold-Tøien, I., & Stenvik, A. (2023). Copyright for performers—an obligation under international law. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, jpad073.
Alacovska, A., Booth, P., & Fieseler, C.
A Pharmacological Perspective on Technology-Induced Organised Immaturity: The Care-giving Role of the Arts.
Alacovska, A., Booth, P., & Fieseler, C. (2023). A Pharmacological Perspective on Technology-Induced Organised Immaturity: The Care-giving Role of the Arts. Business Ethics Quarterly, 1-31.
Solvoll, Mona Kristin; Høiby, Marte; Olsen, Ragnhild Olsen.
Framing of the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of Norwegian broadcasting news- and debate programs
Solvoll, Mona Kristin; Høiby, Marte; Olsen, Ragnhild Olsen (2023). Framing of the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of Norwegian broadcasting news- and debate programs, MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research, 38(73), 006–027.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kr. & Furseth, Peder Inge
Service Innovation and Value Creation in Local Journalism During Times of Crisis
Olsen, Ragnhild Kr. & Furseth, Peder Inge (2023). Service Innovation and Value Creation in Local Journalism During Times of Crisis, Journalism Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2023.2173510
De Molli, Federica & Paolino, Chiara
Meaning Making through Artistic Interventions: An Aesthetic Approach.
De Molli, Federica & Paolino, Chiara (2022) Meaning Making through Artistic Interventions: An Aesthetic Approach. Owens, Allan; Pässilä, Anne, Ponsillo, Nick, Biagioli, Monica, Cunningham, Charlotte, De Molli, Federica & Paolino, Chiara (red.). Community and Collective Learning
Isaksson, M. and Solvoll, M.
"The rhetoric of the Norwegian government and health authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic
Isaksson, M. and Solvoll, M. (2022), "The rhetoric of the Norwegian government and health authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic", Journal of Communication Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine, Olsen, Gunhild Ring & Dahl, Heidi Røsek
Unpacking Value Creation Dynamics in Journalism Education.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine, Olsen, Gunhild Ring & Dahl, Heidi Røsek (2022). A Covid-19 Case Study, Journalism Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2022.2043767
Booth, P. & Røyseng, S.
Artists and online dissemination: An analysis of positions and position-takings
Booth, P., & Røyseng, S. 2022. Artists and online dissemination: An analysis of positions and position-takings. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 52(4), 266-285. DOI: 10.1080/10632921.2022.2034691
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine, Solvoll, Mona & Futsæter, Knut Arne.
Gatekeepers as Safekeepers - Mapping Audiences' Attitudes towards News Media's Editorial Oversight Functions during the Covid-19 Crisis.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine, Solvoll, Mona & Futsæter, Knut Arne (2022). Journalism and Media, Journal. Media 2022, 3(1), 182-197.
Gran, A-B. & Gaustad, T.
Digitizing Cinemas – Comprehensive Intended and Unintended Consequences for Diversity
Gran, A-B. & Gaustad, T. (2022) Digitizing Cinemas – Comprehensive Intended and Unintended Consequences for Diversity, The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 52:2, 101-116, DOI: 10.1080/10632921.2021.2018374
Booth, P., Evers, L., Villaonga, E. F., Rioux, V., Sears, A. M., Tamo-Larrieux, A. & Wieringa, M.
Artountability: Art and Algorithmic Accountability.
Booth, P., Evers, L., Villaonga, E. F., Rioux, V., Sears, A. M., Tamo-Larrieux, A. & Wieringa, M. (2021). Artountability: Art and Algorithmic Accountability. Data Protection and Privacy, Volume 14: Enforcing Rights in a Changing World, 45.
De Molli, F. & Vecco, M.
The Metamorphosis of Cultural and Creative Organizations: Exploring Change from a Spatial Perspective
De Molli, F. & Vecco, M. (Eds.) (2021) The Metamorphosis of Cultural and Creative Organizations: Exploring Change from a Spatial Perspective. Routledge Research in the Creative and Cultural Industries, ISBN 9780367681937.
Knardal, P. S., & Burns, J.
The use of accounting in managing the institutional complexities of a festival organisation pursuing financial and social objectives.
Knardal, P. S., & Burns, J. (2021). The use of accounting in managing the institutional complexities of a festival organisation pursuing financial and social objectives. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 17(1), 111-130.
Knardal, P. S., & Landrø, K. S.
“The school band and the Kulturskole are a 'thing'”: Exploring co-production between the public sector and a Non-governmental organisation.
