Digital PhD Defence - Even Comfort Hvinden
- Starts:14:30, 2 March 2021
- Ends:17:00, 2 March 2021
- Location:Digital via Zoom
- Contact:PhD Administration (
PhD Candidate Even Comfort Hvinden, Department of Economics, will defend his thesis for the Doctor Philosophiae degree at BI Norwegian Business School.
Title of the thesis:
“Crude Games: Essays on strategic competition in oil markets”
Title of trial lecture:
“Oil and conflicts: How can oil fuel conflicts and how can the risk of conflicts affect oil development?”
The Evaluation Committee:
- Chair: Assistant Professor Alessia Russo, BI Norwegian Business School
- First Opponent: Professor Soren Anderson, Michigan State University
- Second Opponent: Professor Bård Harstad, University of Oslo
- Professor Ragnar Torvik, BI Norwegian Business School
- Associate Professor Jørgen Juel Andersen, BI Norwegian Business School (Co-supervisor)