Employee Profile

Olav Bjerke Soldal

PhD Candidate - Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship


Olav Soldal is a Research Fellow in the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, studying for his PhD within the Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation programme. He is doing his PhD project under the auspices of the SFI (Centre for research-driven innovation) EarthresQue, led by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

Olav received his MSc from the NMBU in International Environmental Studies in 2019. Prior to starting the four-year PhD programme in 2021, Olav was a Research Assistant at BI, assisting in four research projects with a range of researchers at BI. From fall 2019 to fall 2020 he worked on two projects under the Centre for Sustainability and Energy: the Coolcrowd-project and Fjong 2025. Between January and December 2020, Olav also assisted in a project under the BI Centre for Construction, called WAVE. Finally, Olav assisted Prof. Marianne Jahre with the project MIA - Measures for Improved Availability of Medicines and Vaccines, between May and December 2020.


Bjerke Soldal, Olav; Wærp, Hilde Kristine Lyby & Fledsberg Vatne, Camilla (2021)

Mind the gap(s)! Ressursmegling for å kutte det norske matsvinnet

Magma forskning og viten, 25(5), s. 95- 103.

Hvert år kastes rundt en tredjedel av all spiselig mat i Norge. En stor andel av svinnet oppstår før maten når butikkhyllene, hovedsakelig fordi den har «feil» utseende, form eller farge målt mot etablerte standarder. Dette utgjør et betydelig klimagassutslipp, økt press på landareal og stadig voksende avfallsmengder, og det representerer et verditap for den norske økonomien på over 20 milliarder kroner. I produsentleddet finnes det per i dag ikke god statistikk for omfanget av svinn. Fra et faglig perspektiv representerer dette skjulte svinnet et kunnskapsgap for fremgang innen den sirkulære økonomien. Fra et forretningsperspektiv representerer gapet mellom svinn og ressursutnyttelse store muligheter for forretningsmodellinnovasjon og nye verdikonfigurasjoner. Det er store verdier å hente på å utnytte ressursene som kasseres i dagens lineære økonomi. Denne artikkelen peker på ressursmegling via digitale plattformer som en forretningsmodell som kan oppnå betydelige kutt i det norske matsvinnet ved å fungere som et bindeledd mellom avfallsstrømmer og nye bruksområder, ved hjelp av digitale plattformer. Vi benytter resultater fra en forbrukerundersøkelse gjennomført blant norske husstander på temaet «matsvinn og ikke-standard matvarer», og hevder på grunnlag av disse resultatene at det ligger et betydelig verdipotensial i å tette informasjons- og koordineringsgapene som i dag preger matbransjen. Vi forsøker å belyse norske forbrukeres holdninger til «ukurante varer» og diskuterer faktorer for å lykkes med ressursmegling ikke bare innen matbransjen, men også den norske økonomien mer generelt.

Stoknes, Per Espen; Bjerke Soldal, Olav, Hansen, Sissel, Kvande, Ingvar & Skjelderup, Sylvia Weddegjerde (2021)

Willingness to Pay for Crowdfunding Local Agricultural Climate Solutions

Sustainability, 13(16) Doi: 10.3390/su13169227

The recent rise in climate concern among citizens worldwide is coinciding with a rising interest in agricultural climate solutions. The future scaling-up of these solutions, however, requires more knowledge about the mitigation potential, costs and financing options, including crowdfunding (CF). Our objective is to explore the driving factors behind the public’s willingness to pay for crowdfunded climate mitigation projects at the farm level. In this study, four mitigation options from the perspective of farmers were identified: solar panels on the barn roof, biogas from animal manure, drag hoses for improved manure dispersal, and the addition of biochar to soils. The study investigates the optimal characteristics of crowdfunding campaigns to finance such mitigation measures. The most influential factors on the respondents’ WTP is neither climate concern nor proximity, but instead the knowledge regarding CF, combined with how comprehensible and salient the suggested measure is. The main implications are that future projects that aim to achieve broad participation in CF campaigns need to communicate well, to improve both public knowledge of the funding mechanism (CF) itself and the comprehensibility and salience of the agricultural measure.

Soldal, Olav (2021)

Regjeringens kommende strategi for sirkulær økonomi må vise hvor grensen går

Morgenbladet [Kronikk]

Bjerke Soldal, Olav & Sjøvaag, Marit (1)

Innlegg: En mer utrygg verden krever en sirkulær byggenæring

Byggeindustrien [Kronikk]

En mer sirkulær BAE-næring kan være en reell forsikring mot økende forsyningsusikkerhet.

Bjerke Soldal, Olav (2024)

'No Stone Left Unturned. Partnerships for circular aggregates'

[Academic lecture]. GRONEN 2024.

Bjerke Soldal, Olav & Sjøvaag, Marit (2024)

‘On the Road to Circular Aggregates’

[Academic lecture]. IMP Conference 2024.

In this paper we aim to investigate how a group of public agencies and projects sought to develop market agencement through the collaborative governance of market devices for re-framing residual materials in the context of a circular economy for construction aggregates. Our analysis of two cases of market agencement for residual construction aggregates, we identify the introduction, elaboration, and enforcement of new market devices as a key mechanism for re-categorizing residual aggregates as calculable and tradable in the marketplace. This process involved combining and overlaying existing (and historically predominant) market devices for ensuring waste and pollution control, oriented around centralized indicators for allocating ‘pollution allowances’ and limits on ‘contaminated content’, with novel waste re-categorization devices, such as material classification, certification and declaration schemes demonstrating the productive properties and functionality of residual materials. Through prolonged fieldwork, we shadowed key market actors in their endeavour to mobilize commercial and public support for a new market for residual aggregates materials. Our analysis of stakeholder claims and interactions, throughout the two case contexts, unearths the various calculative frames that were introduced to make salient the wastefulness of extant (linear) practices, while simultaneously allowing for (re)evaluating treatment, sorting, and classification activities as valuable and marketable. They achieved this, we argue, through the ‘peripheral vision’ of new calculative devices (Callon & Muniesa, 2005) that downgraded extant practices such as landfilling old, and excavating new, construction aggregates as wasteful and costly, while convincing public authorities of the benefits of facilitating the market exchange of residual aggregates. This, we argue, involves the mutually enforcing processes of regulate-ing and market-ing a set of end-of-waste criteria, which ultimately allowed for the economic and circular organizing of a previously non-economic and un-marketable residual material.

Bjerke Soldal, Olav (2023)

cross-sector collaborative platforms for designing and realizing circular value: The case of aggregates management in Greater Oslo

[Academic lecture]. EGOS 2024.

Bjerke Soldal, Olav (2022)

Presentation: PhD project on circular construction aggregates

[Academic lecture]. Routine Research Community annual workshop.

Otte, Pia; Mæhle, Natalia, Hansen, Sissel, Farstad, Maja, Bjerke Soldal, Olav, Stoknes, Per Espen & Banet, Catherine (2021)

COOLCROWD – en veiledning for lokal folkefinansiering av klimatiltak i landbruket

[Report]. RURALIS - Institutt for rural- og regionalforskning.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2019 Norwegian University of Life Science Master