Knardal, P. S., & Landrø, K. S. (2021). “The school band and the Kulturskole are a 'thing'”: Exploring co-production between the public sector and a Non-governmental organisation. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 5(3).
De Molli, Federica
Participatory interpretation: a way to overcome analytical challenges in organizational aesthetic research.
De Molli, Federica (2021) Participatory interpretation: a way to overcome analytical challenges in organizational aesthetic research. Culture and Organization, 27(3), s. 226- 239.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine
Ett mediestöd som sätter värdesamskapande och användare i centrum.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine (2021), "Ett mediestöd som sätter värdesamskapande och användare i centrum". Truedson, Lars; Nord, Lars (Red.), "Snigeln och haren – så kan mediepolitiken komma ikapp medieutvecklingen". Kapittel 8. s. 104-120.
Gran, A.B.
Kunstneriske og kreative kompetanser på tvers
Gran, A.B. (2021). Kunstneriske og kreative kompetanser på tvers. I Gran, A.B. og Olsen, B.E. (red.) Kreativ næring – lokale, digitale og økonomiske perspektiver. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Eidsvold-Tøien, I.
Opphavsrett for en bærekraftig næring
Eidsvold-Tøien, I. (2021). Opphavsrett for en bærekraftig næring. I Gran, A.B. og Olsen, B.E. (red.) Kreativ næring – lokale, digitale og økonomiske perspektiver. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Gran, A.B. og Olsen, B.E.
Kreativ næring og kultursektoren i Norge – omsetning, verdiskaping og sysselsetting 2008-2018.
Gran, A.B. og Olsen, B.E. (2021). Kreativ næring og kultursektoren i Norge – omsetning, verdiskaping og sysselsetting 2008-2018. I Gran, A.B. og Olsen, B.E. (red.) Kreativ næring – lokale, digitale og økonomiske perspektiver. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Gran, A.B. og Olsen, B.E.
Kreativ næring – lokale, digitale og økonomiske perspektiver.
Gran, A.B. og Olsen, B.E. (Red.) (2021). Kreativ næring – lokale, digitale og økonomiske perspektiver. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Gaustad, T.
Digitale omveltninger i filmbransjen
Gaustad, T. (2021). Digitale omveltninger i filmbransjen. I Gran, A.B. og Olsen, B.E. (red.) Kreativ næring – lokale, digitale og økonomiske perspektiver. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Kampen Kristensen, Linn-Birgit
Leveraging Blogger Influence in the Launch of Storytel.
Kampen Kristensen, Linn-Birgit (2021). Leveraging Blogger Influence in the Launch of Storytel. Publishing research quarterly, 37, s. 183- 199.
Gaustad, Terje & Booth, Peter
Covid-19 and the Emergence of New Strategies in Nordic Film and Drama Productions
Gaustad, Terje & Booth, Peter (2021). Covid-19 and the Emergence of New Strategies in Nordic Film and Drama Productions. In Salvador, Elisa (red.). Cultural Industries and the Covid-19 Pandemic: A European Focus. Routledge.
Booth, Peter; Navarrete, Trilce & Ogundipe, Anne Christine Titilayo
Museum open data ecosystems: a comparative study.
Booth, Peter; Navarrete, Trilce & Ogundipe, Anne Christine Titilayo (2021). Museum open data ecosystems: a comparative study. Journal of Documentation.
Terje Gaustad, Peter Booth, Endre Offerdal, Linnea E. Svensson & Anne-Britt Gran
Nordic Mission Possible: An Assessment of Covid 19's Impact on the Nordic Audio visual Industry and the Effectiveness of Government and Industry Measures
Terje Gaustad, Peter Booth, Endre Offerdal, Linnea E. Svensson & Anne-Britt Gran. Nordic Mission Possible: An Assessment of Covid 19's Impact on the Nordic Audio visual Industry and the Effectiveness of Government and Industry Measures. BI:CCI-report no. 1/2021.
Knardal, P. S.
Orchestrating institutional complexity and performance management in the performing arts.
Knardal, P. S. (2020). Orchestrating institutional complexity and performance management in the performing arts. Financial Accountability & Management, 36(3), 300-318.
Knardal, P. S., & Bjørnenak, T.
Managerial characteristics and budget use in festival organizations.
Knardal, P. S., & Bjørnenak, T. (2020). Managerial characteristics and budget use in festival organizations. Journal of management control, 31(4), 379-402.
