
Alumni Awards 2018

13 June 2018

Five former BI students who have excelled in their professional field and who have contributed to the development of BI, received recognition at the Alumni Reunion on June 1st.

This year's BI Alumni Awards were handed out at the Alumni Reunion at Sentralen in Oslo, as a part of BIs 75th anniversary celebrations, to honour some of our many alumni who make a difference. Jan Langfeldt and Per Wolff, Kristin H. Holth, Javad Mushtaq and Tor Arnesen received this year's honours.
Javad Mushtaq received the Young Alumni Award for his social entrepreneurship.
The winners received the award for their leadership, for their social engagement, and for their contribution in the development of our school, our students and the alumni network.

Langfeldt and Wolff graduated in 1957, while Arnesen is currently completing his degree this year. You can read more about the awards and award winners below.

Jan Langfeldt and Per Wolff received the Distinguished Alumni Award for keeping in touch with BI and their fellow alumni from 1957.

Young Alumni Award

Javad Mushtaq, Corporate Strategy, Aker Solutions & Social Entrepreneur - MSc (Honors) in Business and Economics 2012
During his student days, Javad was a driving force in developing and creating inclusive arenas for students with minority backgrounds at BI. Alongside his career in Aker Solutions, he still has a strong commitment to social entrepreneurship. He is, among other things, founder of MAK, an organization that works to increase Norwegian competitiveness through focus on intercultural competence as a competitive advantage. He is head of Global Shapers Oslo, an initiative from the World Economic Forum, and adviser to Plan X - Pakistan's largest tech accelerator. Javad is also a part of the Government Expert Committee for Education, and a member of BI's Alumni Advisory Board.

Distinguished Alumni Award

Jan Langfeldt and Per Wolff - Bachelor 1957
Jan and Per have successfully kept the class of 1957 together, and are role models for today's alumni. Their 25th anniversary was celebrated with BI's founder Finn Øien in attendance. They have since celebrated 50, 55, and last year, their 60th anniversary together. BI has in recent years also had the pleasure of having several alumni from their class with us at other BI Alumni events. They exemplify what a lifelong network can acheieve and are excellent ambassadors for BI's Alumni network.

Kristin H. Holth, Global Head of Ocean Industries in DNB at DNB – Master of Business and Economics 1984
As DNB’s global head of ocean industries, Kristin was named the world’s most influential person within shipping finance in 2014 by Lloyd’s. As a female leader in a global industry, traditionally dominated by men, Kristin has emerged as a role model. She has built her career stone by stone, and has spent a lot of time motivating employees to broaden their skillset. Kristin values qualities like courage and curiosity. She has shown courage to make changes and to lead when needed. Kristin is a member of BIs International Advisory Board and has been profiled recently as one of our "Alumni of the week".

Alumni Volunteer of the Year

Tor Arnesen, Chair of the Board of Directors A/S Norske Shell - Master of Management 2018
Tor is one of BI's most committed ambassadors, contributing in an analytical and creative way. He holds lectures and recruits on career days, and can be seen in several BI videos. He shares his network, expertise and broad top management experience from Norske Shell and ONS with the students. He is a role model and creative motivator. Tor is also a member of BI's Alumni Advisory Board.

Tor and Kristin were not able to be be present at the ceremony and will receive their awards on a later occasion.

Tor Arnesen is Alumni Volunteer of the Year

The award recipients were nominated by alumni and staff from BI. If you missed out this year you will get another chance in 2019 to nominate fellow alumni who deserve to be recognised in this way!

You can also see all news here .