Recruit from BI

BI Internship

By offering internship positions you can team up with competent students that wish to use what they have learned at school in a real world context.

BI Internship Master

Most full-time master programmes at BI Norwegian Business School offer BI Internship as a credit-bearing course that allows the students to gain relevant work experience alongside with their degree.

BI Internship Master gives your organisation a unique opportunity to invite competent and motivated students to work on relevant tasks and projects. Internships can take place anywhere in the world, and you can recruit from a pool of talented Norwegian and International students. The BI Internships are full-time for 4 to 10 weeks, depending on the study programme.

8 weeks

10 weeks

4 weeks  

BI Flex Internship – can be completed in Norway and abroad.


Are you a student? Log in and read about BI Internship on the Student portal.

How to recruit students?

Companies that wish to be contacted by students can announce their BI Internship position via the BI Career Portal. Students must reach out to the companies themselves, and the companies conduct their preferred recruitment process before a learning contract is completed and signed by the student(s) and the company.

Finally, students apply for admission to the BI Internship course with the learning contract to BI. It is the companies’ and students’ responsibility to get acquainted with the requirements BI has to both parties. 

Do you have questions regarding the application process? Please send an e-mail to internship@bi.no

Do you want a BI Intern? Plan ahead!
BI Internship is an elective and the students have to apply for admission in the course. Therefore, the recruitment processes and learning contract needs to be ready by:

1 April for

  • MSc in Business
  • MSc in Leadership and Organisational Psychology
  • MSc in Strategic Marketing Management
  • MSc in Finance
  • MSc in Quantitative Finance
  • MSc in Business Analytics
  • MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • MSc in Law and Business
  • MSc in Sustainable Finance
  • MSc in Digital Communication Management
  • MSc in Data Science for Business