Leo A. Grünfeld, Nina Bruvik Westberg, Maria Køber Guldvik, Ole Magnus Stokke, Jonas Erraia, Caroline Aarre Halvorsen, Peter Booth, Terje Gaustad og Anne-Britt Gran
Et halvt år med koronakrise i kultursektoren. Erfaringer og fremtidsutsikter
Leo A. Grünfeld, Nina Bruvik Westberg, Maria Køber Guldvik, Ole Magnus Stokke, Jonas Erraia, Caroline Aarre Halvorsen, Peter Booth, Terje Gaustad og Anne-Britt Gran. Et halvt år med koronakrise i kultursektoren. Erfaringer og fremtidsutsikter. Menon-publikasjon nr. 131/2020 i samarbeid med BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine
Understanding the relationship people in their early adulthood have to small-town news and paywalls.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine (2020). Understanding the relationship people in their early adulthood have to small-town news and paywalls. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism. Volume 21(4): 507-523.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine
The Value of Local News in the Digital Realm – Introducing the Integrated Value Creation Model
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine (2020). The Value of Local News in the Digital Realm – Introducing the Integrated Value Creation Model. Digital Journalism, 1-25.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine
The value of local news. Unpacking dynamics of local newspapers’ value creation for audiences and society
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine (2020). The value of local news. Unpacking dynamics of local newspapers’ value creation for audiences and society. PhD Thesis, Oslo: Oslo 07-Media 2020, 210 s.
Nina Bruvik Westberg, Anne-Britt Gran, Maria Køber Guldvik, Ole Magnus Stokke og Leo Grünfeld
Koronakrisens virkninger på kultursektoren: Resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse
Nina Bruvik Westberg, Anne-Britt Gran, Maria Køber Guldvik, Ole Magnus Stokke og Leo Grünfeld. Koronakrisens virkninger på kultursektoren: Resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse. Menon-publikasjon nr. 69/2020 i samarbeid med BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Anne-Britt Gran, Linn-Birgit Kampen Kristensen, Audun Molde, Anja Nylund og Peter Booth
Krise og kreativitet i musikkbransjen - koronaepidemien 2020
Anne-Britt Gran, Linn-Birgit Kampen Kristensen, Audun Molde, Anja Nylund og Peter Booth. Krise og kreativitet i musikkbransjen - koronaepidemien 2020. Rapport nr. 1. Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Terje Gaustad, Valentina Moreno og Anne-Britt Gran
Forbruksmønstre i en digitalisert filmsektor
Terje Gaustad, Valentina Moreno og Anne-Britt Gran. Forbruksmønstre i en digitalisert filmsektor. Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Leo Grünfeld, Anne-Britt Gran, Nina Bruvik Westberg, Ole Magnus Stokke, Maria Køber Guldvik, Marian Scheffer, Terje Gaustad og Peter Booth
Koronakrisen og kultursektoren. Endringer i aktivitet i mars og april 2020
Leo Grünfeld, Anne-Britt Gran, Nina Bruvik Westberg, Ole Magnus Stokke, Maria Køber Guldvik, Marian Scheffer, Terje Gaustad og Peter Booth. Koronakrisen og kultursektoren. Endringer i aktivitet i mars og april 2020. Oslo: Menon Economics, rapport, nr. 56, i samarbeid med BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Mona K. Solvoll, Anders Olof Larsson
The (non)use of likes, comments and shares of news in local online newspapers
Solvoll, Mona K.; Larsson, Anders Olof. The (non)use of likes, comments and shares of news in local online newspapers. Newspaper Research Journal (2020) s 204-217
Terje Gaustad, Anne-Britt Gran, Øyvind Torp
Digitizing local cinema: Lessons on diversity from Norway
Gaustad, Terje; Gran, Anne-Britt; Torp, Øyvind. Digitizing local cinema: Lessons on diversity from Norway. The political Economy of Local Cinema: A Cruicial introduction. (2020) s 95-108.
Christine Myrvang
Tause kilders tale. Var Dea Sigrid Undsets store, uforløste kjærlighet?
Myrvang, Christine. Tause kilders tale. Var Dea Sigrid Undsets store, uforløste kjærlighet? (2020)
Anne-Britt Gran, Peter Booth, Taina Bucher
To be or not to be algorithm aware: a question of a new digital divide?
Gran Anne-Britt; Booth, Peter; Bucher, Tina 2020. To be or not to be algorithm aware: a question of a new digital divide?. Information, Communication & Society.
