Excerpt from course description

Applied Organizational Psychology: The Role as Practitioner


One of the overall learning goals of the Leadership and Organisational Psychology masters programme is to develop skills. Therefore, this course provides a foundation to support students in applying their knowledge acquired during the MSc programme and to prepare them for becoming competent practitioners.

Topics covered in this course include the science of implementation, developing own organization from the perspective of action-research, the role as external consultant, and ethics in practice. Towards the end of the course, after working with real cases and comparing the different roles practitioners might hold (e.g., HR representative versus external consultant), students will reflect upon their own future career. This part of the course will borrow ideas from different scientific literatures (e.g., research on calling, identity, burnout, self-leadership, sustainable careers, mentoring).

Course content

  • Implementation science and evidence-based practice – how to apply research-based knowledge in the development of leaders, teams, and organizations
  • The role as external consultant – temptations, risks, and limitations of the profession
  • The role as HR representative – doing action-research in your own organization
  • Life as a practitioner – dilemmas, development, and support


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.