
Received award for best theoretical paper

14 August 2019

With his co-authors, Professor Gabriel R.G Benito won the FIU/AIB Best Theory Paper Award at the annual meeting of the Academy of International Business in Copenhagen.

"Bent, Lawrence and I are really happy to receive this award. AIB is the most important academy within the field of “International Business” and this annual meeting was bigger than ever before, with 1400 participants and 800 contributions. It goes without saying that it feels good to receive this award", says professor Benito.

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The annual meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB) took place in Copenhagen just before the summer holidays and the most important awards were distributed at the closing session on June 27. Here, Benitos paper «Mode Flexibility: What are the Tradeoffs and How to Deal with Them?» was announced winner of the «FIU/AIB Best Theory Paper Award». The article is co-authored with Bent Petersen (CBS) and Lawrence Welch (Melbourne Business School).

"The scientific cooperation with Bent and Lawrence goes back a long way. We have written together on the economical organizing of international activities since the 1990s, alternating between theoretical and empirical research. This contribution is theoretical, but also clearly aimed at practical application. We subscribe to the idea that “nothing is more practical than good theory, Benito continues”.

The award, sponsored by Florida International University, is presented annually at the AIB Annual Meeting to recognize a paper with superior theory development. This year the members of the selection commitee was P.J. Buckley (University of Leeds), J. Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) og S. Kundu (Florida International University).

You can also see all news here .