Gran, Anne-Britt; Booth, Peter; Ogundipe, Anne; Vestberg, Nina Lager; Røyseng, Sigrid; Hoel, Aud Sissel; Moreno, Valentina
Digitale handlingsmønstre i kunst- og museumssektoren
Gran, Anne-Britt; Booth, Peter; Ogundipe, Anne; Vestberg, Nina Lager; Røyseng, Sigrid; Hoel, Aud Sissel; Moreno, Valentina. Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Gaustad, T.
How Streaming Services Make Cinema More Important: Lessons from Norway.
Gaustad, T. (2019). How Streaming Services Make Cinema More Important: Lessons from Norway. Nordic Journal of Media Studies, 1(1):67-84.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine
Connecting People? Understanding Media’s Role as Democratic Resources for People in Digitally Advanced Local Environments
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine (2019). Connecting People? Understanding Media’s Role as Democratic Resources for People in Digitally Advanced Local Environments. Digital Journalism.
Peder Inge Furseth
Norsk handelsnæring i 2019: Fra digitale drømmer til digital økonomi
Furseth, Peder Inge. Norsk handelsnæring i 2019: Fra digitale drømmer til digital økonomi. Det Nye Digitale Norge. (2019) s 211-222
Terje Gaustad
How streaming services make cinema more important: Lessons from Norway
Gaustad, Terje. How streaming services make cinema more important: Lessons from Norway. Nordic Journal of Media Studies (2019) s 67-84
Ragnhild Olsen, Aske Kammer, Mona K. Solvoll
Paywalls Impact on Local News Websites? Traffic and Their Civic and Business Implications
Olsen, Ragnhild; Kammer, Aske: Solvoll Mona K. Paywalls? Impact on Local News Websites? Traffic and Their Civic and Business Implications. Journalism Studies (2019)
Anne-Britt Gran, Rikke Gürgens Gjærum
Teaterbransjen: delbransjer, organisering og finansiering
Gran, Anne-Britt; Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens, Teaterbransjen: delbransjer, organisering og finansiering (2019)
Christine Myrvang
Stormens øye. Om forsøket på å stabilisere Dagbladets nyere historie.
Myrvang, Christine. Stormens øye. Om forsøket på å stabilisere Dagbladets nyere historie. Mediehistorisk Tidsskrift (2019)
Gran, Anne-Britt; Røssaak, Eivind & Kristensen, Linn-Birgit Kampen
Digital Infrastructure for Diversity - on Digital Bookshelf and Google Books
Gran, Anne-Britt; Røssaak, Eivind & Kristensen, Linn-Birgit Kampen. 2019. Digital Infrastructure for Diversity - on Digital Bookshelf and Google Books. Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 49(3), 171-187.
Kistensen, Linn-Birgit Kampen & Solvoll, Mona K.
Digital Payments for a Digital Generation. Disruptive Technology in Book and Local Newspaper Industries
Kistensen, Linn-Birgit Kampen & Solvoll, Mona K. 2019. Digital Payments for a Digital Generation. Disruptive Technology in Book and Local Newspaper Industries. Nordic Journal of Media Studies, 1(1), 125-136.
Booth, Peter; Ogundipe, Anne & Røyseng, Sigrid
Museum Leaders' Perspectives on Social Media
Booth, Peter; Ogundipe, Anne & Røyseng, Sigrid. 2019. Museum Leaders' Perspectives on Social Media. Museum Managemenet and Curatorship.
Kristensen, Linn-Birgit Kampen
How to Choose a Format. Consumers' Evaluation in Choosing a Format for Reading Books in Norway
Kristensen, Linn-Birgit Kampen. 2019. How to Choose a Format. Consumers' Evaluation in Choosing a Format for Reading Books in Norway. Journal of Electroinc Publishing, 22(1).
Furseth, Peder Inge
Fra digitale drømmer til digital domino
Furseth, Peder Inge. 2019. Fra digitale drømmer til digital domino. I Asbjørn Rolstadås, Arne Krokan, Per Morten Schiefloe, Gunnar Sand & Lars Thomas Dyrhaug (Red.), Fremtiden er digital: Det nye digitale Norge (s. 211-222). Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi (NTVA): John Grieg Forlag.
