Excerpt from course description

Professional Sales and Negotiations


The salesperson is a central competitve factor for the company. The seller is the one who in practice shall materialize the company's goal and strategies. The sales term include personal communication and negotiation skills as active means to gain a wanted change in the customer's or the suppier's buying behavior. Selling is "to be or not to be" for every company, and every industrial sales has an element of negotiations. Thus the course in professional sales and negotiations combines two important competance areas for everybody who shall function int the sales - and market department of a company, and want to develop as professional salespersons. To build relations is a essential success factor within industrial sales and negotiations, therefore relationship building and management is a "red thread" thorughout the course. The goal of the course is to bring the students to a competence level that enables them to plan and carry out professional B2B sales and the connected negotiations.

Course content

  1. Introduction to business-to-business sales (B2B)
  2. The salesperson in B2B
    • Personal development processes
    • The internal cooperation
  3. Sales processes
  4. Sales communication
  5. Organising the selling                                                                       
    • Self management
  6. Account management and key account management
  7. Sales planning
  8. Relationship development and CRM
  9. Introduction to negociations
  10. Negotiation former
  11. Negotiation planning
  12. Communication in negotiations
  13. Professional selling and negotiations


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.