Sustainability strategy

Sustainability in programmes

We will develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy.

Integration of sustainability into all programmes

Offering education that integrates responsibility, ethics and sustainability is one of BI’s most impactful ways to address societal challenges. Since the last PRME report (in 2018), BI has both developed new and revised existing courses and programmes at the BSc, MSc and Executive level.

In BI's strategy by 2025 we will include sustainability in all our programmes and individual courses to ensure awareness and understanding that industries who take this seriously will be the winners in the future's markets.

Read more about BI's sustainability work here: Sustainability report 2022.

"At BI, we continue our endeavors to include sustainability in our programme portfolio. Since the infancy in 2018, experience tells us that the issue needs to be intertwined with the academic development of disciplinary courses to obtain the necessary impact and influence. This comes in addition to singular courses in ethics, CSR and sustainability."

Bendik Samuelsen

Professor & Provost for Academic Programmes

Programmes and individual courses

A woman smiling on a bridge
A woman smiling on a bridge

The BI Executive MBA gives you better insight into global markets and improves your ability to make good strategic decisions. Are you ready to transform your career in an international setting?
Read more about the programme

Sheets with graphs and a calculator
Sheets with graphs and a calculator

Gain a solid foundation in finance and sustainability to meet the growing need for candidates with this unique perspective and interdisciplinary competence.
Read more about the programme

Three people walking besides a glass building
Three people walking besides a glass building

Through this course you will get a rich overview of the strategic challenges facing global organizations, including the tools available to assess the situation and make sound business decisions both in stable markets and times of uncertainty.

Read more about the course.

A collage with office buildings, panels and green trees
A collage with office buildings, panels and green trees

Shape your future with a master’s degree designed to develop your comprehensive understanding of key energy issues.
Read more about the programme

A worker looking at a field with high voltages masts
A worker looking at a field with high voltages masts

Managing diversity is about being able to see the opportunities that lie in our differences. Therefore, this program aims to develop leaders and organizations that will be good at inclusion and multicultural management.
Read more about the programme (in Norwegian).

Executive courses taught in Norwegian

A pair of hands holding a tree in water, with a butterfly flying over
A pair of hands holding a tree in water, with a butterfly flying over

Master's Course

Grønn vekst og konkurransekraft

The focus in this programme will be on green business models and strategy, accounting and measurements, innovation and leadership.

Busy people in a hall at work
Busy people in a hall at work

Master's Course

If your company is going to be involved in the future, you must relate to sustainability. It is expected from your employees, customers, suppliers and authorities. In this course you will learn to develop strategies for implementing sustainability in a way that take care of both the environment and the economy. 


Master's Course

Bærekraftsrett - klassifisering, rapportering og handling

In this programme, you will learn to analyze and apply the EU regulations for sustainability, and understand the significance it has for Norwegian businesses.

The earth with different digital logos around it
The earth with different digital logos around it

Bachelor's Course

Bærekraftig markedsføring

This course provides insigts into sustainability and the green shift. You will learn how to market businesses that focus on sustainability in product development and innovation.

Picture of a person in front of a strategic wall
Picture of a person in front of a strategic wall

Bachelor's Course

Omstilling for bærekraft

The course gives you insight into methods, tools and technological conditions that will help you work more strategically with sustainable transition work for increased competitiveness. 

Green forest
Green forest

Executive Short Courses

Bærekraftig markedsføring og kommunikasjon

In this course, we look at psychological barriers that can explain why it is so difficult to bring about changes. We also focus on strategies for talking about climate in ways that can motivate change.

A man putting a green leaf formed as a heart in his pocket
A man putting a green leaf formed as a heart in his pocket

Executive Short Courses

Finansiering av bærekraft

In this course you will learn how sustainability can be integrated in the subject of finance. 

Office space with green plants
Office space with green plants

Executive Short Courses

Bærekraft basics

The course gives you an understanding and framework for sustainability work and a model for introducing sustainability in your own company. 

Water drop in front of trees
Water drop in front of trees

Executive Short Courses

Bærekraftig finans

In this course, you will learn about how sustainability can be integrated into the various financial industries.

Brick wall with green plants
Brick wall with green plants

Executive Short Courses

Bærekraft og kommunikasjon

The course gives you insight into the relationship between media and communication, and the environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability.

Group of people during a meeting
Group of people during a meeting

Executive Short Courses

Digitalisering for bærekraft

The course gives you insight into how digital solutions can contribute to a circular economy based on renewable resources that strenghten competitive advantage and promote sustainable growth.


Master's Course

Multicultural Leadership

Managing diversity is about being able to see the opportunities that lie in our differences. Therefore, this program aims to develop leaders and organizations that will be good at inclusion and multicultural management.

Sustainable marketing
Sustainable marketing

Master's Course

Anvendt økonomi for ledere: bærekraft i bedrift og marked

In this programme, you will gain increased competence in sustainable business management. You learn to navigate green accounts and investments, as well as solve practical problems in your own organisation.

A man looking at globes on a wall
A man looking at globes on a wall

Bachelor's Course

Marked, kriser og bærekraft

The course's pervasive theme is the market economy's opportunities and problems related to business, government and the individual's role and behavior in society.

Green glass building
Green glass building

Bachelor's Course

Bærekraftig risikostyring

This course gives you an introduction to what traditional risk management is, and helps you understand the concept of sustainability from a risk management perspective.

A pencil on a stack of papers
A pencil on a stack of papers

Executive Short Courses

Bærekraft som konkurransekraft

This course provides an introduction to key theories, methods and approaches to sustainability and green growth towards 2030.


Executive Short Courses

Bærekraftsutfordringer i selskaper

The society faces major global climate challenges. In this course you will learn how companies must make their mark in the society. 

Illustration: money and green growth
Illustration: money and green growth

Executive Short Courses

Bærekraftig utvikling og finans

In this course you will learn how sustainability can be integrated in financial industries. 

One to one
One to one

Executive Short Courses

Bærekraftige forretningsmodeller og grønne innovasjoner

This course looks at why effective management of sustainability challenges requires them to become an integral part of a company's overall strategy and corporate governance.

Wind farm
Wind farm

Executive Short Courses

Bærekraft og felles verdiskapning

The course addresses the interaction between strategy, value creation and sustainability with emphasis on partnership (UN Sustainable Development Goal 17). 

Meeting with a group of people
Meeting with a group of people

Executive Short Courses

Bærekraftstrategi og forretningsutvikling

The course gives you an introduction to how requirements for sustainable transition affect business models, choice of strategy and innovation.