Excerpt from course description

Strategic Sustainable Innovation


Today’s executives and entrepreneurs are facing an unprecedented growth of technological opportunities but also social and environmental concerns, which require them to put sustainability-based management and innovation at the core of their business strategy. 

As addressing social and environmental problems has become a mounting priority for both internal and external stakeholders, good businesses of today need to go beyond the bottom line. Drawing from recent research in this area and business experience, we can provide concrete examples of how sustainability efforts result in a positive impact on business performance and embedded sustainability actually benefits the bottom line.

This course aims at providing an understanding of the core topics in sustainability-oriented innovation in corporates and new ventures. For the purpose of this course, sustainable practices are meant as those that focus on improving  (or at a minimum do not harm) environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance in the areas in which the company has a environmental or social impact (in their operations, value chain, customers or employees). Companies with a traditional CSR program are not the focus of the course as this does not by itself qualify as sustainability.

Course content

  • Why environmental and societal change matter to corporations – Why companies must focus on social impact.
  • Environmental and social targets and innovation policy instruments.
  • New growth measures that include sustainability.
  • The role of Institutions and governance.
  • Corporate or venture purpose and value creation.
  • Enablers of Sustainability oriented innovation – e.g. circularity among others.
  • Sustainability oriented innovation process – challenges and success factors.
  • Measuring social impact of corporations or ventures.
  • Integrating business and employees' personal values.
  • Cooperation between corporates and new ventures to create shared value and social impact.


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.