Gran, Anne-Britt; Kristensen, Linn-Birgit Kampen; Røssaak, Eivind; Sverdljuk, Jana; Furseth, Peder Inge; Alm, Kristian; Moreno, Valentina
Bokforbruk, bibliotek og lesing i digitale tider
Gran, Anne-Britt; Kristensen, Linn-Birgit Kampen; Røssaak, Eivind; Sverdljuk, Jana; Furseth, Peder Inge; Alm, Kristian; Moreno, Valentina. Bokforbruk, bibliotek og lesing i digitale tider. Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Eidsvold-Tøien, Irina; Torp, Øyvind; Theie, Macus Gjems; Molde, Audun; Gaustad, Terje; Sommerstad, Harald; Espelien, Anne; Gran, Anne-Britt
Hva nå. Digitaliseringens innvirkning på norsk musikkbransje
Eidsvold-Tøien, Irina; Torp, Øyvind; Theie, Macus Gjems; Molde, Audun; Gaustad, Terje; Sommerstad, Harald; Espelien, Anne; Gran, Anne-Britt. Hva nå. Digitaliseringens innvirkning på norsk musikkbransje. Rapport nr 1. 2019. Oppdragsgiver Kulturdepartementet. Samarbeidspartner Menon Economics. Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Terje Gaustad
How Financing Shapes a Film Project: Applying Organizational Economics to a Case Study in Norway
Gaustad, Terje. How Financing Shapes a Film Project: Applying Organizational Economics to a Case Study in Norway. Handbook of State Aid for Film: Finance, Industries and Regulation (2018) s 119-134.
Ragnhild Olsen, Mona K. Solvoll
Bouncing off the Paywall – Understanding Misalignments Between Local Newspaper Value Propositions and Audience Responses
Olsen, Ragnhild; Solvoll, Mona K. Bouncing off the Paywall – Understanding Misalignments Between Local Newspaper Value Propositions and Audience Responses. JMM - The International Journal on Media Management (2018) s 174-192
Martin Eide, Christine Myrvang
Alltid foran skjermen. Dagbladet og det digitale skiftet
Eide, Martin; Myrvang, Christine. Alltid foran skjermen. Dagbladet og det digitale skiftet (2018)
Peder Inge Furseth, Richard Cuthbertson
The right way to spend your innovation budget
Furseth, Peder Inge; Cuthbertson, Richard. The right way to spend your innovation budget. Harvard Business Review (2018)
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristin; Solvoll, Mona Kristin
Reinventing the business model for local newspapers by building walls
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristin; Solvoll, Mona Kristin. 2018. Reinventing the business model for local newspapers by building walls. Journal of Media Business Studies.
Olsen, Ragnhild; Solvoll, Mona; Gran, Anne-Britt
Digitalisering av lokal mediebruk (2. versjon)
Olsen, Ragnhild; Solvoll, Mona; Gran, Anne-Britt. 2018. Digitalisering av lokal mediebruk. Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Gran, Anne-Britt; Kristensen, Linn-Birgit Kampen; Røssaak, Eivind
Digitalisering av bok og bibliotek
Gran, Anne-Britt; Kristensen, Linn-Birgit Kampen; Røssaak, Eivind. 2018. Digitalisering av bok og bibliotek. Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries
Furseth, Peder Inge & Cuthbertson, Richard
The Right Way to Spend Your Innovation Budget
Furseth, Peder Inge & Cuthbertson, Richard. 2018. The Right Way to Spend Your Innovation Budget. Harvard Business Review. Digital article 3. august 2018.
Gran, Anne-Britt; Vestberg, Nina Lager; Booth, Peter & Ogundipe, Anne
A Digital museum’s contribution to diversity - A user study
Gran, Anne-Britt; Vestberg, Nina Lager; Booth, Peter & Ogundipe Anne. 2018. A Digital museum’s contribution to diversity - A user study. Museum Management and Curatorship, 34(1), 58-78.
Gran, Anne-Britt; Vestberg, Nina; Booth, Peter
Gran, Anne-Britt; Vestberg, Nina; Booth, Peter. 2018. Digitaltmuseum.no. Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries
Gaustad, Terje; Theie, Marcus Gjems; Eidsvold-Tøien, Irina; Torp, Øyvind; Gran, Anne-Britt; Espelien, Anne
Utredning av pengestrømmene i verdikjeden for norske filmer og serier
Gaustad, Terje; Theie, Marcus Gjems; Eidsvold-Tøien, Irina; Torp, Øyvind; Gran, Anne-Britt; Espelien, Anne. 2018. Utredning av pengestrømmene i verdikjeden for norske filmer og serier. Oslo: Menon Economics og BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Tor Bang, mona K. Solvoll, Alexander Buhmann
Stoler på kommunens nettsider
Bang, Tor; Solvoll, Mona K., Buhmann, Alexander. Stoler på kommunens nettsider. Communication for leaders (2017)
Tor Bang, Mona K. Solvoll
Secrets of Public Affairs
Bang, Tor; Solvoll, Mona K. Secrets of Public Affairs. How strategic communication shapes value and innovation in society (2017) s 105-122.
