Employee Profile

Ingunn Myrtveit

Provost - Academic Resources


Myrtveit is Professor of Business Economics at BI Norwegian Business School. She has a Dr Oeceon in Economics from NHH.
Her main areas of research is at the intersection of economics, management of information system and behaviour economics. This is a result of interdisiplinary work with the business community, i.e. Accenture and Telenor
She has published in top journals such as IEEE Transactions on Software engineering and Empirical Software engineering.
Myrtveit has been Head of Department of Economics at BI Norwegian Business School from 1998-2003, and Head of department of Accounting and Operations Management from 2015-2022, and Provost Academic Resources since 2022.

See CV here


Kamsvåg, Vegard; Stensrud, Erik & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2021)

Safety of Autonomous Ships -INterpreting High Confidence Mistakes of Deep Neural Networks Using Heat Maps

Castanier, Bruno; Cepin, Marko, Bigaud, David & Berenguer, Christophe (red.). Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference

Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are used for image recognition in safety-critical functions of autonomous cars and ships. Car accidents have exposed DNN's lack of robustness to irregular events like unusual image objects and scenes. A misclassification with a high score, which we term a high confidence mistake, is of a particular concern to autonomous ships where we foresee a remote, land-based human operator in the loop who can intervene if warned. A high confidence mistake will not generate a warning to the human operator. To assess the safety of the classifier, we need as a minimum to understand why the classifier fails. This study evaluates the Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) heat mapping method, applied to maritime image scenes. The method is evaluated on a classifier, trained using transfer learning to classify marine vessels into one of four different vessel categories. As a part of this, test images have been manipulated to deliberately provoke failures in the classification module. The resulting heat maps have then been used to investigate the cause of the failures. The results suggest that heat maps help us better understand what features are relevant for the classification which is an important first step. Further research is however required to provide an assurance framework to assess the safety level or to assist in debugging a DNN.

Stensrud, Erik & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2019)

The problem of High Confidence Mistakes of Deep Learning in Safety-critical functions

Yurish, Sergey Y (red.). Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence

Stensrud, Erik & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2019)

The Problem of High Confidence Mistakes of Deep Learning in Safety-critical Functions

Yurish, Sergey Y (red.). Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence

Myrtveit, Ingunn; Jez, Vedrana & Johansen, Viggo (2014)

The effect of mindfulness training on emplyees in a dynamic organizational setting

International Journal of Multidisciplinarity in Business and Science, 2(2), s. 13- 19.

Stensrud, Erik & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2012)

Validity and reliability of evaluation procedures in comparative studies of effort prediction models

Empirical Software Engineering, 17(1-2), s. 23- 33. Doi: 10.1007/s10664-011-9183-7

Stensrud, Erik & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2008)

An empirical study of software development productivity in C and C++

NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning

Myrtveit, Ingunn; Bakke, Alexander & Stensrud, Erik (2008)

Measurement of User Satisfaction with Enterprise Portals: An Empirical Study

NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi

Haugland, Sven A.; Haugland, Sven A., Nygaard, Arne & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2007)

Market orientation and performance in the service industry: A data envelopment analysis

Journal of Business Research, 60(11), s. 1191- 1197.

Myrtveit, Ingunn; Stensrud, Erik & Shepperd, Martin (2005)

Reliability and validity in comparative studies of software prediction models

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 31(5), s. 380- 391.

Empirical studies on software prediction models do not converge with respect to the question "which prediction model is best?" The reason for this lack of convergence is poorly understood. In this simulation study, we have examined a frequently used research procedure comprising three main ingredients: a single data sample, an accuracy indicator, and cross validation. Typically, these empirical studies compare a machine learning model with a regression model. In our study, we use simulation and compare a machine learning and a regression model. The results suggest thatit is the research procedure itself that is unreliable. This lack of reliability may strongly contribute to the lack of convergence. Our findings thus cast some doubt on the conclusions of any study of competing software prediction models that used this research procedure as a basis of model comparison. Thus, we need to develop more reliable research procedures before we can have confidence in the conclusions of comparative studies of software prediction models.

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (2005)

Do Arbitrary Function Approximators Make Sense as Software Prediction Models?

