
BI professor part of expert group for better assistance to children and youth

21 March 2017

Professor Bjørn Wessel Hennestad is part of a government-appointed expert group to increase quality in the help given to children and young people who need extra help or special education.

A press release from the government 03.06.2017, says "the expert group's work should include private and public kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. It will look at services for children and young people who need extra help and support in development and learning. There will be appointed an advisory group to the expert group's work with key players from the sectors. "

Variations are too large

Minister of Education, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, says in the press release, that the variations from the different municipalities are too large when it comes to the offer children receive, and that all children and young people should be part of an inclusive kindergarten and school environment.

He also says that one of the objectives of the expert group's report is to give everyone who work in kindergartens and schools a better basis for choosing the instruments and measures that are best suited for children.

The expert group consists of professionals and researchers in kindergartens and schools in Norway, Denmark and Sweden, and they are:

  • Professor Thomas Nordahl, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Hamar
  • Professor Bengt Persson, University of Borås, Sweden
  • Associate Professor Camilla Brørup Dyssegaard, Danish School of Education - Danish Clearinghouse for Educational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Professor Bjørn Wessel Hennestad, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo
  • Researcher/PhD Mari Vaage Wang, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo
  • Principal / Head of Unit Judith Ellinor Martinsen, Prestvannet School, Tromsø.
  • Lecturer Elin Kragset Vold, Thor Heyerdahl High School, Larvik
  • Subject and Quality Director Pia Paulsrud, Espira kindergartens, Oslo
  • Head of schools Trond Johnsen, Lillehammer municipality
You can also see all news here .