
Understanding Global Business

8 July 2016

Emil Eike started out his education in the military. Now he is leading Flytoget in to the future as the Commercial Director.

Emil Eike observed the Norwegian airport express train company, Flytoget, from his positions at other public transportation companies. He was curious about the company and impressed with their good result.

Since his personality always is looking for challenges, and he thought Flytoget was a major one, he joined the company in 2014.

– I needed a challenge and I thought they had a major one to continue their success they had they since the start 16 years ago.

You say you like challenges?
– Yes. It gives myself new challenges every second year and take opportunities to travel and work abroad. That has given me the privilege to learn from other cultures.

What is the challenge for Flytoget today?
– The competition we face today is extremely motivating and we want to be this market's equivalent to Apple. It is perhaps an arrogant objective, but definitely something you know will require the most of you and your team.

And you started a program at BI 2013?
– Yes, an Executive MBA. When I reached the age of 45 I got a little bit worried about the next twenty-five years of work. The competition in the job market increases year by year and I felt I had to invest in my own competitiveness. BI offered me a programme of great quality, diversity of cultures and industrial background of the students and the professors. The modules in Singapore, Madrid and San Francisco gave me the international profile I was seeking.

What was most inspiring studying at BI?
– The most inspiring was definitely the numerous discussions we had among the students working on different cases and assignments. It gives you new perspectives as it challenges you to understand the background of your peers and why they present the arguments that they do.

How do you use BIs Alumni Network?
– I meet at the network arrangements as often as I can, in order to try to stay updated on new insight and new business trends.

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