Do Arbitrary Function Approximators Make Sense as Software Prediction Models?

Foss, Tron; Myrtveit, Ingunn, Stensrud, Erik & Kitchenham, B. (2003)

A Simulation Study of the Model Evaluation Criterion MMRE

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 29(11), s. 985- 995.

Foss, Tron; Myrtveit, Ingunn, Stensrud, Erik & Kitchenham, B. (2003)

A replicated Empirical Investigation of MMRE

Empirical Software Engineering, 8(2), s. 139- 161.

Lothe, Solveig & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2003)

Compensation Systems for Green Strategy Implementation: Parametric and non-parametric approaches

Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE), 12, s. 191- 203.

Stensrud, Erik & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2003)

Identifying High Performance ERP Projects. Reprint from

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 29(5), s. 398- 416.

Stensrud, Erik; Foss, Tron, Kitchenham, B. & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2002)

An Empirical Validation of the Relationship Between the Magnitude of Relative Error and Project Size

?, s. 3- 12.

Myrtveit, Ingunn (2001)

Eierskap og lederlønninger i norsk næringsliv - spiller det egentlig noen rolle?

?, 4(3), s. 108- 113.

Myrtveit, Ingunn; Stensrud, Erik & Olsson, Ulf Henning (2001)

Analysing data sets with missing data: an empirical evaluation of imputation methods and likelihood-based methods

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 27(11), s. 999- 1013.

Nygaard, Arne & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2000)

Moral Hazard, Competition and Contract Design: Empirical Evidence from Managerial, Franchised and Entrepreneurial Businesses in Norway

Applied Economics, 32(3)

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (1999)

A controlled Experiment to Assess the Benefits of Estimating with Analogy and Regression Models

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 25(4), s. 510- 525.

Lohte, Solveig; Myrtveit, Ingunn & Trapani, Teresa (1999)

Compensation Systems for Improving Environmental Performance

Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE), 8, s. 313- 321.

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Torsvik, G. (1998)

Information Problens and Organization of the Norwegian Gasoline Market

Informasjonsproblem og økonomisk organisering

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Nygaard, Arne (1998)

Kontrollkostnader, konkurranseforhold og valg av ulike lederkontrakter


Hall, Tracy; Counsell, Steve & Myrtveit, Ingunn (1)

Editorial for the special section on Empirical Studies in Software Engineering Selected, and extended papers from the Eighteenth International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, May 13th-14th 2014, London, UK

Information and Software Technology [Kronikk]

Myrtveit, Ingunn; Jez, Vedrana & Johansen, Viggo (2013)

The effect of mindfulness training on employees in dynamic organizational setting

[Academic lecture]. M-Sphere conference.

Jez, Vedrana; Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2013)

Organizational Culture, Managerial Attention and Cognitive Biases in Strategic Decision Making

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society.

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (2009)

User Satisfaction with Search-driven Enterprise portals

[Academic lecture]. ICSOFT conference.

Myrtveit, Ingunn & De Paoli, Donatella Maria (2009)

Leading and manageing creative projects – transferring competence between arts and business

[Academic lecture]. Creative Economy and Beyond conference.

Haugland, Sven A.; Haugland, Sven A., Myrtveit, Ingunn & Nygaard, Arne (2005)

Market Orientation, Customer Satisfaction and Productivity in the Service Industry: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach

[Academic lecture]. FIBE 2005.

Haugland, Sven A.; Haugland, Sven A., Myrtveit, Ingunn & Nygaard, Arne (2005)

Market Orientation and Productivity in the Hotel Industry

[Academic lecture]. 34th EMAC Conference.

A crucial cornerstone in the market orientation literature is the relationship between market orientation and performance. However, we still lack knowledge whether the most market-oriented firms are the most productive and profitable, as few empirical studies have used objective performance measures. By applying data envelopment analysis (DEA), we develop a measure of relative productivity, and test the market orientation model with productivity as performance measure. Based on data from the hotel industry, our results indicate that market orientation has only modest effect on productivity.

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (2005)

Identifying High Performance Construction Projects

[Academic lecture]. ARCOM 2005 conference.

