
Meet and Greet with MSc in Business students from BI - campus Bergen

  • Starts:12:00, 26 September 2019
  • Ends:14:00, 26 September 2019
  • Location:NCE Media City, 9th floor, Lars Hilles Gate 30
  • Contact:Marhta K. Sandtorv (marhta.k.sandtorv@bi.no)

Meet our students from the very first Master of Science-class at BI - campus Bergen

We would like to invite your company to meet campus Bergen's first Master of Sciende-class, whose chosen major is Leadership and Change. 

Our students will each give a presentation in front of you. 

The purpose of this day is for our students to meet the different companies within the clusters, and for them to create good relations for future career opportunities such as Internships and collaborations when writing their masters' thesis.

This is an informal event to kick off a close collaboration between the students and cluster companies. 
