Digital PhD Defence - Ilka Ohlmer
PhD Candidate Ilka Ohlmer, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, will defend her thesis for the Doctor Philosophiae Degree at BI Norwegian Business School.
- Starts:10:15, 15 October 2021
- Ends:13:00, 15 October 2021
- Location:Online
- Contact:PhD Administration (
Title of the thesis:
The Social Side of Employee Pay.
Exploring social–psychological outcomes and the explanatory mechanisms of employee pay standing from the social-effects perspective on pay.”
Title of trial lecture: Beyond Pay Dispersion and Communication: Next Steps in Reward Management Research
The Evaluation Committee:
- Chair: Professor Bård Kuvaas, BI Norwegian Business School
- First Opponent: Professor Peter Alan Bamberger, Tel Aviv University
- Second Opponent: Professor Paul Boselie, Utrecht University
- Main supervisor: Professor Anders Dysvik, BI