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (2004)

Do arbitrary function approximators make sense as software prediction models?

[Academic lecture]. Workshop on Predictive Software Models (PSM 2004).

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (2004)

SW Cost Estimation:Measuring Model Performance of Arbitrary Function Approximatiors

[Academic lecture]. 8th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2004).

Haugland, Sven A.; Haugland, Sven A., Myrtveit, Ingunn & Nygaard, Arne (2004)

Market Orientation, Customer Satisfaction and Productivity in the Service Industry: A Data Envelopment Analysis

[Report]. Samfunns- og Næringslivsforskning AS.

A crucial cornerstone in the market orientation literature is the relationship between market orientation and performance. Products and services should be designed, developed and offered to customers based on market knowledge, and human and physical assets should be combined to satisfy customers. However, we still lack knowledge whether the most market-oriented firms are the most productive and profitable, as few empirical studies have used objective performance measures. By applying data envelopment analysis (DEA), we develop a measure of relative productivity, and test the market orientation model with productivity as performance measure. Based on data from the hotel industry, our results indicate that market orientation has only modest effect on productivity. However, DEA-productivity analyses can be used to identify best practice in an industry, and if used properly, it can be a useful instrument in the process of designing products and services and be a valuable input into the market orientation of the firm.

Haugland, Sven A.; Haugland, Sven A., Myrtveit, Ingunn & Nygaard, Arne (2004)

Market Orientation, Customer Satisfaction and Productivity in the Service Industry: A Data Envelopment Analysis

[Academic lecture]. 2004 Frontiers in Services Conference.

Foss, Tron; Stensrud, Erik, Kitchenham, B. & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2002)

A Simulation Study of the Model Evaluation Criterion MMRE

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Stensrud, Erik & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2002)

Identifying High Performance ERP Projects

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Stensrud, Erik & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2002)

SW Cost Estimation: Measuring Model Performance of Arbitrary Function Approximators

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Myrtveit, Ingunn; Stensrud, Erik & Olsson, Ulf Henning (2001)

Assessing the Benefits of Imputing ERP Projects with Missing Data

[Academic lecture]. 7th International Software Metrics Symposium.

Foss, Tron; Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (2001)

A Comparison of LAD and OLS Regression for Effort Prediction of Software Projects

[Academic lecture]. 12th European Software Control and Metrics Conference (ESCOM 2001).

Foss, Tron; Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (2001)

MRE and Heteroscedasticity: An Empirical Validation of the Assumption of Homoscedasticity of the Magnitude of Relative Error

[Academic lecture]. 12th European Software Control and Metrics conference.

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (1999)

Benchmarking COTS Projects Using Data Envelopment Analysis

[Academic lecture]. utenTitteltekst.

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (1999)

Does History Add Value to Project Cost Estimation. An Empirical Validation of a Claim in CMM

[Academic lecture]. utenTitteltekst.

Lohte, Solveig; Myrtveit, Ingunn & Trapani, Teresa (1999)

Compensation systems for improving environmental performance

[Academic lecture]. The 1999 International Sustainable Development Research.

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (1999)

Human Performance Estimating with Analogy and Regression Models: An Empirical Validation

[Academic lecture]. 5th IEEE International Symposium on Software Metrics, November 20-21.

Myrtveit, Ingunn & Stensrud, Erik (1999)

The Added Value of Estimation by Analogy: An Industrial Experiment

[Academic lecture]. The European Software Measurement Conference (FESMA 98),May 6-8.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
1995 Norwegian School of Economics, NHH Ph.D Dr. Oecon.
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2022 - Present BI- Norwegian Business School Provost
2007 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor
2015 - 2022 Department of Accounting and operations Management - Head of Department Professor
2011 - 2015 Buskerud University College Adjunct Associate Professor
2012 - 2013 Berkeley University visiting professor
1994 - 2007 BI Norwegian Business School Associate professor
1998 - 2003 BI Norwegian Business School Head of Department of Economics
1997 - 1998 Accenture Experienced Manager
1987 - 1994 BI Norwegian Business School Scholarship Holder/ doctoral student
1990 - 1991 Stanford University Visiting scholar