BI Research Centre

Centre for Creative Industries (BI:CCI)

The Centre for Creative Industries is a research group dedicated to strengthening and promoting research on the creative industries in a Norwegian and international context.

    Covid-19 has affected the media for better or worse. On one side the audience has flocked to TV, radio, and newspapers to get information, news and entertainment. On the other side the pandemic has had dramatic impact for the media´s advertisement revenue, which had led to layoffs and a need for crisis packages.

    This is the background for this research project. MICC is a collaboration between 6 institutions: BI Norwegian Business School, OsloMet, Kristiania University College, the Norwegian Media Authority, Kantar, and the department for Journalism. Mona Solvoll (BI) is the leader for this project. The project extends over two year and a funded by the Research Council of Norway.

    Together we examine how news media increasingly can create added value for themselves, the public and the society.  Our hypothesis is that the answer lies in the news media´s ability to innovate.

    The project includes three work packages:

    • Work package 1 focuses on the news media´s response to the Covid-19 outbreak in Norway.
    • Work package 2 examines news media´s innovation ability both before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.
    • Work package 3 focuses on changes in news media´s role in society, their value offerings, and the relationship with audience.

    We use a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. We are mainly approaching the model called “The service innovation triangle” (Furseth and Cuthbertson, 2018).

    Our goal is to contribute with insights on the ability to innovate in the media industry through the pandemic. The audience for this study is everyone with an interest in media, including owners, journalists, advertisers, politicians, the public, supervisors, and academics. We believe that our research will be valued also outside the Norwegian media sphere. 

    Read about the project.

    Objective: To provide the fund with insight into the economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic for the audiovisual industries in the Nordic countries.

    Team: Terje Gaustad (project leader), Peter Booth, Endre Offerdal and Linnea Svensson, with Anne-Britt Gran.

    Project-oriented approach: In this study the unit of analysis is the film or series project (drama and documentary), not companies, which provide unique insight compared to most other studies.

    Climate effects: Included is a pilot study of climate effects. How the restructuring of productions in response to Covid-19 has influenced their climate footprint.

    The project is funded by Nordisk Film & TV fond.

    The project has been carried out in collaboration with Menon Economics. Project leader: Leo Grünfeld.

    The purpose of the project is to map the economic consequences of the pandemic in the cultural sector.

    The project is funded by Arts Council Norway.

    The final report (in Norwegian only) 

    The project has been carried out in collaboration with the University of Oslo and Kristiania University College.

    The purpose of the project is to map the financial consequences of the pandemic in the music industry.

    The project is funded by Music Industry Council and the Arts Council Norway.

    The final report (in Norwegian only) 

    BI:CCI is a research partner in the cluster of «Arena Oslo – the Smart Event City»  (Norwegian Innovation Clusters Arena-program 2017) https://www.arenaoslo.no/

    DnD is financed by the Research Council of Norway, through the KULMEDIA program. The overarching research question is: How does digitization influence the diversity dimensions in the culture and media sector?

    The project is a collaboration between the Norwegian Business School (BI), the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the National Library of Norway, and the University of Copenhagen.

    In the research project we examine the impact of public and private digitization initiatives on diversity. We concentrate on four industries: the library and book sector (e-books), museums (digital collections), film (digital cinema and movie files), and the press, especially local newspapers (e-papers). In Norway, the state plays a significant role in both the financing and the digitization of the sector; therefore we focus on the interaction between public and private actors.

    Diversity deals with content production, the user, patterns of digital consumption, private and public distribution and dissemination channels as well as the new technological production conditions relating to interfaces, software (algorithms) and new methods of analysis (Big Data).

    For more information on this project visit its website by clicking here.

    The mapping is conducted by BI:CCI on assignment for Music Norway.

    Music Norway (client)
    BI:CCI: Øyvind Torp (project manager) and Prof. Anne-Britt Gran (quality assurance)
    Menon Economics (subcontractor dataanalysis)

    Evaluation of four Norwegian art institutions, conducted by Oslo Economics on assignment for The Ministry of Culture. BI:CCI is involved in the project as subcontractor of Oslo Economics. 


    Oslo Economics: Ove Skaug Halsos, Karl Rikard Løvhaug, Aleksander Bråthen and Svend Boye Butenschøn.

    BI:CCI: Prof. Anne-Britt Gran (quality assurance) og Øyvind Torp.

    Panel of experts appointed by The Ministry of Culture (responsible for the evaluation of artistic quality): Elisabeth Hansen, Trine Wiggen, Hild Borchgrevink, Audun Hasti and Eirik Raude.

    The above average fall in circulation of local newspapers is a clear trend in today’s media market. Several local media have responded to this trend with the introduction of fees for their digital content. We will examine how readers assess paywalls and how the introduction of various pay walls changes local newspapers’ characteristics as an advertising medium. Financed by Rådet for Anvendt Medieforskning

    This project has been completed, you can find the report here

    Client: Music Norway. The purpose of this project is to better understand how the export of Norwegian music works and what it takes to succeed. A pilot for best practice will be produced, and a survey will be conducted among musicians with export experience.

    Contributors:  Professor Anne-Britt Gran and Research Assistant Øyvind Torp. 

    This project has been completed, you can find the report here

    When addressing leadership, terms such as senses, emotions, and sensitivity have become more common. Further, the art field has emerged as a descriptive metaphor for this discussion. This PhD project will investigate leadership through personality traits related to sensitivity. The aim is to find its relations, and compare it with known antecedents, such as for example narcissism. The project will primary collect data from the art field, also to compare art leadership with more common research on leadership.

    PhD project, Christian Winther Farstad.

    A cooperative project with MENON Business Economics. Updating, improving and expanding the mapping of the cultural industries in 2011. 

    This project was completed in February 2016, and the report can be found here.

    Writers: Anne-Britt Gran, Øyvind Torp og Marcus Gjems Theie.

    Other contributors: Anne Espelien and the entire centre team, including students from Arts Management at BI.