Terje Gaustad, Donatella De Paoli
New Faculty Roles in Online Education: The Professor as Writer, Director, Actor and Producer?
Gaustad, Terje; De Paoli, Donatella. New Faculty Roles in Online Education: The Professor as Writer, Director, Actor and Producer?. Smart Universities: Education`s Digital Future (2017) s 21-28
Anne-Britt Gran
Kultursektoren og kreativ næring i norsk økonomi: Et dedifferensieringsperspektiv på utviklingen
Gran, Anne-Britt, Kultursektoren og kreativ næring i norsk økonomi:Et dedifferensieringsperspektiv på utviklingen. Praktisk økonomi og finans (2017)
Gaustad, Terje
Det smale mangfoldet: kinomarkedet etter digitaliseringen
Gaustad, Terje. 2017. Det smale mangfoldet: kinomarkedet etter digitaliseringen.Oslo: Praktisk økonomi og finans, 2(33), 203-219.
Øyvind Torp, Anne-Britt Gran, Irina Eidsvoll Tøien og Marcus Gjems Theie
Musikkbransjen i Norge 2011-2015: Økonomisk analyse av fem delbransjer og elleve undergrupper
Torp, Øyvind; Gran, Anne-Britt; Tøien, Irina Eidsvoll; Theie, Marcus Gjems. 2017. Musikkbransjen i Norge 2011-2015: Økonomisk analyse av fem delbransjer og elleve undergrupper Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Mona Solvoll
Solvoll, Mona. 2017. Annonse+ -Annonsepotensialet for digitale lokalaviser med brukerbetalinger. Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries.
Tor Bang
Innholdsmarkedsføring i praksis
Bang, Tor. 2016. Innholdsmarkedsføring i praksis. I Jens Barland (Red.). Innholdsmarkedsføring, Konsept, forretningsmodeller, jus, etikk og praksis (s 205 - 246). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Christine Myrvang
Tingenes kalde krig
Myrvang, Christine. Tingenes kalde krig. Arr-Idèhistorisk Tidsskrift (2016)
Anne-Britt Gran
Kunnskap om - medvirkning av - formidling for mangfoldige museumsbrukere.
Gran, Anne-Britt. Kunnskap om - medvirkning av - formidling for mangfoldige museumsbrukere. Kommunikasjon og ytringsfrihet i organisasjoner (2016) s 214-246.
Mona K. Solvoll
Football on Television: How has the coverage of the Cup Finals in Norway changed from 1961 to 1995?
Solvoll, Mona K. Football on Television: How has the coverage of the Cup Finals in Norway changed from 1961 to 1995?. Media, Culture and Society (2016) s 141-158
Tor Bang, Mona K. Solvoll
Åpenhet om kommunikasjonsbransjens hemmeligheter
Bang, Tor; Solvoll, Mona K. Åpenhet om kommunikasjonsbransjens hemmeligheter. Kommunikasjon og ytringsfrihet i organisasjoner (2016) s 66-91
Lars Thue, Espen Ekberg, Christine Myrvang
Mellommannen. Joh. Johannson og kampen om dagligvaremarkedet, 1866-2016
Thue, lars; Ekberg, Espen; Myrvang, Christine. Mellommannen. Joh. Johannson og kampen om dagligvaremarkedet, 1866-2016. (2016)
Peder Inge Furseth, Richard Cuthbertson
Innovation in an Advanced Consumer Society: Value-Driven Service Innovation
Furseth, Peder Inge; Cuthbertson, Richard. Innovation in an Advanced Consumer Society: Value-Driven Service Innovation (2016)
Steven DeMello, Peder Inge Furseth
Innovation and Culture in Public Services: The Case of Independent Living
DeMello, Steven; Furseth, Peder Inge. Innovation and Culture in Public Services: The Case of Independent Living. Innovation and Culture in Public Services. (2016)
Anne-Britt Gran, Øyvind Torp og Marcus Theie
Kreativ Næring i Norge 2008-2014
Gran, Anne-Britt, Øyvind Torp, Marcus Theie. 2015. Kreativ næring i Norge 2008-2014. Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries
Anne-Britt Gran og Øyvind Torp
Eksportundersøkelsen 2015
Gran, Anne-Britt og Øyvind Torp. 2015. Eksportundersøkelsen 2015. Oslo: BI Centre for Creative Industries