Excerpt from course description

Business Models for the Sharing Economy


The course will present sharing economy fundamentals and give training in tools to develop a business model for an approproate sharing community. It provides an introduction to the emergence of the sharing economy and comparison of different sharing economies. The major part of the course is practical work with business modelling.The students will enhance their understanding of the complexities involved in identifying business opportunities for a sharing economy company. The course provides learning opportunities about ways and skills required to mobilize and allocate scare resources from non-compatible sources.

The sharing economy has been around for a while, in open source software communities, consumption and brand tribes, and social entrepreneurs' networks. However, the global reach of the sharing economy is made possible by the influence of digital platforms. This technology has disruptive effects and extends opportunities for economic participation to consumers and to remote areas. In this lies its potential to fuel economic and social growth, but there is as yet a fair number of hurdles for entrepreneurs who want to start and run sharing economy companie and incumbent companies that aim to revise their business models. The course will give the students concepts and analytical tools to identify and evaluate business opportunities and business models based on different combinations of financial, technological and social resources.

Course content

Day 1. Fundamentals
Sharing economy fundamentals
Business modelling

Day 2: Platforms



Day 3: Business models refinement

Customer segments

Revenue streams

Day 4. Finalising the business model

Each day:
· In groups, design of a sharing  business model

Case discussions

- Testing basic assumptions

Day 3. Group work and plenary

Revision of the business model

Resource identification and use

Financing a sharing business

Community impact

Day 4. Lecture, group work and plenary
Managment in sharing business

Sharing economy dilemmas

Comparing the business models

There will also be guest lectures


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.